The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61705   Message #993667
Posted By: GUEST,Q
30-Jul-03 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Gimme Chaw Tobacco
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Gimme Chaw Tobacco
Listened to "Gimme Chaw Tobacco" by the Red Hots- incomprehensible. Mostly an instrumental, not the old minstrel song. Hear it here:

Gimme Chaw Tobacco

Also recorded by Carter Brothers and Son, Mississippi String Bands, vol. 1, 1928-1935, Document DOCD-8009, 1997 (1928) cd.
Also Dillards, Chaw T'baccer, Elektra EKS-7265, 1964 LP.