The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61303   Message #996857
Posted By: Alice
05-Aug-03 - 12:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Howard Dean's Blog
Subject: RE: BS: Howard Dean's Blog
Fionn, here is the statement on economic policy:

Governor Howard Dean, MD

Long-term vision – As Governor of Vermont, Howard Dean based his budget policy on the sound principles of keeping
spending growth in check, avoiding long-term structural fiscal drags, relying on conservative revenue forecasts and paying
down the state debt.
From shortfalls to surpluses – Dean inherited a $70 million deficit – 11% of the budget. By 2001 Vermont enjoyed a
$10 million surplus. So when other states fell deeply into debt in recent years, Vermont (the only state not required to
balance its budget) remained in strong fiscal health.
Paying down the debt – Dean paid down Vermont's debt by 29% in 5 years. As a result, VT's bond rating rose from the
lowest in New England to the highest.
Resisting the sirens' call – Vermont economic expert Jeff Carr notes that Dean "resisted the sirens' call of fiscal
irresponsibility." Vermont's Republican Governor Jim Douglas said of Dean, "He's been a good partner fiscally."
Taming the marginal rate – When Howard Dean took office, Vermont had the nation's highest marginal tax rates.
During his tenure, Dean cut income taxes twice, bringing the top marginal rate down from 13.5% to 9.5%
Cutting taxes fairly – Dean made sure that all Vermonters, not just upper-bracket earners, enjoyed tax cuts. He also
eliminated the highly regressive sales tax on clothing and shoes and removed thousands of low income Vermonters from
the income tax rolls entirely. While many states have a regressive state tax structures, Vermont has one of the most
progressive state tax systems in the nation.
Cutting taxes responsibly – Howard Dean believes in long-term fiscal prudence. That's why when President Bush
passed his huge tax cut for the wealthy, Dean decoupled Vermont's income tax rates from the federal rates – ensuring that
Vermont would not be dragged into deficit by Bush's short-sighted fiscal policy

Putting Vermonters back to work – When Howard Dean became Governor, Vermont's unemployment rate was 6.9%,
slightly higher than the national average. By the time Dean left office, Vermont's unemployment rate was 3.7%, far below
the national rate of 6.0%.
Creating jobs – Under Dean's tenure, Vermont added an astounding 56,000 new jobs, a 20% increase in the workforce.
Better wages – Governor Dean worked to create higher paying jobs. In 2001 the average income in Vermont grew 8th
fastest in the country.
High tech jobs – Dean understands that technology will help drive the 21st century economy. That's why he focused on
bringing high tech jobs to Vermont. The state now ranks 5th in high tech jobs per capita, with 3500 such jobs created
between 1993 and 2000 alone.

Attracting business to Vermont – Howard Dean implemented, as he put it, "the most advanced package of economic
development incentives in the country." The package was designed to bring 8,500 jobs and $1.5 billion in economic
activity to Vermont by 2004. 80 businesses and 12 municipalities have taken advantage of the package so far, helping to
expanded business in Vermont.
Revitalizing downtowns –Dean developed incentives to bring businesses back to Vermont's downtowns, creating jobs
and activity in Vermont's cities and towns and controlling sprawl in Vermont's suburbs and wilderness.
Renewing manufacturing – New England manufacturing was hit hard by the 1991 recession. Under Dean, Vermont
established policies encouraging Vermont manufacturers to invest in new capital in Vermont. The results: hundreds of
new quality manufacturing jobs.
Northeastern Dairy Compact - Governor Dean was the driving force behind the Northeastern Dairy Compact
(NEDC). He has been called that program's "champion." The Northeastern Dairy Compact brought about $60 million to
Vermont farmers and about $180 million to Vermont's agriculture economy overall.
(This information was produced by Dean For America.)