The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62016   Message #999980
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
10-Aug-03 - 09:17 PM
Thread Name: Drugs menace ..Are we to blame?
Subject: RE: Drugs menace ..Are we to blame?
Not sure about other cities, but drugs are a big problem in Hull.
I used to think we should legalise the whole lot, and let the druggies get on with it and do what they like, now I'm not so sure.
It is estimated that 70-80 percent of the street crime in Hull is drugs related, ie burgalry, robbery, prostituition, shoplifting, cheque-book fraud etc], we often se in Hull, car steroes been offered for sale for £10 or £20 pound, when theyb cost £100 pounds new.
I work as a pizza delivery driver in central Hull, and oftem pass, the prostitutes, they look skinny and ill, I have to afdmit thst whilst they look like " shitty people", you can't help but feel sorry for them, [they are sleeping with anyone, who could have aids or hiv, or god knows what, just so they can get a bit of dope or crack or whatever they are on]!
I think there should be more drugs awareness programmes, I read recantly [last year i think], that a little kid in yorkshire , not sure where [ sheffield or doncaster]?, died of a drug overdose at only 10 years old!, this is absolutely disgusting!, I am not a parent [things did'nt work out with my girlfend, otherwise we might have had kids by now], I'm often glad , that i am single with no kids, as i can do what i like, ie [if i fancy touring rounsd afica, i can do], I often wonder what is going on, many people dont seem to give a shit about each othr, - and only think of themselves.
A couple of years ago English opera was given £78 and a half milllion pounds, i wonder how much was given to drug rehabhilatation?
[proibly not much, if any].
The whole system is a big load of shit.john