Russian Folk songs with English translations - p. 21 #16

To-night, my friends, our song must bid fare-well to me,
My laugh-ter, these wall may hear no more:
Be-fore the break of day u-[pom my way I'll be,
My hap-py days of youth are o'er.

My brother grieves to let me go, my sister weeps,
My father, my mother, bid me stay;
And one there is, within her heart my image keeps,
Will pine for me, her love, always.

The Tsar's command went forth that men must all obey,
He calls me to serve him in the field;
Through all the countryside the summons goes its way
Their sons true men to me must yield.

So fare you well who shared my days of happiness,
Tomorrow a soldier I shall be,
A royal Blue the humble farmer-lad will dress,
To fight for home and liberty.