The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61833   Message #995907
Posted By: *daylia*
03-Aug-03 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Advise on grooming old pussy
Subject: BS: Advise on grooming old pussy
Hi all! Inspired by all the helpful advice on another thread about catching young pussy, I'm starting this one in the hopes that someone will be able to help me out ...

My twelve-year old cat Roo and I have always been best buds, except for one thing. She's black and has a very thick undercoat of grey fuzzy fur which she sheds year-round at what seems like the rate of about a lb. a day.

She absolutely HATES to be combed or brushed -- two strokes and she's hissing and biting at me. After a few minutes of chasing her around armed with a comb, I just give up. I've still got the scratch marks on my ankles from the last time I tried.

You can't even pat her without bringing up handfuls of this gray stuff, which is really a drag because her coat is so soft and nice to the touch. I have to vacuum nearly every day -- the floor and the furniture, or they'd disappear in short order under the layers of grey fuzz. No kidding.

Lately I've been wondering if the comb just hurts her becuase that undercoat is so very fine and thick. I've had her since she was four weeks old, so I know she was never viciously attacked by a comb! I decided long ago to just accept her "complex" about being combed and resigned myself to the daily vacuuming instead, rather than Roo-ining my relationship with the Roo!

I've told her many times that she'd feel SO much better if she'd just tolerate my combing attempts -- she wouldn't be horking up so many hairballs either. No go.

If anyone has any advice, short of knocking her out a couple times a week for a grooming session (I've considered that, believe me!) I'd really appreciate it!
