The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61877   Message #996879
Posted By: Kaleea
05-Aug-03 - 01:07 AM
Thread Name: Jimmy Cagney - guitar player ?
Subject: RE: Jimmy Cagney - guitar player ?
I recall reading an autobiography by an oldtime Hollywood actor--can't remember exactly which one--who told of a time when he & some of the boys (actors) from the studio, James Cagney included, the girls would be provided, were at so & so the big hollywood leading man's house, & James Stuart & can't remember who else seated playing the Piano, Jimmy Cagney brought his guitar, & assorted starlets (up & coming actress) & actors singing. I knew that Jimmy Stuart played piano from the Johnny Carson "Tonight Show" but had not known about Cagney. I suppose that since I play both piano & guitar, it stuck in my mind. Either that or I had never thought of Cagney as a guitarist--why? Could it be that I'd never seen him with a musical instrument 'cept for his feet & singing.
Other rarely know musicians include :
Phyllis Diller was a terrific classical pianist. Charro (yes, the coohchiecoohchie girl) was raised in a nunnery in Brazil & is a good guitarist--plays quite good "classical" style Spanish music! Cindi Lauper plays the Mountain Dulcimer. Funny how we seem to put entertainers into a category & are shocked when we find they have fine talents we knew nothing of.