The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61303   Message #995728
Posted By: NicoleC
02-Aug-03 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Howard Dean's Blog
Subject: RE: BS: Howard Dean's Blog
Dean is the only candidate that has successfully killed legislation (H645) in Vermont that would have protercted patients with cancer, AIDS and MS from arrest and imprisonment who use marijuana on a doctor's recommendation.

Now he claims it only would take 60 days to get FDA approval for medicinal marijuana -- which is hogwash, as any pharmeceutical company will tell you. Of course, no drug company will sponsor it for FDA approval, because they can't patent it. Ergo, no FDA approval.

So what DOES Dean think? And how much is he whitewashing the issue now when 80% of Americans support its use in terminally ill patients? Or as Dean says, he's "clarifying" his position, which looks like "clarifying" himself into a position that will offend as few people as possible.

On another note, while Dean was lobbying for ordinary Americans to match the contributions to Cheney's big fundraiser dinner, on Thursday he had his own $2000 per plate dinner fundraiser in SF for "ordinary" Americans.

The more I read about Dean, the more he looks like just another politician. Better that Bush? Probably. But hardly the straight-shooter he claims to be (don't all politicians say that?)

Then again, I don't have to worry about which Dem to vote for in the primary, since none of them will be appearing on my ballot. :)