Broadside Ballad Tunes

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Updated 12/21/2000

Tunes for 16 and 17th Century Broadside Ballads

ABC's for tunes in C. M. Simpson's 'The British Broadside Ballad and Its Music', 1966, melody part only. These tunes are no substitute for reading this classic work. The editor perfected a style of writing that compresses an enormous amount of information is a very small space, yet is very easy to read. The Index is a marvel.
The largest file here is just a little over 25K. Be sure to read on the home page how to copy these ABC's (given as HTML's) to a useful file if you want to play/ display them.

BBBM, Additions BMADD.HTM. Additions to last file below (and major alternative titles list):

For convenience here's a title listing:

Adieu to the pleasures and follies of love (1674); B001:
Ah! Chloris awake (1670's); B002:
Ah cruel bloody fate (1680); B003:
Ah! how pleasant 'tis to love (1688?); B004:
Aimable vainqueur (1716?); B005:
Aim not too high, see Fortune my foe
Alas, poor thing (1670's?); B006:
All in a garden green (c 1600); B007:
All in the land of Cider; B008:
All joy to fair Psyche; B009:
All you that love good fellows (1st); B010:
All you that love good fellows (2nd); B011:
Amaryllis; B012:
Amoret and Phyllis; B013:
Andrew and Maudlin; B014:
As may in all her youthful dress; B015:
At the foot of a willow (1683); B016:
Aye, Marry, and Thank you too (1st); B017:
Aye, Marry, and Thank you too (2nd); B018:
Baffled knight, the (c 1690); B019:
Bailiff's Daughter; B020:
Balow (1st); B021:
Balow (2nd); B022:
Bara Faustus Dream; B023:
Bartholomew Fair; B024:
Basse's Career, or Hunter's Career; B025:
Beggar Boy; B026:
Begging we will go; B027:
Black Almain; B028:
Blue Cap; B029:
Blush not Redder; B030:
Bobbing Joe; B031:
Bonny Christ Church Bells; B032:
Bonny Dundee (c 1690); B033:
Bonny Grey-eyed Morn (1696); B034:
Bonny/Pretty Kate of Edinburgh (1682); B035:
Bonny Katherine Ogie (c 1687); B036:
Bonny Lad, Prithee Lay thy Pipe Down (1692); B037:
Bonny Lass, Gin thou wert mine (1681); B038:
Bonny Nell; B039:
Bonny Sweet Robin; B040:
Bow Bells; B041:
Bread of God (1682); B042:
Bride's Good Morrow; B043:
Bright was the morning; B044:
Bonny, Bonny Broom; B045: Click to play
Buff Coat; B046:
Buggering Oates (1685?); B047:
Bugle Bow; B048:
Burton Hall, or London's Loyalty (1681); B049:
Busy Fame (1679?); B050:
Callino; B051:
Callino [2]; B051B Click to play
Calm was the evening (1669); B052:
Cam'st thou not from Newcastle; B053:
Can Life be a Blessing; B054:
Canst thou not weave bone-lace?; B055:
Carman's Whistle; B056: Click to play
Cavalilly Man (1st); B057:
Cavalilly Man (2nd); B058:
Celia, that I once was blest (1690); B059:
Charles of Sweden, or First of August; B060:
Charon make haste; B061:
Chestnut, or Dove's Figary; B062: Click to play
Chevy Chase (MS tune); B063: Click to play
Chevy Chase (Pills tune); B064:
Chi Passa; B065:
Children in the Wood; B066: Click to play
Chloris, full of harmless thought; B067:
Chloris, since thou are fled away; B068:
Clean contrary way; B069:
Clear Cavalier; B070:
The Cloak; B071:
Cock up thy Beaver (1684); B072:
Come, boys, fill us a bumper (1681); B073:
Come hither, my own sweet duck; B074:
Come let us prepare, see Freemason's Song
Come live with me; B075:
Come live with me; B076:
Come love lets walk; B077:
Come, open the door sweet Betty; B078:
Come, shepherds, deck your heads; B079:
Come, shepherds, deck your heads; B080:
