The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61666   Message #996348
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Aug-03 - 08:09 AM
Thread Name: August Punch the Horse
Subject: RE: August Punch the Horse
I see that you lot of fools are still blathering on9 incessantly in what can only be termed outrageous BS...yet unlike the rest of us who enjoy our BS openly, you are not confined to the9 seamy nether regions of the Mudcat board, in the official BS ghetto, down below the serious, true, and worthy folk material that is contained in the upper section.

I find this disgusting! It's unfair and 9prejudicial.

Punch the Horse threads should be labelled as what they are...utter rubbish and irredeemable BS of the very worst sort!

This just goes to show the blatant9 hypocrisy that is practiced on this 9forum by the holier-than-thou snots who pretend9 to govern it in a fair and rational way.

Well, I'm glad I got that off my chest. :-) Feel free to carry on, chaps!

- LH