The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61833   Message #998294
Posted By: *daylia*
06-Aug-03 - 10:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Advise on grooming old pussy
Subject: RE: BS: Advise on grooming old pussy
A beaver stuffed with pussy hair? A pussy cap? Oh Liz, that sounds just purrrr - fectly ingenious! Only on Mudcat can one find such creative inspiration!   :>)

Actually, I was just thinking about what to do with all this fuzz as I groomed her -- for the second hiss-free time! -- today. (Well, it's not really hiss-free, but that's because you can only ever pat the Roo for a few minutes or so before she starts "playing", mitt or no mitt. As LH said.   She grew up with my 3 sons, who tried to turn her into the Teen-age Mutant Ninja Cat or something, and she's never gotten over all that teasing. Fiesty little beast, she is ...)

Giok, that chamois IS pretty smug ... :>)

Thank you all again! And LH, the wind-tunnels' good, but the umbrella is the best yet ...
