The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61773   Message #994746
Posted By: khandu
31-Jul-03 - 11:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Joe Offer Celebration Thread
Subject: BS: The Joe Offer Celebration Thread
Most of you know the greatly respected

Joe Offer,

and if you know anything about him, you know he does not like birthday threads. In fact, some would say he hates them.
I have pondered this for quite a while. Why would anyone hate birthday threads?
Just to be sure, I checked the Mudcat birthday list and I found that, true to form, the greatly respected

Joe Offer

did not include his birthday in the list.
However, he did include his birth month, August (So proper that such an august fellow as the greatly respected

Joe Offer

be born this month!)!

"Eureka!", I shouted, joyfully!. I realized the obvious answer to the question...The greatlt respected

Joe Offer

doesn't like birthday threads, because they do not last long enough!!! I mean...the day is done and gone in 24 hours! Not enough time for the birthday boy/girl to fully enjoy the festivities.

By his inclusion of his birth month, I conclude that what he really desires are "birthmonth" threads! What a grandly wonderful fellow he is!

Therefore, it is with joyful mirth and gleeful pleasure that I begin this month on the right foot. This is the first day of the wonderfully grand

Joe Offer's

birthmonth so I say loudly and proudly;

