The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61801   Message #998670
Posted By: Bill D
07-Aug-03 - 08:27 PM
Thread Name: Anyone Here for California Governor?
Subject: RE: Anyone Here for California Governor?
hmmm...Ok...I radically overstated the effects of Prop 13. I do wonder though, if that was not the genesis of a mindset toward "no more taxes than we feel like paying". (not accusing..just wondering)

I am always curious about the root causes of a $30+ billion defecit. Is the demand for services excessive? Are government salaries higher than reasonable? Has money been squandered in bad investments? Did the power crisis break the camel's back? Is California's share of the war in Iraq relevant? Are taxes BEING collected reasonably..or avoided by those with money? Does California simply need more water/power/pollution control/highways/security/ etc. than it can afford? All of the above?

In short...just how much culpability does Gray Davis have in all this mess?

and the BIG question...will whatever strange Republican they are likely to elect have any chance of making a significant difference before he/she is also recalled?

I have made some attempts at funny facetious remarks above, but it IS a serious situation...just a bit more serious than some of the other states. (You can watch journalists on TC struggle to do 'straight' interviews with some of these candidates, when a short description of the situation reads like a 'C' comedy movie script...I mean, Gallagher, the comedian who bashes watermelons, running against Gary Coleman and others? wow...)

Do the folks in California really have any idea how the state is perceived by much of the rest of the country? Stereotypes are dangerous, but they usually have some roots in reality...........

"oh, shut up, Bill...quit babbling and go watch the news..."
"ok, Bill, I think I will"