Here I am as you diskiver, All de way from roaring river; Here I cum, as you must know, For to play de ole banjo.
O lud gals, gib me chaw tobacco, O lud gals, fotch on de whiskey, My head swims, and I feel a little tipsey
Way down by de Indian Nation, Dar's pretty little gals from de wild goose nation My wife's dead, and I'll get annudder, Pretty little yaller gal jest like the todder.
O lud gals, gib me chaw tobacco, &c.
Ole Masca Miller goes out a preachin', 'Bout de world coming to pieces, An' if you want to do what's right, Go an' join de Millerite.
O lud gals, gib me chaw tobacco, &c.
Summer time has come at last, Old cold winter's gone and past; Fourth July we'll have a lark, And see de sojers in de Park.
O lud gals, gib me chaw tobacco, &c.
Fourth July, without any flattery, Is a great day down on de battery; De coannon roar, and so loudly clatter, Get your eye put out wid a fire cracker.