Russian Folk songs with English translations p 27 #22

Grim-ly stands the an-cient for-tress,
'Neath the si-lent watch-ing stars.
Free-dom calls the lone-ly cap-tive
Fast be-hind his I-ron bars.

Faintly shines the warder's lantern
As he goes upon his round,
While the tramp of marching sentries
And the clash of arms resound.

Ho, my warder! Aye, what would you?
But a moment turn aside;
Let me pass yon darken'd postern
Down the ramparts swiftly glide

Let me go to greet my kindred,
And my own beloved land;
Then I'd come and yield me captive
Once again as now I stand

I would gladly show you favour,
But a soldier must obey;
If my captive should escape me,
Dear the forfiet I must pay

At the dawn they'd set me yonder,
With my back against the wall;
One command would then be spoken,
Then for me the end of all.