Russian folk Songs with English Translations pp 28,29 # 24

Bai-kal in sun-light 'mid moun-tains of snow,
O-ver thy waves on the raft I have made me,
Blow from the North West, thou strong wind, do blow
On-ward to safe-ty to aid me *
Blow from the North west, though strong wind do blow
Onward to safety to aid me!

Captive I languish'd through year after year,.
Banish'd for life in Siberia's far borders;
Whisper'd a comrade one day in my ear,
Planned our escape from our warders

Fortune was smiliing and aided my flight,
Forests of pine lent their darkness to save me,
Country folk granted me shelter by night,
Food to sustain me, they gave me

Schilka and Nerischinsk no more need I fear
Bears in the wood and the wolves all did fly me;
Keepers in forests, they never came near,
Watchers of game all went by me

Baikal, in sunlight,'mid mountains of snow,
Smock for my sail on the raft I have made me;
Blow from the North West, though strong wind, do blow,
Onward, to safety, to aid me.

*second couplet of each verse repeats as third couplet