The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #61817 Message #999666
Posted By: Brían
10-Aug-03 - 10:55 AM
Thread Name: August Shanty Session at the Press Room
Subject: RE: August Shanty Session at the Press Room
Well everyone must still be in bed. I just wanted to say i had a good time at the session even though I originally said I wouldn't be coming.
The Jeanne Johnson was really worth seeing. I tried to imagine 200 people or so crowded on there and imagined it must have been unbearable at times considering the lack of bathing facilities and the like. The ability to get up on deck for periods of time in good weather must have been really appreciated. On of the interpreters told me that the crew would have been about 17 sailors. When I looked at all the cavas and rigging that needed to be tarred and the okam that needed to be picked as well as the regular sailing duties, the crew must have been pretty busy.
My nephew Liam said how much he enjoyed coming to the session and wonders how I get to know so many people. We were trying to remember songs on the walk back from the Jeannie Johnson and he remembers COCLES AND MUSSELS, THE IRISH ROVER and TOORA LOORA LOORA which he remembers from his grandmother singing and his father. We'll get him down to the Press Room yet!