The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60711   Message #996777
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
04-Aug-03 - 09:08 PM
Thread Name: Music of US Civil War & Irish Immigrants
Subject: RE: Music of US Civil War & Irish Immigrants
Thanks for the facinating info on the "Jamestown"! This seems to lend credence to the impression that for whatever reason, unarmed Merchant vessels alone were not considered to be up to the job of delivering relief to the starving Irish.

The date you give sounds about right for what I read in that old History Text - I wish I knew where I stashed it!

    Veeeeellly Eeeenteresting, as the guy in the yellow raincoat and PickleHelm riding the tricycle around (and frequently tipping over) on "Laugh In" used to say. Anyone remember him?

Isn't it facinating how little tidbits of History turn up in the Old Songs; even the ones we were supposed to have forgotten about(?).

The Old Jamestown certainly served the cause of Freedom and Humanity well, didn't she?

Does anybody suppose that it might deserve as much credit in History as the "Amistaad"? If I had a bazillion dollars burning a hole in my pocket, I'd consider having her replicated, too.

We'd probably have no shortage of Reenactors and Mudcatters to Crew her, either, eh?