Come, shepherds, deck your heads; B081:
Come, sweet lass (1698); B082:
Cook Lorrel (1st); B083:
Cook Lorrel (2nd); B084:
Could man his wish obtain (1682); B085:
Country Farmer, see King James's Jig
Country Gardens, see Vicar of Bray, 2nd
Country Lass (1st); B086:
Country Lass (2nd); B087:
Court Lady; B088:
Courtiers, courtiers, think it no harm; B089:
The Cramp; B090:
Cremona Fiddle; B091:
Crimson Velvet (1st); B092:
Crimson Velvet (2nd); B093:
Crossed Couple, or Tantara Rara Tantivy; B094:
Cuckolds all a-row; B095:
Cupid's Courtesy; B096:
Cupid's Trappan; B097: Click to play
The Damask Rose, or Omnia Vincit Amor; B098:
The Dame of Honour (1706); B099:
Damon and Pythias; B100:
The Danger is Over; B101:
Daniel Cooper(1695); B102:
Daphne; B103:
Dargason, or Sedany; B104:
Dear Catholic Brother; B105:
Dear Pickaninny (1969); B106:
Death and the Lady; B107:
Delight of the Bottle (1675); B108:
Derry Down (1st); B109:
Derry Down (2nd); B110:
Derry Down (3rd); B111:
Derry Down (4th); B112:
Devil assit the plotting Whigs (1685?); B113:
De'il take the war (1696); B114:
Devil's progress; B115:
Diana's a Nymph; B116:
Digby's farewell (1st); B117:
Digby's farewell (2nd); B118:
Digby's farewell (3rd); B119:
Diogenes surly and proud (1710); B120:
Doubting Virgin (c 1680); B121:
Down in a bottom; B122:
Downright Squire; B123:
Dragon of Wantley (1685); B124:
Drive the cold winter away (1st); B125:
Drive the cold winter away (2nd); B126:
Duke of Monmouth's Jig (1680); B127:
Duke upon Duke (c 1720); B128:
Dulcina (1st); B129:
Dulcina (2nd); B130:
Enfield Common (1690); B131:
Essex' last good-night; B132:
Evening Ramble (1692); B133:
Fain I would (1st); B134:
Fain I would (2nd); B135:
Fair one let me in (1683); B136:
The fairest nymph the valleys; B137:
Farewell, ungrateful traitor (1681); B138
Farinel's ground; B139:
Fit's come on me now; B140:
Flatteries of fate (1671?); B141:
Flying from Olinda (1685); B142:
Fond Boy (1694?); B143:
Fortune my foe; B144:
Forty-Nine (1674?); B145:
Fourpence Halfpenny Farthing, see She got Money By't
Franklin is fled away; B146:
Freemason's Song, Come let us prepare; B147:
The French Levalto; B148:
The friar and the nun; B149:
The friar in the well (1st); B150:
The friar in the well (2nd); B151:
The Frog Galliard; B152:
From hunger and cold; B153:
Gaberlunzie man; B154:
Gather your rosebuds; B155:
Gelding of the Devil (1st); B156:
Gelding of the Devil (2nd); B157:
Gerard's Mistress; B158:
Gilderoy; B159 Click to play
Glories of our birth and state (1659?); B160:
Glory of the west; B161:
Go from my window; B162:
Gods of love; B163:
Grammercy Penny; B164:
Gray's Inn Masque, or Mad Tom; B165
Great Booby; B166:
Great York has been debarred of late (1680?); B167:
Greensleeves (1st); B168: Click to play
Greensleeves (2nd); B169:
Greensleeves (3rd); B170:
Greensleeves (4th); B171:
Greensleeves (5th); B172:
Greensleeves (6th); B173:
Grenadiers March (1683); B174:
Grim king of the ghosts (1682); B175
Gunfleet; B176:
Guy of Warwick; B177:
Hail to the myrtle shades (1680); B178:
Hark, hark, and yonder, see King William's March
Hark the thundering cannons roar (1683); B179:
Harvest Home (1691); B180:
Have at thy coat old woman; B181:
Haymakers; B182:
He that loves best must suffer most (1st, 1684); B183:
He that loves best must suffer most (2nd, 1684); B184:
Health to Betty; B185:
Heart of Oak (1759); B186:
Heart's ease; B187:
Hemp-dresser, or the London Gentlewoman (1st); B188:
Hemp-dresser, or the London Gentlewoman (2nd); B189:
