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Susanne (SKW) Folk Music Bibliography

Joe Offer 04 Jul 07 - 05:08 AM
Joe Offer 04 Jul 07 - 05:21 AM
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Subject: Folk Music Bibliography
From: Joe Offer
Date: 04 Jul 07 - 05:08 AM

Author Title Publisher Year
Country Further info
? One Hundred and Five Songs of Occupation from the Western Isles of Scotland Llanerch, ? ? (1911) Scotland sc
? Singer of Tales ?, ? ? ?
? Das schönste Land. Historische Lieder aus dem deutschen Südwesten ?, ? ? Germany sc, see
? Canadian Folk Songs: A Centennial Collection ?, ? 1967 Canada sc
? Penguin Book of Canadian Folksongs Penguin, H’worth ? Canada sc
? [Biography of Django Reinhardt] ?, ? ? France
? Come Tell Me Sean O'Farrel [Biography of John Keegan Casey] ?, ? ? Ireland
? Folksingers and Folksongs in America ?, ? ? USA
? Helen Creighton: Canada's First Lady of Folklore Nimbus, Halifax ? Canada
? Music Hound Folk: The Essential Album Guide ?, ? ? ?
? Myth, Migration and the Making of Memory. Scotia and Nova Scotia c.1700-1990 ?, ? ? Canada
? The Land of Lost Content ?, ? ? ? sc?
? The Poets and Poetry of Scotland ?, ? 1876 Scotland sc
? The Universal Songster ?, ? ? ? sc?
? The Political Songs of England From the Reign of John to That of Edward II AMS Press, ? 1968 (1839) England sc, new printing for The Camden Society
? The Rose and the Briar Norton, ? ? ? ISBN 0-393-05954-5
? The Fatal Summer (???) ?, ? ? USA sc?
? Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone Zwonitzer & Hirshberg, ? ? USA Carter Family biography
Abrahams, Roger D. (Ed) A Singer and Her Songs, Almeida Riddle's Book of Ballads Louisiana State UP, Baton Rouge 1970 USA sc
Adamek, Karl Lieder der Arbeiterbewegung Buechergilde Gutenberg, Frankfurt/M. 1986 (1981) Germany sc
Allan, Thomas Allan’s Tyneside Songs Frank Graham, ? 1972 (?) England sc; 7th edn
Allen, George Tyneside Songs ?, ? 1891 (1862) England sc
Alpers, Paul Alte niederdeutsche Volkslieder mit ihren Weisen Aschendorff, ? 1960 Germany revised 2nd edn. Stabi HH
Ames, Russell The Story Of American Folk Song ?, ? 1955 USA
Amis, Kingsley / Cochrane, James The Great British Songbook Pavilion / Michael Joseph, London 1986 GB sc
Anderson, Hugh Time Out Of Mind ?, ? ? Australia Australian source singer Simon McDonald
Anderson, Hugh Farewell to Old England Rigby, ? 1964 Australia sc?
Anderson, Hugh (Ed) Charles Thatcher’s Gold Diggers’ Songbook Red Rooster, ? 1980 Australia sc
Anderson, Hugh Goldrush Songster Rams Skull Press, ? undated Australia sc?
Anderson, Hugh Colonial Ballads Cheshire, ? 1962 (?) Australia sc?; reprint
Angus-Butterworth, Lionel Milner Robert Burns and the 18th-century revival in Scottish vernacular poetry Aberdeen UP, Aberdeen 1969 Scotland Stabi HH
Anon Heritage Book of Ballads ?, ? 1967 ? sc
Anon Negro Folk Music, USA Courlander, ? 1991 (1963) USA sc
Anon Songs of the British Empire. Three Cheers for the Red, White and Blue A. Cox. & Co, Toronto 1909 Canada sc
Anon Songs of the Old Turf Fire. A Selection of Irish Songs and Ballads ?, ? 1966 Ireland sc
Anon The Canadian Woman's Victory Song Book, "On Wings of Song" ?, ? 1943 Canada sc
Anon The Writers of The Spirit of the Nation. Ballads and Songs ?, Dublin 1882 (1845) Ireland sc
Anon Tyneside Songster ?, ? 1840 (1970) England sc
Anon Universal Irish Song Book ?, ? 1884 Ireland sc
Anon Das Lagerliederbuch. Lieder gesungen, gesammelt und geschrieben im Konzentrationslager Sachsenhausen, 1942 Pläne, ? 1980 Germany sc
Anon A Collection of Old Ballads. Corr from the best and most Ancient Copies Extant. With Introductions Historical, Critical, or Humorous (3 vols) J Roberts, London 1723 England sc (DVA)
Armes, William Old English Ballads and Folk Songs Macmillan, London 1929 England sc
Armstrong, Frankie / Pearson, Jenny As Far As The Eye Can Sing. An Autobiography The Women's Press, London 1992 England
Armstrong, Robert Old Ballads of England and Scotland Herbert Russell, ? 1909 Britain sc
Arthur, Max When This Bloody War Is Over ?, ? ? England?
Asch, Moe / Lomax, Alan (Eds) The Leadbelly Songbook ?, ? ? USA sc
Ashton, John Modern Street Ballads Chatto & Windus, London 1988 (1888) England? sc (DVA)
Ashton, John Real Sailor Songs Broadsheet King (The Leadenhall Press), London 1973 (1891) Various? sc, intro by A. L. Lloyd (DVA)
Ashton, John A Century of Ballads Singing Tree Press, Detroit (Elliot Stock, London) 1968 (1887) Various? sc (DVA)
Atkinson, David The English Traditional Ballad. Theory, method and practice Ashgate Publ., Aldershot 2002 England (DVA)
Atkinson, David (Ed) English Folk Song. An introductory bibliography based on the holdings of the Vaughan Williams Memorial Library of the EFDSS EFDSS, London 1999 (1996) England
Attali, J. Noise: The Political Economy of Music Manchester UP, Manchester 1977 ?
Babad, Harry (Ed) Roll Me Over Oak Publ., New York 1972 sc?
Baez, Joan [Songbook] ?, ? ? USA sc
Baez, Joan And A Voice To Sing With. A Memoir Century, London 1988 USA
Baggelaar, Kristin / Donald, Milton The Folk Music Encyclopaedia Omnibus, London / New York 1977 (1976) Various orig. ' Folk Music - More Than A Song '; ISBN 0-690-01159-8
Baker, Margaret The Folklore of the Sea David & Charles, London? 1979 Various ?
Baker, Richard / Miall, Antony Everyman's Book of Sea Songs Oxford UP, London 1982 Various sc
Baldow, Georg Ehe und Familie in den englisch-schottischen Volksballaden Bdr. Heinrich John, Halle/S. 1908 Germany DVA
Balfour of Balfour, Col. David (Coll.) Ancient Orkney Melodies Norwood Editions, Norwood, PA 1973 Scotland DVA
Ballad Commission The Ballad Today: Proceedings of the Thirteenth Meeting of the Ballad Commission January Books, Addiscombe, Surrey 1986 Britain DVA
Baring-Gould, Sabine A Book of Folk-Lore Nation's Library, ? nd England
Baring-Gould, Sabine Songs of the West (4 parts) ?, ? 1989-92 England sc
Baring-Gould, Sabine Strange Survivals Methuen, London 1894 England ?
Barrett, William Alexander English Folk-Songs, collected, arranged, and provided with symphonies and accompaniments for the pianoforte Novello, Ewer and Co, London & New York 1891 England sc
Barry, Michael Joseph The Songs of Ireland James Duffy, Dublin ? Ireland sc
Barry / Buchanan British Folk Songs Sung in New England ?, ? 1937 USA sc
Barry / Eckstorm / Smyth British Ballads From Maine ?, ? ? USA sc
Bassin, Ethel The Old Songs of Skye Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1977 Scotland sc
Battlefield Band Forward With Scotland's Past Kinmor Music, Shillinghill 1988 Scotland sc
Bay, Mel Early American Folk Hymns ?, ? 1886 USA sc
Beatty, Bill A Treasury of Australian Folk Tales and Traditions Edmund Ward, London 1960 Australia
Bebey, Francis African Music: A People’s Art Lawrence Hill, Chicago 1975 Africa
Beck, Earl Clifton Lore of the Lumber Camp Univ. of Michigan Press, ? 1948 USA? Canada? sc
Beck, Earl Clifton They Knew Paul Bunyan Univ. of Michigan Press, ? 1959 USA? Canada? sc
Beck, Horace Folklore And The Sea ?, ? 1973 Various ?
Behan, Dominic Ireland Sings Essex Music, London 1973 (1965) Ireland sc
Behan, Dominic The Singing Irish Scott Solomon, London 1967 Ireland sc
Belden, H. M. Ballads and Songs Collected by the Missouri Folk-Lore Society ?, ? 1940 (1955) USA sc
Bell, Derek / O Conchubhair, Liam Folk Songs Of The North Of Ireland ?, ? ? Northern Ireland sc
Bell, John Rhymes of the Northern Bards Frank Graham, ? 1971 (1812) England sc, DVA
Bell, John Newcastle Songs and Poems (A collection of local songs and poems which have appeared in print and circulated in Newcastle upon Tyne and its neighbourhood), ?; ? ? England sc, DVA
Bell, Robert Ancient Ballads: Ballads and Songs of the Peasantry of England Charles Griffin, London 1857 England sc, DVA
Bell, Robin (Ed) The Best of Scottish Poetry. An Anthology of Contemporary Scottish Verse Chambers, Edinburgh 1989 Scotland incl. some ballads and songs
Bennett, Margaret The Last Stronghold, detailing Scottish Gaelic traditions in the Codroy Valley of southwest Newfoundland ?, ? 198? Canada
Bennett, Molly (Comp.) The Bawdy Beautiful Book ?, ? 1992 USA sc; Ren Faire / SCA favourites
Berry, Barbara Down the Green Groves: Songs from Oxfordshire, Collected by Alfred Williams (1877–1930) Pedlar Music, Kirtlington 1989 England sc
Best, Anita Come And I Will Sing You ?, ? 198? USA? sc
Biederstädt, Wolfgang Joan Baez Fischer, Frankfurt/M. 1987 USA DVA
Blakeborough, Richard Wit, Character, Folklore, and Customs of the North Riding Oxford UP, Oxford 1898 England
Bliss, Douglas Percy Border Ballads Oxford UP, Oxford 1925 Britain sc
Blood, Peter / Patterson, Annie Rise Up Singing. The group-singing song book Sing Out, Bethlehem, Penn. 1992 (1988) USA sc
Blowzabella Encyclopedia Blowzabellica. The Blowzabelle Tune and Dance Book Dragonfly Music, Blyth 1987 England sc
Bluestein, Gene The Voice of the Folk: Folklore and American Literary Theory Univ. of Massachusetts Press, Amherst 1972 USA DVA
Bluestein, Gene Poplore: Folk and Pop in American Culture Univ. of Massachusetts Press, Amherst 1994 USA
Boardman, Harry & Lesley (Eds) Folk Songs and Ballads of Lancashire Oak Publ., New York 1973 England sc
Boardman, Harry / Palmer, Roy (Eds) The Manchester Ballads City of Manchester Education Committee, Manchester 1983 England sc; Manchester Music Service, Zion Arts Ctre, Stretford Rd, Manchester M15 5ZA,, (£10)
Bobran, Anne-Katrin "Die Gedanken sind frei" oder "Die Partei, die Partei, die hat immer recht" ?, ? ? Germany Stabi HH
Böckheler, Lotte Das englische Kinderlied Bdr. Albert Becht, Tübingen 1935 England DVA
Bogle, Eric Something of Value ?, ? ? Aus / Sco sc
Bohlman, Philip V. The Study of Folk Music in the Modern World Indiana UP, Bloomington / Indianapolis 1988 USA
Bohlmann, Philip / Holzapfel, Otto (Eds) Land Without Nightingales Univ. of Wisconsin, ? 2002? USA / Germany
Bok, Gordon Time and the Flying Snow: Songs of Gordon Bok Folk-Legacy, ? 1977 USA sc
Bold, Alan A Burns Companion ?, ? ? Scotland
Bold, Alan The Ballad Methuen, London 1979 ?
Bold, Alan The Cambridge Book of English Folk Songs ?, ? ? England sc
Bolle, Wilhelm Die gedruckten englischen Liederbücher bis 1600. Ein Beitrag zur Ge­schichte der sangbaren Lyrik in der Zeit Shakespeares (Palaestra XXIX) Mayer & Müller, Berlin 1903 England DVA
Bolton, Cecil (Ed) It's a Lovely War - Songs, Ballads and Parodies of the Great War EMI Music Publ., London, 1978 1978 Various? sc
Bonyun, Bill & Gene Full Hold & Splendid Passage ?, ? ? Various ? sc?
Botkin, B. A. The American Play-Party Song Fred. Ungar, New York 1837 (???) USA sc?
Botkin, Benjamin A. (Ed) A Treasury Of American Folklore. The Stories, Legends, Tall Tales, Traditions, Ballads and Songs of the American People Crown Publishers, New York 1981 (1944) USA sc?, DVA
Botkin, Benjamin A. (Ed) Sidewalks of America: Folklore, Legends, Sagas, Traditions, Customs, Songs, Stories and Sayings of City Folk Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis/New York 1954 USA DVA
Botkin, Benjamin A / Harlow, Alvin F (Eds) A Treasury of Railroad Folklore Bonanza Books, ? 1953 USA sc, ISBN 0-517-168685; LoC Cat. Card No 53-9973, DVA
Bowman, Kent A. Voices of Combat. A century of liberty and war songs, 1765-1865 Greenwood Press, New York 1987 Various sc
Boydell, Brian (Ed) Four centuries of music in Ireland BBC, London 1979 Ireland
Boyes, Georgina The Imagined Village. Culture, ideology and the English folk revival Manchester UP, Manchester 1993 England
Bradley, S. A. J. (Ed) Sixty Ribald Songs From Pills To Purge Melancholy ?, ? 1968 England sc
Brand, Oscar Bawdy Sea Songs ?, ? ? USA ? sc
Brand, Oscar Bawdy Songs and Backroom Ballads ?, ? ? USA ? sc
Brander, Michael Scottish and Border Battles and Ballads Barnes & Noble, New York 1993 Scotland
Bratton, J S The Victorian Popular Ballad Macmillan, London 1975 England sc?, DVA
Breathnach, Breandán Folk Music and Dances of Ireland ?, ? ? Ireland sc?
Breuer, H. Der Zupfgeigenhansl ?, ? 1908 Germany sc
Brewster, Paul G. (Ed) Ballads and Songs of Indiana Folklorica, New York/Philadelphia 1981 (1940) USA sc, DVA
Brice, Douglas The Folk Carol of England Herbert Jenkins, London 1967 England DVA
Briggs, Katherine M. British Folk Tales and Legends Granada, London 1983 Britain
Briggs, Katherine M. Encyclopedia of Fairies Pantheon, ? 1976 ?
Brimstone, Derek [Autobiography] ?, ? ? England
Broadbridge, S. R. The Birmingham Canal Navigations 1768-1846 David and Charles, London? 1974 England
Broadside Songs of our times from the pages of Broadside Magazine, Volume 1 ?, ? 1964 USA sc
Broadwood, Lucy English Traditional Songs and Carols ?, London 1908 England sc
Brocken, Michael Some Other Guys Mayfield Publ., Liverpool 1996 ?
Brocken, Michael The British Folk Revival 1944 - 2002 Ashgate Publ., ? 2003 Britain
Bronson, Bertrand H. The Ballad As Song Univ. of California Press, Berkeley 1969 Various
Bronson, Bertrand H. The Singing Tradition of the Child Ballads ?, ? ? Eng / Sco
Bronson, Bertrand H. Traditional Tunes of the Child Ballads Princeton UP, ? 1958-1972 Britain
Brophy, John / Partridge, Eric The Long Trail. What the British Soldier Sang and Said in 1914-1918 Sphere, London (André Deutsch, London) 1969 (1965) Britain sc
Brown, Frank C. Collection of North Carolina Folklore (7 vols) Duke UP, Durhan (NC) 1957 USA sc
Brown, Mary Ellen / Smith, Paul S. Ballad and Folksong Centre for English Cultural Tradition and Language, Sheffield 1982 Various? DVA
Browne, John Paddy Folk Songs of Old Hampshire Milestone Publ., Horndean 1987 England sc
Bruce, J. Collingwood / Stokoe, John Northumbrian Minstrelsy ?, ? (Folklore Associates, ?) 1882 (1965) England sc
Bruynoghe, Yannick / Broonzy, Bill Big Bill Blues Cassell, London 1955 USA Broonzy's life story
Buchan, David A Book of Scottish Ballads Routledge & Kegan Paul, London / Boston 1985 (1973) Scotland sc
Buchan, David History and Harlaw ?, ? 1976 Scotland in: E B Lyle, Ballad Studies
Buchan, David Scottish Tradition Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1984 Scotland
Buchan, David The Ballad and the Folk Tuckwell Press, Phantassie, East Lothian 1997 (1972) Scotland
Buchan, Norman One-Hundred and One Scottish Folksongs Collins, Glasgow / London 1962 Scotland sc
Buchan, Norman / Hall, Peter The Scottish Folksinger Collins, Glasgow / London 1986 (1973) Scotland sc
Buchan, Peter Ancient Ballads and Songs of the North Scotland ?, ? 1828 Scotland sc
Buchan, Peter Gleanings of Scarce Old Ballads D. Wyllie & Son, Aberdeen 1891 Scotland sc?
Buchan, Peter Scottish Traditional Versions of Ancient Ballads ?, ? 1845 Scotland sc
Buhmann, Heide / Haeseler, Hanspeter Das kleine dicke Liederbuch self-published, ? 1983 (?) Germany sc
Burckhardt-Seebass, Christine Helbing und Lichtenhahn im Kreise der Lieben" : eine volkskundliche Untersuchung zur populären ?, ? 1993 ? Stabi HH
Burns, Robert A Choice of Poems and Songs Faber, London 1979 (1966) Scotland
Burns, Robert Poems Penguin, Harmondsworth 1977 (1946) Scotland
Burns, Robert The Merry Muses of Caledonia Panther, London 1966 (1800) Scotland sc
Burns, Robert (Hg. Rudi Camerer) Liebe und Freiheit. Lieder und Gedichte zweisprachig Lambert Schneider, Heidelberg 1988 Scotland sc with translations
Burrows, Robin / Barton, Alan Henry Lawson: A Stranger on the Darling Angus & Robertson, Sydney 1996 Australia
Bursch, Peter Folkbuch Voggenreiter, ? 1979 Various sc
Burt, Olive Woolley American Murder Ballads and their Stories Oxford UP, Oxford 1958 USA sc
Bush, Alan et al. Pocket Song Book Workers' Music Association, London 1948 ? sc
Buxton, Ben Mingulay: an Island and Its People Birlinn, Edinburgh 1995 Scotland
Byrne, 'Packie' Manus [Autobioghraphy] ?, ? ? Ireland
Byrne, Pat (Ed) The Ryan's Fancy Song and Other Stuff Book ?, ? 1977 Ireland? sc?
Cameron, David Kerr The Ballad and the Plough. A portrait of life in the Old Scottish farmtouns Futura, London 1979 (1978) Scotland
Campbell, John Lorne Highland Songs of the Forty-Five Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh 1984 (1933) Scotland sc
Campbell, John Lorne Songs Remembered In Exile Birlinn, Edinburgh 1999 Scotland sc
Cantwell, Robert Ethnomimesis: Folklife and the Representation of Culture Univ. of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill & London 1993 ?
Cantwell, Robert When We Were Good: The Folk Revival Harvard UP, Cambridge, Mass. 1996 USA DVA
Carawan, Guy Ain't You Got a Right to the Tree of Life ?, ? ? USA sc?
Carawan, Guy & Candie Sing For Freedom, The Story of the Civil Rights Movement through its songs Sing Out Publ., Bethlehem, Penn. 1990 USA
Carawan, Guy & Candie Voices from the Mountains Univ. of Illinois Press, Chicago / London (Alfred A. Knopf, New York) 1982 (1975) USA sc?; reissue
Carawan, Guy & Candie (Comp. Songs of the Southern Freedom Movement: We Shall Overcome! Oak Publ., New York 1963 USA sc, DVA
Carey, George C. (Ed) A Sailor's Songbag, An American Rebel in an English Prison, 1777-1779 ?, ? 1976 USA ? sc?
Carmer, Carl Songs of the Rivers of America Farrar and Rinehart, ? 1942 USA sc
Carnell, ? Ballads in the Charles Harding Firth Collection ?, ? ? USA sc?
Carnell, Peter (Ed) Broadside Ballads and Song-Sheets from the Hewins MSS. Collection in Sheffield University Library: A descriptive catalogue with indexes and notes Sheffield Univ. Library and the Centre for English Cultural Tradition and Language, Sheffield 1987 England DVA
Carson, Ciaran Irish Traditional Music Appletree Press, Belfast ? Ireland sc?
Carson, Ciaran Last Night's Fun: In and Out of Time with Irish Music North Point Press, New York 1997 Ireland
Carswell, Catherine The Life of Robert Burns Canongate, Edinburgh 1996 (1930) Scotland
Carter, John Marshall The Military and Social Significance of Ballad Singing in the English Civil War, 1642-1649 MA/AH Publ., Manhattan, Kansas 1980 England DVA
Carthy, Martin / Kennedy, Doug Martin Carthy: A Guitar in Folk Music New Punchbowl Music, Petersham 1987 England
Casey, John Keegan Reliques of John Keegan Casey ?, ? 1878 Ireland Collection of poems
Cass, Eddie The Lancashire Pace-Egg Play: A Social History ?, ? ? England
Castein, Hanne Die anglo-irische Straßenballade W. Fink Verlag, München 1971 Britain / Ireland DVA
Catcheside-Warrington, C E Album of Tyneside Songs (Vols 1 - 4) Windows, ? 1912 - 1929 England sc
Cazden, Norman The Abelard Folk Song Book Abelard-Schuman Ltd., New York/London 1958 USA ? sc, DVA
Cazden, Norman / Haufrecht, Herbert / Studer, Norman (Eds) Folk Songs of the Catskills State Univ. of New York Press, New York 1982 USA sc
Chambers, Robert The Songs of Scotland Prior to Burns W. & R. Chambers, Edinburgh/London 1862 Scotland sc with comment, DVA
Chambers, Robert The Scottish Ballads Wm.Tait, Edinburgh 1829 Scotland sc, DVA
Chambers, Robert / Clyne, Norval The Romantic Scottish Ballads, Their Epoch and Authorship Advocates Library, Aberdeen 1859 Scotland sc, DVA
Chappell, William Popular Music of the Olden Times Chappell, London (repr. Dover, New York) 1859 (1965) Britain sc?
Charters, Samuel B. The Roots of the Blues - An African Search Marion Boyars London / Boston 1981 Africa
Charters, Samuel B. Country Blues (?) ?, ? 1959 USA
Chase, Richard American Folk Tales and Songs ?, ? ? USA sc
Child, Francis James English and Scottish Popular Ballads, vol. 1 Dover, London 1965 Eng / Sco sc
Child, Francis James English and Scottish Popular Ballads, vol. 2 Dover, London 1965 Eng / Sco sc
Child, Francis James English and Scottish Popular Ballads, vol. 3 Dover, London 1965 Eng / Sco sc
Child, Francis James English and Scottish Popular Ballads, vol. 4 Dover, London 1965 Eng / Sco sc
Child, Francis James English and Scottish Popular Ballads, vol. 5 Dover, London 1965 Eng / Sco sc
Chilton, Charles Victorian Folk Songs Essex Music, London 1965 Britain? sc
Christian, Roy The Country Life Book of Old English Customs Country Life Books, ? 1966 England
Clancy Brothers The Irish Songbook Wise Publications, New York 1969 Ireland sc
Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem The Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem Songbook Tiparm Music, ? ? Ire / USA sc
Clancy, Liam The Mountain of the Women: Memoirs of an Irish Troubadour Virgin, ? (Broadway, ?) 2003 (2002) Ire / USA ISBN 1852279486
Clark, Alastair Aly Bain. Fiddler On The Loose Mainstream, Edinburgh / London 1993 Scotland
Clarke, Donald The Rise and Fall of Popular Music Viking, London 1995 Britain ?
Clarke, Donald (Ed) The Penguin Encyclopedia of Popular Music Penguin, Harmondsworth 1989 Various
Clayre, Alasdair One Hundred Folk Songs and New Songs Wolfe, London ? Britain ? sc
Clayson, A Jacques Brel ?, ? ? France
Cleveland, Les (?) Dark laughter : war in song and popular culture Praeger, ? 1994 Various Stabi HH
Cleveland, Les (Ed) The Great New Zealand Songbook Godwit, ? 1991 New Zealand sc
Cloonan, Martin Banned! Censorship of Popular Music in Britain ?, ? ? Britain
Coan, P. The Harry Chapin Story ?, ? ? USA
Coffin, Tristram Potter Our Living Traditions: An Introduction to American Folklore Basic Books, New York/London 1968 USA DVA
Coffin, Mark Tristram American Narrative Obituary Verse and Native American Balladry Norwood Editions, Norwood, PA 1975 USA DVA
Cohen, Norman Long Steel Rail: The Railroad in American Folksong Univ. Of Illinois Press, Urbana 2000 USA
Cohen, Ronald D. Wasn't That a Time! : First Hand Accounts of the Folk Music Revival Scarecrow Press, New Jersey 1995 USA ?
Cohen, Ronald D. Rainbow Quest: The Folk Music Revival & American Society, 1940-1970 Univ. of Massachusetts Press, Amherst/Boston 2002 USA DVA
Colcord, Joanna C. Roll and Go. Songs of American Sailormen Bobbs Merrill, Indianapolis 1924 USA sc
Colcord, Joanna C. Songs of American Sailormen Bramhall House (orig. W.W.Norton & Co), New York ? (1938 ) USA sc, rev. & enlarged edn. by BH
Cole, E. W. Treasury of Songs Stanley Paul, ? 1909 ? sc
Collins, Judy [Autobiography] ?, ? ? USA
Collins, Shirley America Over the Water SAF Publ., ? 2004 England Autobiography; ISBN 0946719667
Collinson, Francis The Traditional and National Music of Scotland Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1966 Scotland
Collinson, Robert The Story of Street Literature Dent & Sons, London? 1973 ?
Colquhoun, Neil (Ed) New Zealand Folksongs - Songs of a Young Country Reed, ? 1972 (?) New Zealand sc; 2nd edn.
Conway, Pat One Hundred Great Scottish Songs Soodlum (Waltons), Dublin 1986 Scotland sc
Cooper, Derek The Road to Mingulay: a View of the Western Isles ?, London 1985 Scotland
Copper, Bob A Song For Every Season Heinemann, London 1971 England sc?
Copper, Bob Early To Rise Heinemann, London 1976 England sc?
Copper, Bob Songs and Southern Breezes Heinemann, London 1973 England sc?
Corrie, Joe (ed. Linda Mackenney) Plays, Poems and Theatre Writings 7:84 Publications, ? 1985 Scotland
Corries, The Complete Songbook Self-publ., Edinburgh nd Scotland sc
Cowan, Edward J. (Ed) The People's Past. Scottish folk - Scottish history Polygon, Edinburgh 1991 (1980) Scotland
Cox, John Harrington Folk Songs of the South ?, ? 1925 USA sc, West Virginia
Crawford, Thomas Burns: A Study of the Poems and Songs Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh / London 1960 Scotland
Crawford, Thomas Society and the Lyric: a study of the Song Culture of 18th century Scotland Scottish Academic Press, ? 1979 Scotland
Crawhall, Joseph A Beuk of Newcassel Songs ?, ? 1888 England sc
Cray, Ed The Erotic Muse: bawdy American folksongs Univ. of Illinois Press, Illinois 1992 (????) USA sc
Cray, Ed Ramblin’ Man ?, ? ? USA biog. of Woody Guthrie
Creighton, Helen ? [Pirate songs] ?, ? 1928? Canada See here
Creighton, Helen (Ed) Folksongs From Southern New Brunswick National Museum of Canada, Ottawa 1971 Canada sc
Creighton, Helen (Ed) Maritime Folk Songs Ryerson Press, Toronto 1979 (1961) Canada sc
Creighton, Helen (Ed) Songs and Ballads from Nova Scotia Dover (Dent & Sons), New York 1966 (1932) Canada sc
Creighton,. Helen / Senior, Doreen Traditional Songs of Nova Scotia ?, ? 1950 Canada sc
Croker, T. C. Popular Songs, Illustrative of the French Invasions of Ireland ?, London 1845-47 Ireland sc
Curtis, P J Notes From The Heart - A Celebration of Irish Traditional Music Poolbeg, Dublin ? Ireland
Curwen, J. Spencer Folk Songs of Many Lands Curwen, ? 1911 sc
d’Azevedo, Warren L. (Ed) The Traditional Artist in African Societies Indiana UP, Bloomington 1975 Africa
Dahl, Juergen Shanties Langewiesche-Brandt, Muenchen 1959 Various sc
Dallas, Karl / Denselow, Robin / Laing, Dave / Shelton, Robert The Electric Muse. The story of folk into rock ?, ? 1975 Br. / USA book acc. 4-LP-cassette
Dallas, Karl 'Fred' Great Folksongs of Our Time Wolfe, London ? Britain sc
Dallas, Karl 'Fred' One Hundred Songs of Toil. 450 years of workers' songs Wolfe, London 1974 Britain sc
Dallas, Karl 'Fred' The Cruel Wars. 100 soldiers' songs from Agincourt to Ulster Wolfe, London 1973 Britain sc
Dane, Barbara / Silber, Irwin (eds) The Vietnam Songbook ?, ? 1969 USA sc, 2nd edn.
Dann, Foresman & Fenwick The High Road Of Song, Book One W. J. Gage & Co., Toronto nd Canada sc
Davies, R. T. Medieval English Lyrics Faber & Faber, London 1963 England
Davis, ? More Traditional Ballads of Virginia ?, ? ? USA sc
Dawney, Michael Doon the Waggon Way Galliard, ? 1974 England sc?
Day, Brian A Chronicle of Folk Customs Hamlyn, ? 1998 England ?
De Lisle, Tim (Ed) Lives of the Great Songs Penguin, Harmondsworth 1995 (1994) Britain ?
Dean-Smith, Margaret A Guide to English Folk Song Collections 1822-1952 ?, ? 1954 England
Dearmer, Percy / Shaw, Martin Song Time J. Curwen, ? 1915 ? sc
Denisoff / Peterson The Sounds of Social Change Rand McNally, ? 1972 USA ?
Denselow, Robin When the Music's Over. The story of political pop Faber, London 1990 (1981) Br. / USA
Diamond, Dick Reedy River Austr. Theatre Workshop / Heinemann, ? 1970 Australia sc?
Dickerson, James Goin' Back to Memphis ?, ? ? USA
Digance, Richard A Wealth of Comedy Robson Books, ? 2003 England Autobiography
Dobson, R. B. / Taylor, J. Rymes of Robin Hood: An Introduction to the English Outlaw Alan Sutton, ? (orig. Wm. Heinemann, London) 1989 (1976) England
Doerflinger, William Main Songs of the Sailor and Lumberman (orig. Shantymen and Shantyboys. Songs of the Sailor and Lumberman) Macmillan, New York (orig. ?, ?) 1972 (1951) Various sc, DVA - republished in 1990 by Meyerbooks, Glenwood, Illinois
Dolph, Edward A. Sound Off! Soldier Songs From the Revolution to World War II Farrar & Rinehart, New York/Toronto 1942 (1929) USA sc, DVA
Donaldson, William The Jacobite Song. Political myth and national identity Aberdeen University Press, Aberdeen 1988 Scotland DVA
Dorson, Richard M. Folklore and Folklife Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago/London 1972 ?
Douglas, Sheila Sing a Song of Scotland Nelson, Walton-on-Thames 1982 Scotland sc
Douglas, Sheila (Ed) The Sang's the Thing. Voices from Lowland Scotland Polygon, Edinburgh 1992 Scotland ISBN 07486611900
Doyle, Gerald S Old-Time Songs and Poetry of Newfoundland Gerald S. Doyle Ltd, St John's, Newfoundland 1966 (1955; 1927) Canada sc
Drake, Lyle We'll Rant and We'll Roar, More All Time Favorite Songs of Newfoundland, Vol. 2 Tilt Hill Publishing, Torbay, Newfoundland 2000 Canada sc
DuBois, Fletcher Ranney A Troubadour as Teacher: The Concert as Classroom? Joan Baez - advocate of nonviolence and motivator of the young. A study in the biographical method Haag+Herchen, Frankfurt/M. 1985 Germany
Dugaw, Dianne Warrior Women and Popular Balladry, 1650-1850 Cambridge UP, Cambridge 1989 Various £51
Dunaway, David King How Can I Keep From Singing: Pete Seeger Da Capo, New York (McGraw-Hill) 1990 (1981) USA
Dundes, Alan The Blood Libel Legend: A Casebook in Anti-Semitic Folklore University of Wisconsin Press, ? 1991 ?
Dundes, Alan The Study of Folklore Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs 1965 ?
Dunn, Ginette The Fellowship of Song: Popular Singing Traditions in East Suffolk Croom Helm, London 1980 England sc
Dyer-Bennet, Richard The Richard Dyer-Bennet Folk Song Book ?, ? 1971 USA
Eals, Clay [Biography of Steve Goodman] ?, ? due 2007
Eddy, ? [Ohio song collection] ?, ? ? USA sc
Edwards, Ron The Overlander Songbook Robert Hale & Co, London 1972 Australia
E. F. D. S. Sounds Like Folk 2. The Railways in Song E. F. D. S. Publ, London ? 1973 England sc
EFDSS (Ed) Dear Companion: Appalachian Traditional Songs and Singers from the Cecil Sharp Collection EFDSS, London 2004 USA sc
EFDSS (Ed) Classic English Folk Songs EFDSS, London ? England sc (revised and expanded edn of the Penguin Book of English Folk Songs)
EFDSS Folk Music Journal periodical
Egan, Ted The Overlanders Songbook (Faces of Australia series) ?, ? 1984 Australia sc
Elbourne, Roger Music and Tradition in Early Industrial Lancashire 1780-1840 Folklore Society, Woodbridge, Suffolk 1980 England
Elliott, Doug Crawdads, Doodlebugs and Creasy Greens ?, ? ? ?
Engstfeld, Hans Folklore aktuell ?, ? ? ?
Epstein, Dena J. Sinful Tunes and Spirituals, Black Folk Music to the Civil War Univ. of Illinois Press, Chicago / London 1977 USA
Erk, Ludwig / Boehme, Franz M. (Ed) Deutscher Liederhort ?, ? 1963 (1893) Germany sc
Ewing, George W. The Well Tempered Lyre, Songs & Verse of the Temperance Movement ?, ? 1977 ? sc?
Eyre-Todd, George (Ed) Scottish Ballad Poetry Sands & Co, ? 1909 Scotland
Faolain, Turlough Take a Look at Blood On the Harp ?, ? ? Ireland
Farmer, John S. Musa Pedestris, 3 Centuries of Canting Songs and Slang Rhymes (1536-1896) ?, ? 1964 ? sc
Farmer, John S. (Ed) Merry Songs and Ballads Prior to the Year A.D. 1800, 5 vols Cooper Square Publishers, ? 1964 ? sc; no music
Federation of Bush Music Groups (coll.) The Queensland Centenary Pocket Songbook Edwards & Shaw, ? 1959 Australia sc
Fife, Austin [collections of western songs]
Finnegan, Ruth Hidden Musicians: Music-Making in an English Town Cambridge UP, Cambridge 1989 England
Fitzgerald, S. J. Adair Stories of Famous Songs ?, ? ? ? “absolutely worst book on songs” (Mudcatter)
Fitzgibbon, Marie / Mulcahy, Michael The Voice of the People: Songs and History of Ireland O'Brien Press, Dublin 1982 Ireland
Flanders, Helen Hartness Ancient Ballads Traditionally Sung in New England, Correlated with the Numbered Francis James Child Collection. Volume I. Ballads 1-51 Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, ? 1965 (1960) Eng / Sco / USA sc
Floyd, Samuel Jr. The Power of Black Music: Interpreting Its History from Africa to the United States Oxford UP, Oxford / New York 1995 Africa / USA
Foner, Philip S American Labor Songs of the 19th Century Univ. of Illinois Press, Chicago / London 1975 USA sc
Ford, Robert Song Histories Wm. Hodge&Co, Glasgow / Edinburgh 1900 Scotland
Foreman, John Peace Songs Broadsheet King, ? ? ? sc
Foster, Myles B. (ed) The Songs of Scotland ?, ? c. 1878 Scotland sc, DVA?
Foster, Stephen A Treasury of Stephen Foster ?, ? 1946 USA sc
Fowke, Edith A Songbook For Young Voyageurs ?, ? 1972 Canada sc
Fowke, Edith Canadian Folklore ?, ? ? Canada
Fowke, Edith Explorations in Canadian Folklore ?, ? ? Canada
Fowke, Edith Folk Canada ?, ? ? Canada
Fowke, Edith Lumbering Songs from the North Woods ?, ? 1985 (1970) Canada sc
Fowke, Edith Sea Songs and Ballads from Nineteenth-Century Nova Scotia. The William H. Smith and Fenwick Hatt Manuscripts Folklorica, New York 1981 Canada sc
Fowke, Edith Traditional Singers and Songs from Ontario Folklore Associates, Hatboro (PA) 1965 Canada
Fowke, Edith Folksongs of Quebec ?, ? ? Canada sc
Fowke, Edith / Glazer, Joe Songs of Work and Freedom Roosevelt Univ., Labor Education Division, Chicago 1960 Canada? USA? sc
Fowke, Edith / Glazer, Joe (Eds) Songs of Work and Protest. 100 favorite songs of American workers complete with music and historical notes ?, New York 1973 (1960) Canada sc
Fowke, Edith / Mills, Alan / Blume, Helmut Singing Our History: Canada's Story In Song Doubleday, New York 1984 (1960) Canada sc
Fowke, Edith Fulton / Johnston, Richard Folk Songs of Canada, Vol. 1 ?, ? 1970 (1954) Canada sc
Fowke, Edith More Folk Songs of Canada ?, ? 1967 Canada sc
Fowke, Edith The Penguin Book of Canadian Folk Song Penguin, Harmondsworth 1973 Canada sc
Fowler, David C. A Literary History of the Popular Ballad Duke Univ. Press, ? 1968 Britain ?
Fox Strangeways, A. H. / Karpeles, Maud Cecil Sharp Oxford UP, London 1933 England
Frank, Hanskarl Schottische Lieder und Balladen Fischer, Frankfurt/M. 1984 Scotland sc
Frank, Stuart Ballads and Songs of the American Sailor Kendall Whaling Museum, Sharon MA 2001 USA sc
Frank, Stuart The Book of Pirate Songs Kendall Whaling Museum, Sharon MA 1998 Various sc
Frey, Juergen / Siniveer, Kaarel Eine Geschichte der Folkmusik Rowohlt, Reinbek 1987 Various
Friedman, Albert B. (Ed) The Penguin Book of Folk Ballads of the English-Speaking World Penguin, Harmondsworth 1982 (1956) Britain sc
Frith, Simon / Goodwin, Andrew (Eds) On Record: Rock, Pop and the Written Word Routledge, London 1990 England?
Friz, Thomas / Schmeckenbecher, Erich Es wollt’ ein Bauer früh aufstehn Pläne, ? 1978 Germany sc
Fuld, James J. The Book of World-Famous Music ?, ? 1995 (1966) Various sc, 4th edn.
Funk / Wagnall Standard Dictionary of Folklore ?, ? ? Various ?
Furey, Finbar The Fureys & Davey Arthur Song Book Walton Music, Dublin 1984 Ireland sc
Fuson, ? [Song collection] ?, ? ? USA sc

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Subject: RE: Susanne (SKW) Bibliography
From: Joe Offer
Date: 04 Jul 07 - 05:21 AM

Gage, Charles A. (Ed) Songs of Kiwanis, With Words and Music of Songs For All Occasions, A Treasury of The Best Songs of the United States and Canada ?, ? 1924 USA / Canada sc
Galvin, Patrick Irish Songs of Resistance (1169 - 1923) Oak Publ., New York 1962 (1953) Ireland sc
Gardiner, ? / Chickering, ? [Michigan song collection] ?, ? ? USA sc
Gardner-Medwin, Alisoun / Williams, Janet Hadley (Eds) A Day Estivall. Essays in honour of Helena Mennie Shire Aberdeen Univ. Press, Aberdeen 1990 Britain
Gareth, James The Wind that Shakes the Barley: a selection of Irish folk songs Appletree Press, Belfast 1983 Ireland sc
Gatherer, Nigel Songs and Ballads of Dundee John Donald Publ., Edinburgh 2000 (1986) Scotland sc
Gee, H. L. Folk Tales of Yorkshire Thomas Nelson, ? 1952 England
Geraghty, Des Luke Kelly: A Memoir Basement Press, Dublin 1994 Ireland
Gerould, Gordon Hall The Ballad of Tradition Clarendon Press, Oxford 1960? (1927) Britain
Gillies, Anne Lorne Songs of Gaelic Scotland Birlinn, Edinburgh 2005 Scotland sc
Gillington, A E Songs of the Open Road ?, ? 1911 ? sc
Gilpin, Sidney (George Coward) Songs and Ballads of Cumberland ?, ? 1865-66 England sc
Giraud, S Louis Songs that Won the War - Daily Express Community Song Book Lane Publ. (Daily Express Books Dept.), London 1930 England? sc
Glatt, John The Chieftains: The Authorized Biography St. Martins' Press, ? 1997 Ireland ISBN 0312166052
Glazer, Joe Songs of Peace, Freedom and Protest ?, ? ? USA? sc
Glazer, Tom A New Treasury of Folk Songs Bantam, London 1964 ? sc
Gleadhill, T. S. The Old Scots Songs with Music (facsimile reprint of Songs of Scotland) Lang Syne Publ., ? 1983 (1880) Scotland sc
Gmelch, Sharon / Langan, Pat Tinkers and Travellers O’Brien, Dublin 1975 Ireland
Goldsmith, Peter D. Making People's Music: Moe Ash and Folkways Records ?, ? ? USA
Goldstein, Kenneth S. (Ed) Bawdy Ballads and Dirty Dities from Ontario and Newfoundland Wilfrid Laurier UP, ? 2003 Canada sc; ISBN 0889203849
Goldstein, Kenneth S. / Rosenburg, Neil V. (Eds) Folklore Studies in Honour of Herbert Halpert: A Festschrift Memorial Univ. of Newfoundland, St. John's 1980 Canada
Gordon, Shelley Songs to Sing & Sing Again ?, ? 1984 ? sc
Goulder, Dave The January Man self-published ? England / Scotland sc, available from author, Rosehall, Lairg, IV27 4BD, Scotland, phone 0044 (0)1549441 283
Gow, Niel Gow's Repository of the Dance Music of Scotland ?, ? ? Scotland
Gower, Herschel / Porter, James Jeannie Robertson: Emergent Singer, Transformative Voice Tuckwell Press, East Linton (Edinburgh) 1995 Scotland ISBN 1898410844
Graham, Frank The Geordies’ Songbook Graham, Newcastle 1971 England sc
Graham, George Farquhar Songs of Scotland vols I - III ?, ? ? Scotland sc
Grainger, Percy (ed. Patrick O'Shaughnessy) Twenty-one Lincolnshire Folk Songs Oxford UP, Oxford 1968 England sc
Grant, Roderick Clap Hands for the Singing Molecatcher Triple Cat, ? 1989 Scotland
Graves, A. P. Irish Songs of Wit and Humour ?, ? 1884 Ireland sc
Graves, Robert English and Scottish Ballads Heinemann, London 1968 Britain sc
Gray, Roland Palmer Songs and Ballads of the Maine Lumberjacks with Other Songs from Maine Harvard UP, Harvard 1925 USA sc
Greaves, C. Desmond The Easter Rising in Song and Ballad Kahn & Averill, London 1980 Ireland
Green, Archie Only A Miner Univ. of Illinois Press, Illinois 1972 USA
Green, Archie (Ed) Songs About Work Indiana UP, Bloomington / Indianapolis 1993 USA? sc
Greenleaf, Elisabeth Bristol / Mansfield, Grace Yarrow (Eds) Ballads And Sea Songs of Newfoundland Folklore Associates, Hatboro (PA) 1968 (1933) Canada sc
Greenway, John American Folksongs of Protest Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, ? 1953 USA
Gregory, Padric Ulster Songs and Ballads Talbot Press, ? 1920 Ireland sc
Greig, Gavin (ed. Stephen Miller) The Subject of Folksong. Collected writings on Scottish folksong Chiollagh Books, Isle of Man 2000 Scotland £14.95 (incl. p&p) from St. Miller, 15 Crown Road North, Glasgow. G12 9HD, Unfavourable review by Ian Olsen in MusTrad
Greig, Gavin Songs of the North East ?, ? ? Scotland ? sc?
Greig, Gavin (eds. Patrick Shuldham-Shaw, Emily B. Lyle) The Greig-Duncan Folksong Collection vol. 1 Aberdeen Univ. Press, Aberdeen 1981 Scotland sc
Greig, Gavin (eds. Patrick Shuldham-Shaw, Emily B. Lyle) The Greig-Duncan Folksong Collection vol. 2 Aberdeen Univ. Press, Aberdeen 1983 Scotland sc
Greig, Gavin (eds. Patrick Shuldham-Shaw, Emily B. Lyle, Adam McNaughtan) The Greig-Duncan Folksong Collection vol. 5 The Mercat Press at James Thin, Edinburgh 1995 Scotland sc
Greig, Gavin (eds. Patrick Shuldham-Shaw, Emily B. Lyle, Andrew Hunter) The Greig-Duncan Folksong Collection vol. 4 Aberdeen Univ. Press, Aberdeen 1990 Scotland sc
Greig, Gavin (eds. Patrick Shuldham-Shaw, Emily B. Lyle, Elaine Petrie) The Greig-Duncan Folksong Collection vol. 6 The Mercat Press at James Thin, Edinburgh 1995 Scotland sc
Greig, Gavin (eds. Patrick Shuldham-Shaw, Emily B. Lyle, Peter Hall) The Greig-Duncan Folksong Collection vol. 3 Aberdeen Univ. Press, Aberdeen 1987 Scotland sc
Greig, Gavin (eds. Patrick Shuldham-Shaw, Emily B. Lyle, Sheila Douglas) The Greig-Duncan Folksong Collection vol. 7 The Mercat Press at James Thin, Edinburgh 1997 Scotland sc
Greig, John Scots Minstrelsie Grange Publ. (Jack?), Edinburgh 1893 Scotland
Grice, Frederick Folk Tales of Lancashire Nelson, Walton-on-Thames 1953 England
Griggs, Katherine / Tongue, Ruth Folktales of England Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1965 England
Grimble, Ian Robert Burns Lomond Books / Reed Consumer Books, London 1995 (1986) Scotland
Grossman Contemporary Ragtime Guitar Oak Books, New York ? USA
Gummere, Francis B. The Popular Ballad Dover Publ., New York 1959 Britain
Gundry, Inglis (Ed) Canow Kernow - Songs and Dances from Cornwall Soundpost Publ., ? 1966 Cornwall sc
Gunnyon, William Illustrations of Scottish History, Life and Superstition from Song and Ballad Robert Forrester, Glasgow 1879 Scotland
Guthrie, Woody Born To Win MacMillan, London 1965 USA
Guthrie, Woody Bound For Glory Penguin, London 2004 (1943) USA
Guthrie, Woody Roll on Columbia, the Columbia River Collection ?, ? 1991 USA sc
Guthrie, Woody (ed. Moses Ash) American Folksong Oak Publ., New York 1947 USA sc
Guthrie, Woody (eds. Dave Marsh & Harold Leventhal) Pastures of Plenty: A Self-Portrait HarperCollins, London 1990 USA
Guthrie, Woody / Lomax, Alan / Seeger, Pete Hard-Hitting Songs for Hard-Hit People Univ. of Nebraska Press, ? 2000? (1967) USA sc
Haining, Peter The English Highwayman. A Legend Unmasked Robert Hale, London, 1991 England
Hall, Reg I Never Played to Many Posh Dances - Scan Tester 1887-1972 Musical Traditions, Rochford 1990 England ISBN 02655063
Halliwell, James Orchard Popular Rhymes and Nursery Tales of England ?, ? ? England
Hamer, Fred Garners Gay EFDSS, London 1967 England ? sc
Hamer, Fred Green Groves EFDSS, London 1973 England ? sc
Hamilton, S. C. Social History of Irish Traditional Music ?, ? ? Ireland
Hamm, Charles Putting Popular Music in its Place Cambridge UP, Cambridge 1995 England
Hammond, David Songs of Belfast Mercier Press, Cork ? Northern Ireland sc
Hanson, H Canal People David and Charles, London? 1978 England
Hardebeck, Carl G Gems of Melody: Seóda Ceóil Pigott, ? 1910 Ireland sc
Harding, Mike Cooking One's Corgi Robson Books, London 1988 England sc
Harding, Mike The Mike Harding Collection of Folk Songs of Lancashire Whitethorn Press, ? 1980 England
Harding, Mike When the Martians Land in Huddersfield Robson Books, London 1984 England sc
Harker, Ben [Biography of Ewan MacColl] ?, ? forthcoming (2006) Britain
Harker, Dave Fakesong. The manufacture of British "folksong" 1700 to the present day Open UP, Milton Keynes 1985 Britain
Harker, Dave Hammer and Hand Frank Graham, ? Britain
Harker, Dave One for the Money. Politics and Popular Song Hutchinson, London 1980 Britain
Harland, J. / Wilkinson, T. T. Ballads and Songs of Lancashire ?, ? 1976 (1865) England sc
Harland, John Lancashire Legends ?, ? ? England
Harlow, Frederick Pease Chanteying Aboard American Ships ?, ? 1962 USA
Harper, Colin Dazzling Stranger: Bert Jansch and the British Folk Revival Bloomsbury, London 2000 Eng / Sco
Harper, Colin / Hodgett, Trevor Irish folk, trad and blues: a secret history Collins Press, ? 2004 Ireland ISBN 1903464455
Harte, Frank Folksongs of Dublin ?, ? ? Ireland sc
Haywood, Charles Folk Songs of the World Bantam, London 1968 Various sc
Healey, James N. Ballads from the Pubs of Ireland Mercier Press, Dublin 1965 Ireland sc
Healey, James N. Irish Ballads and Songs of the Sea ?, ? 1967 Ireland sc
Healey, James N. The Second Book of Irish Ballads Mercier Press, Dublin 1967 Ireland sc
Healey, James N. (ed. Daniel D. O'Keeffe) The First Book of Irish Ballads Mercier Press, Dublin 1968 (1963) Ireland sc
Healey, James N. (Ed) Love Songs of the Irish Mercier Press, Dublin 1977 Ireland sc
Healey, James N. (Ed) The Mercier Book of Old Irish Street Ballads, vol. 1 Mercier Press, Cork 1967 Ireland sc
Healey, James N. (Ed) The Mercier Book of Old Irish Street Ballads, vol. 2: History and Politics Mercier Press, Cork 1969 Ireland sc
Healey, James N. (Ed) The Mercier Book of Old Irish Street Ballads, vol. 3: The People At Play Mercier Press, Cork 1969 Ireland sc
Healey, James N. (Ed) The Mercier Book of Old Irish Street Ballads, Vol. 4: No Place Like Home Mercier Press, Cork 1969 Ireland sc
Heilbut, Anthony The Gospel Sound: Good News and Bad Times Limelight Edns., New York 1997 USA
Henderson, Hamish Alias MacAlias. Writings on Songs, Folk and Literature Polygon, Edinburgh 1993 (1992) Scotland
Henderson, Hamish (ed. Alec Finlay) The Armstrong Nose. Selected Letters Polygon, Edinburgh 1996 Scotland
Henderson, Kathy / Armstrong, Frankie / Kerr, Sandra My Song Is My Own Pluto Press, London 1982 (1979) Britain sc
Henry, Sam Songs of the People ?, ? 1990 (????) Ireland sc
Herd, David Ancient and Modern Scottish Songs, Heroic Ballads, etc. Scottish Academic Press, Edinburgh / London 1973 Scotland sc
Hetmann, Frederik Irische Lieder und Balladen Fischer, Frankfurt/M. 1979 Ireland sc
Heylin, Clinton No More Sad Refrains: The life and times of Sandy Denny Helter Skelter Publ., ? 2000 England ISBN 1900924358
Hibbert, Christopher Highwaymen ?, ? 1967 England
Hibbert, Christopher The Roots of Evil ?, ? 1963 England
Hille, Waldemar (Ed) The People's Song Book Boni & Gaer, New York 1961 (1948) USA sc
Hindley, Charles Curiosities of Street Literature Second Volume Broadsheet King, ? 1966 ?
Hinton, ? / Wall, ? [Biography of Ashley Hutchings] ?, ? ? England
Hobsbawm, E. J. / Ranger, Terence (Eds) The Invention of Tradition Cambridge UP, Cambridge 1983 Britain
Hockenhull, Chris Streets of London Northdown Publ., ? 1997 England Biography of Ralph McTell
Hodgart, Matthew The Ballads Hutchinson Univ. Library, London 1964 (1950) Britain
Hodgart, Matthew The Faber Book of Ballads Faber, London 1965 Britain sc
Hogg, Brian The History of Scottish Rock and Pop Guinness Publ., Enfield 1993 Scotland
Hole, Christina A Dictionary of British Folk Customs Paladin, London 1986 Britain
Hole, Christina Easter and Its Traditions Richard Bell, ? 1961 Britain
Hole, Christina Saints in Folklore Bell & Sons, ? 1966 Britain
Holloway, John / Black, Joan (Eds) Later English Broadside Ballads Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1975 England sc?
Holloway, John / Black, Joan (Eds) Later Broadside Ballads, Volume II Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1979 England sc?
Holroyd, Abraham Holroyd's Yorkshire Ballads Geo. Bell, ? 1892 England sc
Holst, Imogen A Jubilee Book of English Folk-Songs ?, ? 1958 England sc
Honey in the Rock Religious Folk Songs from Sumter County, Alabama ?, ? ? USA sc, with histories
Hopekirk, Helen (Ed) Seventy Scottish Songs Dover Publ., New York ? Scotland sc
Hopkins, Anthony Songs From the Front & Rear. Canadian Servicemen's Songs of the Second World War ?, ? 1979 Canada sc
Houston, Cisco 900 Miles, The Ballads, Blues And Folksongs of Cisco Houston ?, ? 1965 USA sc
Howes, Frank Folk Music of Britain - and Beyond Hutchinson, London 1969 Britain sc?
Hubbard, Lester A. Ballads and Songs from Utah Univ. of Utah Press, ? 1961 USA sc
Hudson, ? [Mississippi song collection] ?, ? ? USA sc
Hughes, Herbert (Ed) Irish Country Songs, Vol. 1 Boosey & Hawkes, ? 1909 Ireland sc
Hughes, Herbert (Ed) Irish Country Songs, Vol. 2 Boosey & Hawkes, ? 1915 Ireland sc
Hugill, Stan Sailortown ?, ? 1967 Various
Hugill, Stan Shanties and Sailor Songs Herbert Jenkins, ? 1969 Various sc
Hugill, Stan Shanties from the Seven Seas Mystic Seaport Museum, Mystic (CT) 1994 (1961) Various sc
Hugill, Stan Songs of the Sea ?, ? 1977 Various sc
Hugill, Stan The Bosun’s Locker ?, ? 2006 Various? sc, see
Humphries, Patrick Meet on the Ledge Eel Pie, London 1982 England sc
Humphries, Patrick Nick Drake: The Biography Bloomsbury, London 1998 England ISBN 0747535035
Hunt, Cecil British Customs and Ceremonies Ernest Benn, ? 1954 Britain
Huntington, Gale Songs the Whalemen Sang ?, ? ? Various sc
Huntington, Gale (Ed) (rev. Lani Herrman) Sam Henry's Songs of the People Univ. of Georgia Press, Athens (GA) 1990 Ireland sc
Hustvedt, Sigurd Bernhard Ballad Books and Ballad Men. Raids and Rescues in Britain, America, and the Scandinavian North Since 1800 Harvard UP, Harvard 1970 (1930) Various
Hustvedt, Sigurd Bernhard Ballad criticism in Scandinavia and Great Britain during the 18th century ?, ? 1916 Various
Hyde, Douglas Abhráin Grádh Chúige Connacht - Love Songs of Connacht ?, ? 1893 Ireland sc
Hyland, ? Mammoth Hibernian Songster ?, ? 1901 Scotland sc
Imlach, Hamish / McVicar, Ewan Cod Liver Oil and the Orange Juice. Reminiscences of a Fat Folk Singer Mainstream, Edinburgh / London 1992 Scotland
Ingledew, C. D. Davison The Ballads and Songs of Yorkshire ?, ? 1860 England sc
Irvine, Andy Aiming for the Heart Heupferd, Dreieich 1988 Ireland sc
Irwin, Colin In Search of Albion ?, ? ? England?
Irwin, Colin In Search of the Craic: One Man's Pub Crawl Through Irish Music Andre Deutsch, London 2004 Ireland
Ives, Burl The Burl Ives Songbook Ballantine, New York 1953 USA sc
Ives, Burl The Wayfarin' Stranger ?, ? 1945 USA autobiography
Ives, Burl Sea Songs of Sailing,Whaling and Fishing Ballantine, New York 1956 USA? sc
Ives, Edward D. Joe Scott, The Woodsman-Songmaker Univ of Illinois Press, Urbana/Chicago/London 1978 USA
Ives, Edward D. Larry Gorman, The Man Who Made the Songs Indiana UP, Bloomington 1964 USA
Ives, Edward D. The Bonny Earl of Murray. The Man, the Murder, the Ballad Tuckwell Press, Phantassie, East Lothian 1997 Scotland
Jackson, Richard (ed) The Stephen Foster Song Book. Original sheet music of 40 songs Dover Publ., New York ? USA sc
Jamieson, Robert Popular Ballads and Songs ?, ? 1806 ? sc
Jewitt, Llewellyn The Ballads and Songs of Derbyshire Bemrose & Lothian, London / Derby 1867 England sc
Johnson Reagon, Bernice / Sweet Honey in the Rock We Who Believe in Freedom. Still on the Journey Anchor (Doubleday), New York 1993 USA
Johnson, Helen K. Our Familiar Songs, and Those That Made Them ?, ? 1881 Ireland?
Johnson, R. Brimley (Ed) A Book of Popular British Ballads Everyman, London / New York 1952 (1912) Britain sc
Jordan, Eamonn Whistle and Sing (Songs, Airs and Dance Music) CPD Handbook, ? 1984 ? sc
Joyce, P. W. Old Irish Folk Music and Songs ?, ? 1909 Ireland sc
Kahn, Si The Si Kahn Songbook Hal Leonard Publ., Milwaukee 1989 USA sc
Kane, Alice (ed. Edith Fowke) Songs and Sayings of an Ulster Childhood Wolfhound Press, Dublin ^1983 Ireland
Karpeles, Maud An Introduction to English Folk Song Oxford UP, Oxford 1973 England
Karpeles, Maud Cecil Sharp: His Life and Work Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago 1967 England
Karpeles, Maud Folksongs From Newfoundland Faber, London 1971 (1970) Canada sc
Kearns, Kevin C. Dublin Pub Life and Lore: An Oral History ?, ? ? Ireland
Keesing, Douglas / Smith, Nancy (or: Stewart, Douglas / Keesing, Nancy?) Old Bush Songs And Rhymes Of Colonial Times, Enlarged And Revised From The Collection Of A. B. Paterson Angus & Robertson, ? 1964 (1957) Australia sc
Keesing, Nancy Australian Bush Ballads Angus & Robertson, ? 1990 Australia sc
Kelly, Ben New Songs of Scotland Ardness Publications, Inverness 1992 Scotland sc
Kempster, Chris (comp.) The Songs of Henry Lawson Viking O’Neil, ? 1989 Australia sc
Kennedy, Peter (Ed) The Folksongs of Britain and Ireland Cassell, London 1975 Brit. / Irel. sc
Kidson, ? Traditional Tunes ?, ? ? (1970) England?
Kilgarriff, Michael Sing Us One of the Old Songs. A guide to popular song 1860 - 1920 Oxford UP, Oxford / London 1998 England ? sc
Killip, Margaret Folklore of the Isle of Man Batsford, London 1975 Britain
Kimminich, Eva Erlebte Lieder : eine Analyse handschriftlicher Liederaufzeichnungen d Narr, ? 1990 ? Stabi HH
King, Jeffrey S. The Life and Death of Pretty Boy Floyd Kent State UP, Kent / Ohio 1998 USA
Klagge, Ingetraut Folklorerezeption ?, ? ? Germany?
Klein, Joe Woody Guthrie: A Life Faber, London 1986 (1980) USA
Klitgaard, Alan Politikens folkemusikleksikon ?, ? ? Denmark / Var?
Klusen, Ernst Deutsche Lieder Insel Verlag, ? 1980 Germany sc
Knowlson, T. Sharper The Origins of Popular Superstitions and Customs Senate, ? 1994 USA?
Kochmann, Marilyn (Ed) The Big Book of Bluegrass: The Artists, the History, the Music Hal Leonard Publ., Milwaukee 1988 USA
Kolbs, John and Sylvia A Treasury of Folk Songs Bantam Books, New York 1948 USA? sc
Koning, Henk de / Matthies, Thorsten The Dubliners and Their Music Feldhaus, Hamburg 1987 Ireland sc
Korson, George Coal Dust on the Fiddle, Songs and Stories of the Bituminous Industry ?, ? 1965 (1943) USA sc
Korson, George Minstrels of the Mine Patch ?, ? 1938 USA sc
Korson, George Songs and Ballads of Anthracite Miners ?, ? 1927 USA sc
Krappe, Alexander The Science of Folklore Norton Library, ? 1964 ?
Kroeher, Hein und Oss (Eds) Das sind unsere Lieder: ein Liederbuch Büchergilde Gutenberg, Frankfurt a. M. 1977 Germany sc
Lahey, John Great Australian Folk Songs Hill of Content, ? 1965 Australia sc
Laing, Dave / Newman, Richard Thirty Years of the Cambridge Folk Festival Music Maker, Ely 1994 England
Laing, Robin The Whisky Muse. Scotch Whisky in Poem and Song Luath Press, Edinburgh 2002 Scotland sc
Lamont-Brown, Raymond Scottish Folklore Birlinn, Edinburgh 1996 Scotland
Lampe, Christine Markel The No Quarter Given Pirate Songbook ?, ? ? Various 2nd edn; for content see here
Larkin, Colin (Ed) The Guinness Who's Who of Folk Music Guinness / Square One, London 1993 Various
Lawrence, Elizabeth Atwood Hunting the Wren -Transformation of Bird to Symbol - A Study in Human-Animal Relationships Univ. of Tennessee Press, Knoxville 1997 USA
Lawrence, Sharon Jimi Hendrix: The Man, the Magic, the Truth Sidgwick & Jackson, London 2005 ? ISBN 0283070196
Laws, G. Malcolm American Balladry from British Broadsides ?, ? 1957 USA sc
Laws, G. Malcolm Native American Balladry American Folklore Society, Philadelphia 1964 (?) USA sc, rev. edn.
Leach, MacEdward Folk Ballads & Songs of The Lower Labrador Coast ?, ? 1965 Canada sc
Leach, MacEdward The Heritage Book of Ballads Heritage Press, ? 1976 ? sc
Leach, MacEdward (Ed) The Ballad Book ?, ? ? ? sc
Leach, MacEdward / Coffin, Tristram P. (Eds) The Critics and the Ballad Southern Illinois UP, Carbondale 1961 ?
Leach, Maria (Ed) Funk & Wagtnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology and Legend ?, ? 1972 (1949-50) Various
Lee, Edward Folksong and Music Hall Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1982 ?
Lee, Katie Ten Thousand Goddam Cattle ?, ? ? USA sc
Legman, Gershon The Horn Book ?, ? ? USA? DVA
Lehr, Genevieve (Ed) Come and I Will Sing You, A Newfoundland Songbook ?, ? 1985 Canada sc
Lehrer, Tom Too Many Songs, the collected lyrics of Tom Lehrer Methuen, London USA sc; illustrated by Ronald Searle
Leigh, Egerton Ballads and Legends of Cheshire ?, ? 1867 England sc
Leitch, Donovan Hurdy Gurdy Man ?, ? ? Scotland autobiography
Leonhardt, Rudolf Walter Lieder aus dem Krieg Goldmann, Muenchen 1979 Various
Lifton, Sarah The Listener's Guide to Folk Music Quarto Books, New York / Blandford Press, Poole, Dorset 1983 Various
Linde, Carsten Folksongs aus Amerika Fischer, Frankfurt/M. 1982 USA sc
Linscott, Eloise Hubbard Folk Songs of Old New England Dover Publ., New York 1993 (1939) USA sc
Livingstone, Sheila Scottish Customs Birlinn, Edinburgh 1996 Scotland
Lloyd, A. L. Coaldust Ballads Workers Music Association, ? 1952 Britain sc
Lloyd, A. L. Come All Ye Bold Miners: Ballads and Songs of the Coalfields Lawrence & Wishart, London 1978 (1952) Britain sc
Lloyd, A. L. The Singing Englishman. An Introduction to Folksong ?, ? ? England
Lloyd, A. L. Folk Song in England Lawrence & Wishart, London 1975 (1967) Britain
Lloyd, A. L. Folk Songs of the Americas Oak Publ., New York 1965 USA et al. sc
Lloyd, A. L. The Singing Englishman Workers' Music Association, London 1944 England
Lloyd, A. L. / de R. Rivera, I. A. Folk Songs of the Americas ?, ? ? USA / Various sc
Loesberg, John Folksongs and Ballads Popular in Ireland, vols 1 - 3, 4(?) Ossian Publ., Cork 1979 Ireland sc
Lomax, John A. / Lomax, Alan Best Loved American Folk Songs ?, ? 1947 USA sc
Lomax, Alan Mr Jelly Roll ?, ? ? USA Biog of Jelly Roll Morton
Lomax, Alan Our Singing Country Dover Press, New York 2000? (1941) USA sc
Lomax, Alan The Folk Songs of North America Doubleday & Co., New York 1960 USA sc
Lomax, Alan Folk Song Style and Culture American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington 1968 USA Lloyd: AL is a good journalist ...
Lomax, Alan The Penguin Book of American Folksongs Penguin, Harmondsworth 1984 USA sc
Lomax, John A. / Lomax, Alan American Ballads and Folk Songs Dover Press, New York 2000? (1934) USA sc
Lomax, John A. / Lomax, Alan Cowboy Songs and other Frontier Ballads ?, ? 1938 (1910) USA sc
Long, L. / Jenkin, G. Favorite Australian Bush Songs ?, ? 1965 Australia sc
Longhi, Jim Woody, Cisco and Me: Seamen Three in the Merchant Marine University of Illinois Press, ? 1997 USA
Longsdon, Guy The Whorehouse Bells Were Ringing, and Other Songs the Cowboys Sang Hamilton Bookseller, Falls Village, CT ? USA sc
Low, Donald (Ed) The Songs of Robert Burns ?, ? 1993 Scotland sc
Luboff, Norman / Stracke, Win (eds) Songs of Man Walton Music Corp., New York 1965 USA / Germany sc
Lyle, Emily Crawford's Collection (Vol 1) Scottish Text Society, ? 1975 Scotland sc
Lyle, Emily Crawford's Collection (Vol 2) Scottish Text Society, ? 1996 Scotland sc
Lyle, Emily (Ed) Ord's Bothy Ballads ?, ? ? Scotland sc
Lyle, Emily B. (Ed) Ballad Studies D.A. Brewer, Cambridge / Rowman and Littlefield, Totowa, N.J. 1976 Various ? articles on individual ballads
Lyle, Katie Letcher Scalded to Death by the Steam: Authentic Stories of Railroad Disasters and Ballads That Were Written About Them Algonquin Books, Chapel Hill, NC 1988 USA sc

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Subject: RE: Susanne (SKW) Bibliography
From: Joe Offer
Date: 04 Jul 07 - 05:25 AM

MacCarthy, Jimmy Ride On Townhouse,?, 2002 Ireland
MacColl, Ewan Folksongs and Ballads of Scotland Oak Publ, New York 1965 Scotland sc
MacColl, Ewan Journeyman. Autobiography Sidgwick & Jackson, London 1990 England ISBN 0283060360
MacColl, Ewan Personal Choice Workers' Music Association, London 1963 Britain sc
MacColl, Ewan The Essential Ewan MacColl Songbook. 199 songs Oak Publ, New York England sc
MacColl, Ewan (Ed) Scotland Sings ?, ? 1953? Scotland
MacColl, Ewan (Ed) The Shuttle and the Cage. Industrial Folk Ballads Workers' Music Association, London 1954 Britain sc
MacColl, Ewan / Seeger, Peggy The Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger Songbook Oak Publ., New York 1963 Various ? sc
MacColl, Ewan / Seeger, Peggy The Singing Island Mills,? 1960 Britain sc
MacColl, Ewan / Seeger, Peggy Till Doomsday in the Afternoon. The folklore of a family of Scots travellers, the Stewarts of Blairgowrie Manchester UP, Manchester 1986 Scotland ISBN 0719018471
MacColl, Ewan / Seeger, Peggy Travellers' Songs from England and Scotland Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1977 Britain sc
MacGillivray, Allister The Nova Scotia Song Collection ?, ? 1989 Canada
MacGowan, Shane / Clarke, Victoria Mary A Drink with Shane MacGowan Pan, London 2002 Ireland ISBN 0330490087
Macinnes, Colin Sweet Saturday Night - pop song 1840-1920 Macgibbon & Kee, ? 1967 ?
Mackenzie, ? [Song collection] ?, ? ? USA sc
MacKenzie, W. Roy The Quest of the Ballad ?, ? 1966 (1919) ?
MacKenzie, W. Roy (Coll.) Ballads and Sea Songs from Nova Scotia ?, ? 1963 (1928) Canada sc
MacKinnon, Niall The British Folk Scene. Musical performance and social identity Open UP, Buckingham 1993 Britain
MacLeod, A. C. / Boulton, Harold Songs of the North ?, ? 1895 Sc / Eng sc
MacLeod, Kenneth The Road to the Isles Grant & Murray, ? 1927 Scotland sc
MacNeil, Rita Born A Woman Canadian Women's Educational Press, ? 1974 Canada sc
Maidment, James A Book of Scottish Pasquils 1568 -1715 Paterson, ? 1868 Scotland sc?
Mander, Raymond / Mitchenson, Joe British Music Hall Gentry Books, ? c. 1980 Britain
Manifold, John Who Wrote the Ballads? Australasian Book Society, ? 1964 ?
Marcus, Greil Dead Elvis. A Chronicle of a Cultural Obsession Harvard UP, Cambridge/Mass. / London 1999 (1991) USA
Marcus, Greil Mystery Train ?, ? 1976 USA
Marcus, Greil / Wilentz, Sean (Eds) The Rose & the Briar: Death, Love and Liberty in the American Ballad W.W. Norton & Company, ? 2004 USA with CD, see Mudcat link
Margolis, Jonathan The Big Yin: The Life and Times of Billy Connolly Orion, London 1994 Scotland
Martinengo-Cesaresco, Evelyn Essays in the Study of Folk Song Dent & Sons, London? 1914 Britain?
Masefield, John (?) A Sailor's Garland ?, ? 1906 Various sc
Mason, M H Nursery Rhymes and Country Songs ?, ? 1910? ? sc
Mason, R., The Song Lore of Ireland ?, New York 1911 Ireland sc
McBride, Jimmy The Flower of Dunaff Hill ?, ? 1988 ? sc
McCarthy, Tony Bawdy British Folk Songs Wolfe, London 1972 Britain sc
McCormick, Fred The Companion to Irish Traditional Music ?, ?
McDonnell, John (Ed) Songs of Struggle and Protest Gilbert Dalton, Skerries (Dublin?) 1979 Ireland ? sc
McGinn, Matt McGinn of the Calton Glasgow District Libraries, Glasgow 1987 Scotland
McKuen, Rod Songs Of Rod McKuen, Volume Two ?, ? 1975 ? sc
McKuen, Rod The World Of Rod McKuen ?, ? 1968 ? sc?
McLaughlin, John One Green Hill. Journeys through Irish Songs Beyond the Pale BTP, Belfast 2003 Ireland
McMahon, Seán The Poolbeg Book of Irish Ballads Poolbeg, Dublin 1991 Ireland sc
McManus, Kevin Ceilis, Jigs & Ballads: Irish Music in Liverpool Institute of Popular Music, Liverpool 1994 England
McMorland, Alison Herd Laddie o' the Glen - Songs of a Border Shepherd. The songs of Willie Scott Tryst Publications, ? 1988 Scotland sc; Liddesdale shepherd and singer; introduction Hamish Henderson (rev. edn. 2006)
McNeil, W. K. Southern Folk Ballads, Vol 1 ?, ? 1987 USA ? sc
McNeil, W. K. Southern Folk Ballads, Vol 2 ?, ? ? USA ? sc
McNeill, Brian The Back o' the North Wind. The songs and music of Brian McNeill Dragonfly Music, Newbiggin 1991 Scotland sc
McTell, Ralph Angel Laughter Amber Waves - Heartland Publ., ? 2000 England Autobiography, vol. 1; ISBN 1902684028
McTell, Ralph Summer Lightning Amber Waves - Heartland Publ., ? 2002 England Autobiography, vol. 2; ISBN 1902684036
McVicar, Ewan One Singer One Song Glasgow City Libraries, Glasgow 1990 Scotland sc
McVicar, Ewan / Traditional Scottish Songs and Music Gallus, Linlithgow 2006 Scotland sc
Meade, Guthrie T., Jr. / Spottswood, Dick / Meade, Douglas S. Country Music Sources: A Biblio-Discography of Commercially Recorded Traditional Music Southern Folklife Collection, Univ. of N. Carolina Press, Chapel Hill 2002 USA
Meek, Bill Songs of the Irish in America Gilbert Dalton, Dublin 1978 USA / Ireland sc
Melly, George Revolt Into Style Oxford UP, Oxford 1970 England
Mercier, Paul Newfoundland Songs And Ballads in Print 1842-1974 Newfoundland Memorial UP, ? ? Canada
Meredith, John / Anderson, Hugh Folk Songs of Australia Ure Smith, ? 1968 Australia sc
Meredith, John / Covell, Roger / Brown, Patricia Folk Songs of Australia Volume 2 NSW Univ. Press, ? 1987 Australia sc
Meredith, John Real Folk National Library, Canberra 1995 Australia?
Meredith, John / Scott, Alan / Bolton, Hugh (Eds) Singabout Songster No 1 Bush Music Club, ? 1968 Australia sc
Messenger, Betty Picking up the Linen Threads: a study in industrial folklore Univ. of Texas Press, Austin 1978 USA ?
Blackstaff Press, Belfast 1980
Middleton, Richard Studying Popular Music Open UP, Buckingham 2002 (1990) Various ?
Milner, Dan / Kaplan, Paul Songs Of England, Ireland & Scotland - A Bonnie Bunch Of Roses Oak Publ., New York 1983 USA sc
Moffat, Alfred The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Highlands ?, ? ? Scotland sc?
Moore, Christy One Voice. My Life in Song Hodder & Stoughton, London 2003 Ireland sc; ISBN 0340830735
Moore, Christy Songbook Brandon, Dublin 1984 Ireland sc
Morris, ? [Alabama song collection] ?, ? ? USA sc
Morris, Alton C. Folksongs of Florida ?, ? 1950 USA sc
Morton, Robin (Ed) Come Day, Go Day, God Send Sunday: The Songs and Life Story, Told in his Own Words, of John Maguire, Traditional Singer and Farmer from County Fermanagh Routledge, London 1973 Ireland Ulster songs and traditions
Morton, Robin (Ed) Folksongs Sung In Ulster Mercier Press, Cork 1970 N. Ireland sc
Motherwell, William ? ?, ? ? Scotland sc
Moulden, John Thousands are Sailing - a brief song history of Irish emigration ?, Portrush 1994 Ireland sc
Moylan, Terry The Age of Revolution in the Irish Song Tradition - 1776 to 1815 Lilliput Press, ? ? Ireland
Muir, Willa Living With Ballads ?, ? 1965 Scotland
Munro, Ailie The Democratic Muse - Folk Music revival in Scotland Scottish Cultural Press, Aberdeen 1996 (1984) Scotland
Murdoch, Brian Fighting Songs and Warring Words. Popular lyrics of two world wars Routledge, London 1990 Britain
Nail, Jimmy A Northern Soul: The Autobiography Penguin/Michael Joseph, London 2004 England ? ISBN 0718146530
Neat, Tim [Biography of Hamish Henderson] ?, ? due 2007
Negus, Keith Popular Music in Social Theory Polity Press, ? 1996 Various
Negus, Keith Producing Pop: Culture and Conflict in the Popular Music Industry Edward Arnold, London 1992 Various
Nelson, Willie (with Bud Shrake) I Didn't Come Here and I Ain't Leaving Macmillan, London 1988 USA Autobiography
XNettel, Reginald Sing a Song of England: A Social History of Traditional Song Phoenix, London 1954 England
Nettl, Bruno Folk and Traditional Music of Western Continents Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs 1973 Various sc?
Nettleingham, F. T. Tommy’s Tunes Erskine MacDonald, ? 1917 England
Nettleingham, F. T. More Tommy’s Tunes Erskine MacDonald, ? ? England
Newman, Paul Lost Gods of Albion Sutton Publ., ? 1999 Britain
Ni Uallachain, Padraigin A Hidden Ulster: people, songs and traditions of Oriel Four Courts Press, Dublin 2003/2003 Ireland south Ulster/north Leinster
Nordhoff, Charles Seeing the World ?, ? 18?? USA
Northall, G F English Folk-Rhymes ?, ? 1892 England sc
O' Boyle, Cathal Songs of the County Down ?, ? ? Ireland sc
O' Boyle, Sean The Irish Song Tradition Gilbert Dalton, Dublin 1976 Ireland sc
O Canainn, Tomas Traditional Music in Ireland Ossian Publ., Cork 1993 (1978) Ireland
O' hAllmhuruin, Gearoid A Pocket History of Irish Traditional Music ?, ? ? Ireland
O' Hara, Mary A Song for Ireland Michael Joseph, London 1982 Ireland
O hOgain, Daithi Myth Legend and Romance Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs 1991 Ireland ?
O Lochlainn, Colm Irish Street Ballads Pan, London 1978 (1939) Ireland sc
O Lochlainn, Colm More Irish Street Ballads Pan, London 1978 (1965) Ireland sc
O Lochlainn, Colm Songwriters of Ireland (in the English Language) ?, ? ? Ireland booklet w. biogr. details of many 19th and early 20th C. authors of well known Irish songs
O' Neill, ? Music of Ireland, new and revised Oak Publ., New York ? Ireland
O' Shaughnessy, Patrick Late Leaves from Lincolnshire Lincolnshire & Humberside Arts, ? 1980 (?) England sc
O' Shaughnessy, Patrick Twenty-One Lincolnshire Folk-Songs Oxford UP, Oxford 1967 England sc
O' Shaughnessy, Patrick More Folk Songs From Lincolnshire Lincolnshire & Humberside Arts, ? (Oxford UP, Oxford) 1983 (1970) England sc
O' Shaughnessy, Patrick Yellowbelly Ballads, Part One and Part Two Lincolnshire & Humberside Arts, ? 1975 England sc
O' Sullivan, Donal Irish Folk Music and Song Sign of the 3 Candles, ? 1961 Ireland sc
O' Sullivan, Donal Songs of the Irish Mercier Press, Dublin 1981 Ireland sc
O'Boyle, Carmel Cut the Loaf: The Irish Children's Songbook Mercier Press, Cork 1986 Ireland sc
Ochs, Phil Death of a Rebel ?, ? ? USA
Ochs, Phil There But For Fortune ?, ? ? USA
Oliver, Paul Screening the Blues, Aspects of the Blues Tradition Da Capo Press, New York 1989 (1968) USA
Olney, Margaret Ballads Migrant in New England ?, ? 1953 USA sc?
Olson, Ian A. Scottish Contemporary Music and Song Carl Winter, Heidelberg 1989 Scotland
Opie, Iona and Peter Children's Games in Street and Playground Clarendon Press, Oxford 1970 Britain ?
Opie, Iona and Peter The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren Oxford Paperbacks, Oxford 1973 Britain ?
Opie, Iona and Peter The Oxford Book (Dictionary?) of Nursery Rhymes OUP, Oxford 1951 Britain ? sc
Opie, