The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61833   Message #995974
Posted By: NicoleC
03-Aug-03 - 01:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Advise on grooming old pussy
Subject: RE: BS: Advise on grooming old pussy
Pumice can be bought anywhere where cleaning supplies are sold or foot care products -- it's handy, versatile stuff. (Gets those mineral deposits off toilets, too.)

Daylia, does your cat insist on watching you get ready in the morning? If so, she sees you brush yourself every day with no ill consequences. You might try a regular hair brush, and work up to the full body brushing. My kitty will only tolerate a "human" brush, and has gone from disliking being brushed (with a pet brush) to standing on the counter meowing and trying to get me to brush her hair too! She's shedding like crazy and I gotta brush her every day and she's still hacking up hairballs every now and then.

Meanwhile, the hand mitt is probably a good bet. I suspect that grooming combs hurt and yank out the hair. Dogs mostly tolerate them, but most cats are more finicky.