Hey, boys, up go we; B190:
Highlanders' March; B191:
Hobbyhorse (1st); B192:
Hobbyhorse (2nd); B193:
Hold fast thy sword amd scepter, Charles (1675?); B194:
How blest are shepherds (1691); B195:
How can I be merry or glad (c 1690); B196:
How can the tree; B197:
How cruel is fortune grown (1697); B198:
How happy's the lover (1689); B199:
How lovely's a Woman (1687); B200:
How unhappy a lover am I (1671?); B201:
How unhappy is Phyllis in Love; B202:
Now vile are the sorid intrigues; B203:
Hunt is up (1st, c 1570); B204:
Hunt is up (2nd, c1570); B205:
Hyde Park; B206:
I am a poor and honest maid; B207:
I am come to lock all fast (1693); B208:
I am confirm'd; B209:
I am the Duke of Norfolk (1st); B210:
I am the Duke of Norfolk (2nd); B211:
I live not where I love (1st, Morley's tune); B212:
I live not where I love (2nd); B213:
I live not where I love (3rd); B214:
I loathe that I did love (1st); B215:
I loathe that I did love (2nd); B216:
I love you more and more each day (1st); B217:
I love you more and more each day (2nd); B218:
I loved thee once, I'll love no more; B219:
I never saw a face till now (1684); B220:
I often for my Jenny strove; B221:
I tell thee, Dick (1st); B222:
I tell thee, Dick (2nd); B223:
I went from England into France; B224:
I would I were in my own country (1st); B225:
I would I were in my own country (2nd); B226:
I'll go no more to the Old Exchange; B227:
I'll never love thee more (1st); B228: Click to play
Ianthe the lovely (1715); B229:
If Love's a sweet passion (1692); B230:
In a desert in Greenland; (1687); B231:
In Crete; B232:
In January Last (1677?); B233:
In my freedom is all my joy, see I am a poor and honest maid
In Peascod time; B234:
In sad and ashy weeds; B235:
In Summer Time (II); B236:
In Summer Time (I), see Callino
Iris on the bank of Thames (1683); B237:
Jamaica; B238: Click to play
Jenny come tye my cravat (1682); B239:
Jenny Gin (1682); B240:
Jenny, my blithest maid (1685); B241:
Jenny's cogwheel (1670's); B242:
Jenny's delight (1673?); B243:
Jewel in the tower (1712); B244:
Jig a Jog-Goo; B245:
Joan to the Maypole; B246:
Joan's ale is new; B247:
Joan's placket is torn; B248:
Jockey's gone to the wood (1679?); B249:
Jockey's Jealousy (1680's); B250:
Jog on, or Eighty Eight (1st); B251:
Jog on, or Eighty Eight (2nd); B252:
John Anderson, my Jo (1st); B253: Click to play
John Anderson, my Jo (2nd); B254:
John, come kiss me now (1st); B255:
John, come kiss me now (2nd); B256:
John Dory; B257:
Johnny Armstrong; B258:; B253: Click to play
Joy to the Bridegroom (1681); B259:
Joy to the person of my love; B260:
Kind Husband and Imperious wife; B261:
King James's Jig, or Country Farmer; B262:
King Solomon; B263:
King William's March, or Hark, hark, and yonder (1690); B264:
The King's Delight (1st, 1660's); B265:
The King's Jig, or Winchester Wedding; B266:
Labandala Shot; B267:
Ladies of London (1687); B268:
Lady, Lie near me; B269:
Lady's Fall, see In Peascod Time
Lass of Cumberland (1st); B270:
Lass of Cumberland (2nd); B271:
Last Christmas 'twas my chance (orig., 1622); B272:
Lavender Green; B273:
Lay by your pleading (1st); B274:
Lay by your pleading (2nd); B275:
Lay the bent to the bonny broom; B276:
Leather Bottle; B277:
Let Caesar live long (c 1684); B278:
Let Mary live long (1692); B279:
Let Oliver now be forgotten, see How unhappy is Phyllis in Love
Let the critics adore (1678); B280:
Let the soldiers rejoice (1690); B281:
Let traitors plot on (1680); B282:
