The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61817   Message #996478
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
04-Aug-03 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: August Shanty Session at the Press Room
Subject: RE: Drifting (with the tide?) OT...
Thanks for the update on the "Constellation", Cpt. Charlie!

I don't usually get "Wooden Boat" but picked one up a year or more ago that had a very interesting article about her restoration. That stuff facinates me, and I'd love to work on a project like that some day.

It seems that the article mentioned the argument over whether she was extensively rebuilt or a new ship that used a few spare parts from the old one - which indeed seems to be the case.

Do you know if they ever put the restoration / replica (another rather gray area, apparently) out to sea or intend to visit other Ports?
If she ever comes to Portland I may have to make the trip down there to check it out!
I've read where local Civil War Reenactors serve as "Crew" down in Baltimore on special occasions.

For really definitive answers on any of this nautical trivia, Cpt. Bunker is the man to ask; I don't think that there is much he doesn't know about that stuff. If it carries more than a quarter-acre of sail, he's probably sailed aboard her and is an old compadre of the Captain.

I might be down your way later today - I need some pine tar to make up a batch of Old fashioned "Down East Deck Wash" with which to annoint an outhouse I'm building for our campsite up in Winthrop.
Hopefully, the porcupines will not acquire a taste for it!

Hanson Marine on Fore St. seems to be the only place in the area that carries it - that's in your "'Hood", isn't it?