The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61925   Message #997848
Posted By: GUEST,Barb Haworth-Attard
06-Aug-03 - 08:55 AM
Thread Name: Children's song c. 1862
Subject: Children's song c. 1862
I wondered if you would be able to provide me with a bit of information. I am a Canadian children's author and am presently working on a book for Scholastic Canada's "Dear Canada" series on the 1862 Cariboo gold rush in British Columbia.
My character, a 13 year old girl, Methodist upbringing, British background, originally from Ontario, is singing a song to keep her spirits up - and I must admit, though I've done some search through the National Library and other sites, I can not quite find a popular tune of that era with which a 13 year old girl, ie. a folk song, something her mother sang to her. My character accompanies the Overlanders on the journey from Fort Garry to the Cariboo and they carried instruments and had music evenings frequently. Do you have any suggestions? Many thanks,