The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61773   Message #995773
Posted By: catspaw49
02-Aug-03 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Joe Offer Celebration Thread
Subject: RE: BS: The Joe Offer Celebration Thread
Khandu, you flaming asshole! You're having this party and you didn't contract the Boys for the porta-potty business? Man, they need the money! Ya' see they got all new crappers on casters now and their first job didn't go well. They got 6 giant 12 foot fiberglass pigs from a Bob Evans Farm display and converted them to outhouses. Really, they're kinda' neat. See, they had been in a trough eating position but the boys stood them on their butts and mounted the caster platform underneath so now you have these smiling pigs with doors in their bellies. Actually they are pretty roomy inside and the Boys decorated them with pictures inside of barbeque ribs and the like. Plus they added an air freshening device which spurts out either sausage or bacon aromas to cover the "other smells."

Sadly, the first job they signed on for was in Fort Lauderdale for what Cletus told me was a "Benny Bright" fundraiser. Off they went and things went badly when they arrived and the folks at the fundraiser were incensed and threatened to have them arrested. Cletus called me all confused about it and I couldn't figure it out either until I realized that "Benny Bright" was a Cletus interpretation of B'nai B'rith.......then it made sense.

In any case, they're out of money and hanging out around Valdosta, Georgia where they ran out of money on their way back here. If you think you could see your way clear to send them a few bucks travelling money, I think they could help out with the festivities while also providing sanitation services with their business, PPPP Comfort Stations (Pink Pig Porta-Pissers.)
