The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61801   Message #998677
Posted By: NicoleC
07-Aug-03 - 08:43 PM
Thread Name: Anyone Here for California Governor?
Subject: RE: Anyone Here for California Governor?
Some of all of the above, Bill. California is a big state with an economy larger than every other country but 5 (including the US) on this planet. Little problems look awfully big at that size and magnify quickly. Davis may not be the best governor, but lots of this mess is really not his doing. I still expect his head on the election chopping block. The guy's just not likeable or good enough to get out of being the scapegoat and no one will cry when he's gone. Sad thing is, the alternatives are yet another stinky election.

I notice that the Republicans who are whining about Davis' budget deficit are gung-ho for Bush's huge deficits. Wonder why that is?

And anyone else wonder why a Republican hopeful candidate spent $1.7 million dollars of his own money to engineer a recall petition drive? Who gave him his marching orders? (Ironically, he dropped out today in the face of Arnold's competition.)

In CA, you get multiple petitions shoved in your face outside of every grocery store and Wal-Mart by paid workers. I'd be shocked if tthey didn't find enough people to sign the recall petition.