The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61773   Message #995127
Posted By: Bert
01-Aug-03 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Joe Offer Celebration Thread
Subject: RE: BS: The Joe Offer Celebration Thread
Well, I don't think that I can even come close to Ol' Spaw's story, but I swear this one is true as well.

A couple or three years ago, when I first went to one of those Getaways, I met our Joe for the first time. Now ya know that here on Mudcat he comes across as a pompous ol' git at times.

Well of course he is the one leading the song/story session around the campfire. He must have been up against some other event at the time 'cos there weren't many adults there, just us kids.

Well there was our Joe doing his stuff. Now knowing Joe only from his Mudcat postings I was expecting everyone to be sitting there in a circle with our Joe playing a guitar and leading them all in Kumbaya or some similarly inspiring ditty. But was he? NOOooo, He has this hat on that looks something like an upside down floppy version of one of Guy Wolff's flower pots, and he's standing there in the firelight, balanced on one leg with his arms outstretched emitting these weird sounds.

Cor, the things you see when you haven't got your gun!

I'm not too sure about the outstreched arms bit either, methinks maybe he's a wannabe preacher *GRIN*

So have a good month, Joe y'ol fart.