The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61892   Message #997120
Posted By: JennyO
05-Aug-03 - 11:04 AM
Thread Name: Help: A difficult move-JennyO needs support
Subject: BS: A difficult move-JennyO needs support
As I have mentioned on a couple of other threads, I have been having big flatmate problems lately. These are two brothers who think they can bully me because they are two young men against one middle aged woman. One of them wrote me a nasty note a few weeks ago, DEMANDING that I put my computer in my bedroom, instead of the living room. The note sounded so threatening that I did it, because I was afraid they would move it for me and do some damage. Then they refused to pay phone bills or share out the other bills fairly. It's too long to go into here but lots of other things have happened or are not acceptable, so that I don't feel at home any more. I feel like I am under siege. This may well be their intention to make me feel this way and make me leave, and at first, I wanted to dig in and refuse to let them win.

However, I have not been happy lately. I like the house - it will be hard to leave it, but at just the right time I have had an offer too good to refuse, from a lovely person in the Sydney folk scene, to share his house. This is a person that I think of very highly, and I can afford it. I think I would be silly not to grab the chance while I can, so with lots of misgivings about moving - I have so much stuff and I HATE MOVING! - I have given my notice at the agent, and will be moving on the weekend of the 23rd & 24th this month.

I will be telling the "brothers grim" about my intentions this Sunday, and I am expecting fireworks, when they realize that when I leave I will be taking MY frig, MY washing machine, MY microwave, toaster oven, jug, toaster, saucepans etc etc, which they have been taking for granted and using.

They will then have to decide whether they want to stay or go, and if they want to stay, they will have to sign another lease and commit to staying at least another six months. The real troublemaker, the more recently arrived brother, is not on the lease at the moment. I have had to do it this way in order to get my bond back. It may not suit them to have to decide in 2 weeks, and this might make them angry, too.

Because they have got angry, shouted and waved their fists around in the past when I have tried to talk to them, I am concerned that they might get angry or spiteful enough to damage some of my belongings,(hopefully not me too). I will probably inform the local police in advance too, just in case.

So I am smuggling out some important things like musical instruments, CDs, photos, important papers and other nik naks that I value. This has not proved easy, as there is nearly always someone home, so it is very cloak and dagger, and very stressful. The adrenalin is running so high, I can feel my blood pressure rising, my stomach churning and my nerves fraying. I have major problems getting to sleep most nights, being always on edge and hyper-vigilant.

Apart from myself, the most valuable thing I own is my computer, so this Saturday, when I go and visit my son and daughter-in-law and new grandson Max, I will be taking it up there to Gosford for him to mind. Once I have moved, he can bring it back down and re-connect it. But I will be offline for 2 to 3 weeks.

So this thread is partly to let you all know why I will not be on Mudcat for a while after this Friday, but also because I feel like I need all the support I can get in the next few days. Any thoughts and good vibes and virtual hugs will be very gratefully received, and will help a lot.

While I am out of touch, I am hoping Sandra or Jennie G can post here and let you know how it is going. Once it is over, I will be able to relax for the first time in a very long time, and be able to concentrate on the important things in life, like music, and fun and gardening and festivals and music and knitting and music and poetry and friends and music and food and music and music............

Jenny (nervous but hopeful)