The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61948   Message #998517
Posted By: GUEST
07-Aug-03 - 03:29 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Summer Story: The Martian Attack
Subject: RE: Mudcat Summer Story: The Martian Attack
AhHdewronron dove into the ice tower of the Supreme Clarboth - secure in the knowledge that the higher officials of the Clarbothick were all occupied with the impending invasion of Nextinner (known to the indegines as "earth"). The play of light through the dust impregnated ice glowed softly in the near-purple; casting AhHdewronron's scales into near-ecstacy - and incidentally displaying them to the best advantage to the Clarboth personal's event-adjucator coiled in the closest niche of the tower's interior. AhHdewronron had been waiting for many slowmoon cycles for the event-adjucator's non-neuter phase to coincide with AhHdewronron's own phase shift. At last - the time had arrived.