The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12525   Message #99330
Posted By: katlaughing
26-Jul-99 - 01:34 PM
Thread Name: The Most Romantic Song You Know???
Subject: RE: The Most Romantic Song You Know???
Naw, Douger, you're not getting old! Young phoaks just hafta hear everything twice to get it, doncha know?!**BG**

I bought my mom and dad a boxed record set by REader's Digest of WWII songs by all the original artists. I'd grown up hearing them, anyway, but I think my kids and I heard them more than my parents after getting those records. I esp. like some of the ones you mentioned. Also Marlene Dietrich's "Faling in Love, again".

My very first love was a MExican American from Farmington, NM. I was 13 and he was 16 and a perfect gentleman. All summer we listened to the Lonely Bull (our song) by the Tijuana Brass and the one, I think it's called Bus Stop, "that umbrella, we employed it, by August she was mine", etc.

WW- since I don't pay as much attention to lyrics as I should, I find some instrumental pieces to be incredibly romantic, including several piano pices by my brother. They are full of love, angst, etc. One girlfriend even insisted that his "Romance No. 1" deserved to have some words put to it.

Also, "The Lover's Waltz" by Jay Ungar & Molly Mason. And, (taking a deep breath, goes on) any and all songs on Donovan's Sutras cd.

AND, (another sigh and breath)....the song from Legends of the Fall...can't remember the name right now.

As for doing it to music...try Dire Straits, Sultans of Swing album or Enigma' first album!

katlaughinglongingsighing-be still my heart!