The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6479   Message #998864
Posted By: Brían
08-Aug-03 - 06:17 AM
Thread Name: Rocks of Bawn - Meaning?
I have always liked this song for its simple 4 line abba come-all ye tune. I like how it begins with an admonishment and ends with a plea. I happen to really like the internal vowel=rhyming that occurs throughout, often in unpredictable places:

Youre sitting by the fireside from the clear daylight 'til dawn
I'm afraid you'll ne'er be able to plough the Rocks of Bawn.

I happen to like how it shares a melody(COME ALL YOU TRAMPS AND HAWKERS) without being too obvious. I really like the attributes of our hero, armed with an old clay pipe and arrayed in worn out shoes and trousers. Ireally like how something about this simple declaration of a 19th century laborer remains topical and universally sympathetic even though, or maybe because the exact nature of his task apears to be a mystery.