Liberty's the soul of living (1686); B283:
Lie lulling beyond thee; B284:
Light o' Love; B285:
Lilliburlero; B286:
Loath to depart; B288:
Logan Water; B289:
London Gentlewoman, see Hemp-dresser
London is a fine town (Watton Town's End, 1st); B290:
London is a fine town (Watton Town's End, 2nd); B291:
London's Loyalty, see Burton Hall
Long cold nights when winter froz'em (1687); B292:
Lord Willoughby (1st); B293:
Lord Willoughby (2nd); B294:
Love will find out the way; B295:
Lovely lass to a friar came, a (c 1710); B296:
Lumber me (L'homme arme, c 1570); B297:
Lusty Gallant; B298:
Magina-Cree (Gaelic? heart of ?); B299:
Make your honours miss (1691); B300:
Mall Peatly; B301:
Man, man is for woman made (1696); B302:
March Boys; (1690?); B303:
Mardyke; B304:
Martellus, see One Night when all the village slept
Martin said to his man, see Who's the fool now
Maying Time (1st); B305:
Maying time (2nd., How now shepherd); B306:
Merrily and Cheerily; B307:
Methinks the poor town (1673); B308:
Milkmaids, Merry Milkmaids, or Milking Pail (1st); B309:
Milkmaids, Merry Milkmaids, or Milking Pail (2nd); B310:
Millfield; B311:
Mr. Lane's Maggot; B312:
Moggie's Jealousy, see You London Lads Be Merry
Monsieur's Almain; B313:
My life and my death; B314:
My lodging is on the cold ground (1st); B315:
My lodging is on the cold ground (2nd); B316:
My young Mary (c 1689); B317
Nancy Dawson; B318:
Nancy Dawson/ Piss upon the grass; B318B.MID: Click to play
Nanny O; B319:
New Bourree (1683?); B320:
New Game at Cards (1st); B321:
New Game at Cards (2nd); B322:
Nightingale; B323:
No, no, poor suffering heart; B324:
Nobody else shall plunder but I; B325:
Nonesuch, or A la mode de France (1st); B326:
Nonesuch, or A la mode de France (2nd); B327:
Northern Nancy (1st); B328:
Northern Nanny (2nd); B329:
Norwich Loyal Littany (1682); B330:
Now at last the riddle is expounded (1681); B331:
Mow, now comes on the glorious year; B332:
Now, now the fight's done (1680); B333:
Now the Spring is come; B334:
Now the Tories that glories (1682); B335:
Nutmegs ad Ginger; B336:
O fie! what mean I foolish maid (1694); B337:
O how happy's he (1690?); B338:
O love! If e'er thou'lt ease a heart (1672); B339:
O man in desperation; B340:
O mother! Roger (1686?); B341:
O raree show (1697); B342:
O raree show (1697); B343:
Of all the simple things we do (1716?); B344:
Of Noble race was Shinkin (1693); B345:
Old man's wish (1684?); B346:
Old Simon the King (1st); B347:
Old Simon the King (2nd); B348:
Old wife she sent to the miller her daughter; B349:
Old woman poor and blind (1st 1684, entd.); B350:
Old woman poor and blind (2nd 1684, entd.); B351:
Old woman poor and blind (34d 1684, entd.); B352:
Omnia Vincit Amor, see The Damask Rose
On the bamk of a brook (1671); B353:
Once I loved a maiden fair; B354:
One Night when all the village slept (1st, 1678); B355:
One Night when all the village slept (2nd, 1678); B356:
One Night when all the village slept (3rd, 1678); B357:
Only tell her (1687); B358:
O'er Boggy; B359:
Over the Hills and far away; B360: Click to play
Oxfordshire Tragedy; B361:
Packington's pound (1st, 16th cent.); B362:
Packington's pound (2nd 16th cent.); B363:
Packington's pound (3rd 16th cent.); B364:
Peg a Ramsey, or Peggy Ramsey (1st); B365:
Peg a Ramsey, or Peggy Ramsey (2nd); B366:
Peg and the Soldier; B367:
Peggy I must love thee (c 1687); B368:
Peggy's gone over sea with the soldier, see Peg and the Soldier
Pepper is Black; B369:
Phil. Porter's Dream; B370:
