The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61801   Message #995377
Posted By: Frankham
01-Aug-03 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: Anyone Here for California Governor?
Subject: RE: Anyone Here for California Governor?
I lived in Los Angeles for too many years. I saw California deteriorate under Reagan. Brown picked it up a little in my view.
Arnold will undoubtably run and this is a Hollywood pattern. Reagan, George Murphy, Shirley Temple Black...many filmland folks wind up into politics. Clint as mayor of Carmel.

My question is this. Which reality will prevail? That of the movie industry or the cognizance of the real social problems of California such as isolated children in pockets of LA who don't have access to cars, or those who must ride a terrible transportation system in LA,
the cutting down of timberland indiscriminately in Northern California, the escalating of housing costs, energy drain etc. Or will there be Disneyland in perpetuity?

Mickey Mouse for governor?

Frank Hamilton