The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61544 Message #994385
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
31-Jul-03 - 02:43 PM
Thread Name: 'Blue Bottle Special' CD
Subject: RE: 'Blue Bottle Special' CD
Tell me how many you think you'd need, because it may make a difference in the cost. But I might be able to wrangle a nice price for the 'Cat--at sixty cents each the press doubles their money on them already. I don't think I could get it below that--it's the price they offer campus customers. 100 would be $60, so sell five and you've broken even and paid to ship them. This price doesn't include sleeves or plastic containers, just the CD itself. It does include a black ink lable being printed on it (designed however you want to send it, fit to their template).