Russian Folk Songs with English Translations pp 46,47 # 40
An on-ly child was I, and my mo-ther's dar-ling,
Ne-ver far from herside did I stray.
And now, wil-ful daugh-tr, I have grieved her sore,
With sor-row-ing clou-ded all her way.
One came and stole my heart, to his vows I listened,
Sped away from my home in the night,
Oh long was the weary way he led me on,
Ere morning I knew how sad my plight
My home, my darling mother, are lost for ever,
My heart has my lover betrayed,
And grief, only bitter grief, my lot may be,
Abandoned, alone, unhappy maid.
How can I bear the sorrows that crowd about me,
All my days must I languish and weep?
A draught will I brew of dark forgetfulness,
for ever to end my woes in sleep.
Oh, easy is the way, and need cost me nothing,
Penniless and alone though I be,
The hemlock I'll gather and its poison sap,
The last earthly draught shall be for me.
Farewell then, cruel world, and farewell my kindred,
Sad am I that I leave you so soon;
Oh Death, let they hand be gently laid on me,
and healing forgetfulness, thy boon.
Yet stay! a tender thought in my heart awakens,
Of my mother, alone, sorrowing;
Once more would I lay my hear upon her breast,
and contrite, my grief to her I'd bring.