Phillida flouts me (1st); B371:
Phillida flouts me (2nd); B372:
Phillida flouts me (3rd); B373:
Phyllis the lovely; B374:
Piss upon the Grass, see Nancy Dawson
Pretty Parrot, say, or Pretty Poll (c 1705); B375:
Pretty Peggy Benson; B376:
Prince of Orange's Delight; B377:
Princess Royal; B378:
Prithee, friend, leave off this thinking (1647?); B379:
Psalm 81 (1562); B380:
Psalm 137 (1562); B381:
Put in all, see Sound a charge
Quatre Branles (Brauls); B382:
Queen Dido, or Troy Town; B383:
Queen's Almain; B384:
Queen's old courtier; B385:
Quoth John to Joan (1683); B386:
Rant, or Give ear to a frolicksome ditty (1st, c 1690); B387:
Rant, or Give ear to a frolicksome ditty (2nd, c 1690); B388:
Red Bull; B389:
Remember ye Whigs (1683); B390:
Rich Merchant Man; B391:
Roast Beef of Old England (c 1730); B392:
Robin Hood and the Bishop of Hertford (1st); B393:
Robin Hood and the Bishop of Hertford (2nd); B394:
Robin Hood and the Stranger (1st); B395:
Robin Hood and the Stranger (2nd); B396:
Robinson's Almain; B397:
Rogero; B398:
Room for Company; B399:
Room, room for a rover (1700); B400:
Row well, ye Mariners; B401:
Royal and Fair (1691); B402:
Royal Ball (1690); B403:
Russell's Farewell (Johnson's Farewell, 1683); B404:
Sabina (1st); B405:
Sabina (2nd); B406:
Sad as death (1680); B407:
Sages of Old (1679); B408:
St. George for England; B409:
Sawney and Jockey (1682); B410:
Sawney will never be my love again (1679); B411:
Scotch Haymakers (1696); B412:
Scotch Wedding (Blythsome Bridal); B413:
See the Building; B414:
Sefautian's Farewell (1688); B415:
Sellenger's Round; B416:
Shackley Hay (1st, 1613); B417:
Shackley Hay (2nd 1613); B418:
Shackley Hay (3rd 1613); B419:
Shackley Hay (4th 1613); B420:
Shaking of the Sheets (1st); B421:
Shaking of the Sheets (2nd); B422:
Shall I wrestle in Despair; B423:
She got Money By't, or Fourpence Halfpenny Farthing; B424:
She lay all naked in her bed; B425:
Shepherd's Daughter; B426:
Sick, sick; B427:
Since Celia's my foe (1676); B428:
Sing, sing whilst we trip it (1692); B429:
Sing Tantara Rara (1st); B430:
Sing Tantara Rara (2nd); B431:
Sir Eglamore; B432:
Sitting by yonder river side; B433:
Smiling Phyllis (1st, 1679); B434:
Smiling Phyllis (2nd); B435:
Soldier and a sailor (1695); B436:
Some say the papists had a plot; B437:
Sound a charge (1st, Put in all); B438:
Sound a charge (2nd, MS tune); B439:
Spanish Gipsies (1st); B440:
Spanish Gipsies (2nd); B441:
Spanish Lady (1st); B442:
Spanish Lady (2nd); B443:
Spanish Pavan; B444:
Spinning Wheel (1st, Pills); B445:
Spinning Wheel (2nd, SS issue); B446:
State and Ambition (1683); B447:
Step Stately; B448:
Still I'm wishing, still desiring (1690); B449:
Stingo, or Oil of Barley, or Cold and Raw (1st); B450: Click to play
Stingo, or Oil of Barley, or Cold and Raw (2nd); B451:
Strawberry leaves make maidens fair; B452:
Sweet if you love me (1st, 1691); B453:
Sweet if you love me (2nd, 1691); B454:
Sweet, use your time (1683); B455:
Tangier March; B456:
Tantara Rara Tantivy, see Crossed Couple
Tell me, Jenny (1683); B457:
Tell me, you wandering spirits; B458:
Tender hearts of London city (1683); B459:
Then, then to the Duke, Let's fill up the glass (1684?); B460:
There is one black and sullen hour (1686); B461:
Thomas, you cannot; B462:
Three Travelers; B463:
Through the wood, laddy; B464:
Thursday in the morn (1692); B465:
Tobacco is an Indian weed; B466:
Tom a Bedlam; B467:
Tom Tinker (1st); B468:
Tom Tinker (2nd); B469:
