The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61817 Message #999096
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
08-Aug-03 - 04:23 PM
Thread Name: August Shanty Session at the Press Room
Subject: RE: August Shanty Session at the Press Room
Bless you, Jeri Deah!
Plenty of people WISH I were a "figment of their imagination", it seems!
You are wonderously gracious to welcome me despite my many faults, idiosyncracies, and rather unpopular if not anathema (in some circles, at least) ideaological sentiments.
I was just reflecting to Cpt. Steve about how I enjoy hanging with a few fairly diverse crowds, and as interesting and intellectually stimulating & broadening as that can be, it can present certain challenges in the way of social dynamics from time to time.
If there is a commonality between "Folkies" which might rise to the level of a stereotype of sorts, my observation suggests that it might be this;
"Folk Musicians" seem, in the majority at least, to be Persons of Passion.
Might you concur with that observation?
I find myself drawn to this genre because I have loved it since my earliest recollections of childhood, and continue to love it. It's wired into my synapses, or genes, or Spirit... or something.
And i have long felt a certain kinship with others who are drawn to the Song, and strongly sense a common driving, burning passion of some sort.
But alas, sometimes because, perhaps, of unique, individual experience, association, education or whatever, passion becomes directed in different directions. Such divergent "fields of fire" can and often do engender conflict and hard feelings not at all conducive to wholesome relationships. And I find myself regretting that dynamic more often than not.
Passion can be very energizing - but it is also quite volatile, and like a pocket full of hand grenades, is not carried about without a modicum of risk.
Dispensing with the (sometimes dubious) Gift of Passion is not the answer, I opine - and for most of us is probably not even an option. In many ways we are not only driven, but defined by our passion, and would be greivously diminished without it.
So what I attempt to do - among all of the various "crowds" that I "hang with" - is to remain open and sensitive to whatever margins of commonality shared with people I interact with over a fairly wide and diverse spectrum of types and styles, and both celebrate and nurture them whenever and wherever found.
As to our areas of divergence... well, I have to set certain limits, I've found - usually the hard way.
If someone is overtly attacking me or someone I care about, or attempting to control me without a legitimate reason, then all bets are off as to seeking commonality or understanding. There is a side of me that very few people know about, and only glimpses of it have been seen on rare occasion over the past 54 years, as I manage to suppress it in the vast majority of circumstances. Nobody on this forum has ever seen it, and I hope you never do. By the Grace of God no one ever will.
Short of that...
One option is to tactfully overlook or "ignore" those discordant areas whenever socially appropriate. Perhaps an example is when I attempt (not always as successfully as I'd like) to "keep politics stowed in my sea-bag" at a function where I know that most of the participants and I share a lot more in common in the Music than we might in our "politics". Just as it would probably not be appropriate for me to burst out into a lusty Sea Chanty in the middle of the State Convention of a certain political party you might be familiar with... but which discretion bids me the mentioning of it's name to forbear... };^{)~
Another is to engage in rational dialouge, if that's an option.
There are only so many people I dare attempt this with, however, as lacking a certain level of emotional maturity most people will reflexively resort to emotion, rhetoric, and such - none of which is usually conducive to healthy relationhips, mutual growth, a good time, or Peace in the Kingdom.
If anyone with half a brain believes in something, especially if it is with a passion, there is usually a pretty good reason, I figure. In order to approach some understanding, I like to investigate just what that reason might have been. It might not be sufficient to cause me to alter or modify my opinion (and, Lord knows, I have a few) but a modicum of understanding usually helps.
Everybody has a story, and the more of them I hear, the less of an idiot i am, perhaps.
Enough Philosophy for now, eh?
Suffice it to say, Jeri (and other dear MC Friends); you and your voice, your Heart, and your Spirit are always great inducements for me to join you whenever I can... which alas, due to the capricious realities of Life, is not nearly as often as I would like to!
Pretty good chance for the 16th, though - let's keep our fingers crossed!