The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61771   Message #994633
Posted By: izzy
31-Jul-03 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: Fiddle wrist problem --advice requested
Subject: Fiddle wrist problem --advice requested
Hallo, this is for all you experienced fiddlers out there. I've been fiddling seriously for about a year and a half, but I have a problem with my wrist. It's OK if I fiddle slowly, but as soon as I start to go fast I get quite a lot of fatigue and pain in my wrist. I've noticed that some fiddlers wear a kind of a wrap or a brace-like structure around their right wrist when they fiddle, a bit like what pro tennis players wear. Would it weaken the muscles in my wrist if I were to wear one? Should I wear one, and if so what is it called and where can I get it (or how could I make it)?

Sorry for all the questions, but I'm strictly an amateur, never 'ad a lesson in me life, and what I don't know about fiddle paraphernalia would fill several large tomes!

