The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2312   Message #9960
Posted By: Joe Offer
01-Aug-97 - 02:34 AM
Thread Name: Song Circle Locations
Subject: RE: Song Circle Locations
I seem to find myself defending "Rise Up Singing" all the time, and I wonder how I got into that position. It's just a book, for heaven's sake, a book of 1200 good songs that somebody worked hard to put together. Well, maybe it's 1,000 good songs and 200 songs that make me gag; but that's still pretty good. I think it's admirable that these good people want to come out with another 1200 songs. It, too, will be a good resource. Heck, it's certainly more portable than the Digital Tradition.
I guess all this criticism upsets my sense of fairness, and I think it smacks of elitism. I think I can safely say that people who rely heavily on RUS are people who don't have the musical experience that many of us here have. I sing in groups three times a week, and I've led group singing for over 30 years, since I was in high school. Most of the people in my song circle sing once a month, and many prefer styles of music other than folk. The book serves as an equalizer - people who don't know other songs can pick one from the book to share with the group. I admit I mostly pick songs from the book myself, because I don't want to hog the show. I usually pick one song an evening that we can sing with the book closed, and there are others who do that or who bring photocopied songs. I kind of think a good song circle depends on the talent and sensitivity of the members who do have musical ability. Our "core people" get together every once in a while for a good jam session, and to discuss the direction where we want to take the circle. We generally agree that a good circle needs leadership, but that those who provide the leadership must do it almost invisibly, so everyone feels equal.
We must be doing something right. We have 30 to 40 people attend the Sacramento Song Circle every month, and we have started circles in Davis, Auburn, and even in Reno, Nevada. We also draw people from the song circles to sing in the Sacramento Labor Chorus.
Best of all, we all have a good time. That's what it's all about, isn't it?
-Joe Offer-