Russian Folk songs with EnglishTranslations p. 40 #34

You bun-nies all fur-ry that browse in the sun,
Now hur-ry and scur-ry, for bang goes a gun.
There's some-bo-dy co-ming and poa-chers a-bout,
Oh bun-nies all furry, you'll have to watch out!
Oh bun-nies all furry, you'll have to watch out!

The dogs are all sniffing with nose to the ground
Oh bunnies how awful, if you should be found
They'd catch no matter how quickly you fly
They'd leave you no time to be saying good-bye
They'd leave you no time to be saying good-bye

So down in their burrows wise bunnies must hide,
And gather the family safely inside
Just wait till the poachers and dogs go away
And then you may browse till the end of the day
And then you may browse till the end of the day