Russian Folk Songs with English translation p 36 #29
Like a mo-ment you passed,
Night of glad-ness I knew,
Then in grief I re-call
And in bit-ter-ness rue!
She a-lone won my love,
And my heart told her so,
All in vain were my hopes,
all dis-dain-ful her "No!"
Nought she reck'd of me grief,
She is heartless and cold,
She has barter'd her youth
But for splendour and gold
There was laughter and mirth,
When my love was a bride,
Only I stood apart,
And my sorrow must hide.
Earth and sky, Fare you well,
To the river I go,
Where the waters are deep,
O'er my heart let them flow.
Like a moment you passed
Night of gladness I knew
That in grief I recall
And in bitterness rue.