The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61708 Message #993361
Posted By: Charley Noble
30-Jul-03 - 10:32 AM
Thread Name: China Sea Marine Trading Co. Party 8/16 (Maine)
Subject: China Sea Marine Trading Co. Party 8/16
You are cordially invited to a grand potluck/singing party on Saturday, August 16th, from 4 pm to midnight, co-hosted by China Sea Marine Trading Company and Roll & Go, at the Bunker-Bondroff Estate in Gray, Maine. Bring musical instruments, food, beverage of choice, nomadic furniture, and tents if you prefer to stay over night. Primary activities will take place in a large field below the main house and barn (inside the barn if the weather is less than clement). > RSVP
We will respond with more specific navigational clues. > Cheerily, Charley Noble et al