A Tory, a Whig, and a moderate man; B470:
Trenchmore; B471:
Troy Town, see Queen Dido
'Twas early one morning (1694); B472:
'Twas when the seas were roaring (1715?); B473:
'Twas when the Sheep were shearing; B474:
Two entire lovers (1688); B475:
Under and over; B476:
Under the greenwood tree (1st); B477:
Under the greenwood tree (2nd); B478:
Up tails all; B479:
Up with Aley, Aley (1st); B480:
Up with Aley, Aley (2nd); B481:
Upon a summer's day; B482:
Upon St. David's day; B483:
Usurer's Daughter; B484:
Valiant Jockey's marched away (1689); B485:
Vicar and Moses; B486:
Vicar of Bray (1st); B487:
Vicar of Bray (2nd, Country Gardens); B488: Click to play
Vive le Roi; B489:
Walking in a country town; B490:
Walsingham; B491:
Wanton Wife; B492:
Waterman's Dance; B493:
Watkin's Ale; B494:
Watton Town's End, see London is a fine town
We all to Conquering Beauty Bow; B495:
Welladay; B496:
Wert thou more fairer than thou art (1st); B497:
Wert thou more fairer than thou art (2nd); B498:
Wert thou more fairer than thou art (3rd); B499:
Wert thou more fairer than thou art (4th); B500:
What if a day; B501:
What shall I do to show how much I love her; B502:
When Aurelia first I courted (1671); B503:
When cannons are roaring; B504:
When first Amintas sued for a kiss (1687); B505:
When first the Scottish wars began (1657?); B506:
When I have often heard young maids complaining (1692); B507:
When Love with unconfined wings (1642?); B508:
When maids live to thirty (1696); B509:
When my kids and lambs I treated; B510:
When the King enjoyes his own again (1643); B511:
When the stormy winds do blow; B512:
Where's my shepherd; B513:
While I gaze on Chloris trembling (1st, 1689); B514:
While I gaze on Chloris trembling (2nd, 1689); B515:
Who list to lead a soldier's life; B516:
Who liveth so merry in all this land; B517:
Who's the fool now (Martins said to his man); B518:
Whoop! do me no harm good man (c 1610); B519:
Why are my eyes still flowing (1687); B520:
Wigmore's Galliard; B521:
William and Margaret (1st); B522:
William and Margaret (2nd); B523:
Willow, willow (1st); B524:
Willow, willow (2nd); B525:
Wilson's Wild; B526:
Winchester Wedding, see The King's Jig
With a fading (1st); B527:
With a fading (2nd); B528:
Woe is me (1694); B529:
Woodicock; B530:
Would you be a man of fashion; B531:
Would you know how we meet (1658); B532:
Wully and Georgy (c 1700); B533:
Ye Commons and Peers (1708?); B534:
Yelllow-Haired Laddy, the; B535:
You I love by all that's true (1683); B536:
You London Lads Be Merry, or Moggie's Jealousy; B537:
Young Jemmy (1681); B538:
Young Phaon (1677); B539:
Your humble servant, madam (c 1662); B540:

Additions: See file BMADD.HTM for commentary.

Last Christmas 'twas my chance'(1622-original),BAdd541:
Bragandary, BAdd542:
Robin Cushee (Kind Robin Loves Me, Blaikie MS, c 1692), BAdd543:
Robin Cushee (Kind Robin Loves Me, McGibbon), BAdd544:
In the Wanton Season, BAdd545:
Mall Sims, BAdd546:
Venus and Adonis, BAdd547:
The Dissappointed Widow (Slow men of London), BAdd548:
[Slow Men of London], BAdd549:
The Humours of Dublin (Slow men of London), BAdd550:
By the border's side as I did pass (PMOT), BAdd551:
Down/Within the North Country, BAdd552:
Woman's work is never done (Leyden MS), BAdd553:
There was a Jovial Beggar-Man, Badd554:
My father has forty good shillings (SMM), BAdd555:
The Restoration of King Charles (When the King enjoy his own again), BAdd556:
Hallow my fancie mr mclaughlans way, by mr beck (Balcarres lute MS, BAdd557: