Russian Folk Songs with English Translations p 54 #45

Far and wide through the vast lands of Tsar-dom,
Ne'er a huse ne'er a herarth have I known
Where the toi-ler in field and in farm-stead,
calls the fruits of his la-bour his own.

O'er the wide rolling pastures, the cornfields,
In the mines where the rich ore is found
Stalk the phantoms of want and of hunger
'Mid the plenty that springs from the ground.

Over all hangs the terror of exile,
And for mercy in vain may we plead,
'Neath oppression the Slav race is groaning,
None to help us we know in our need.

On the Volga, the noblest of rivers,
Bearing rafts and the brave ships along,
There the same bitter groaning is echoesd,
'Hear the boatman', we cry,''Tis their song.'

From the heart of a people it rises.
through the land, whereso'er we may go
Mounting high as in floodtime the Volga
When the Spring suns are melting the snow.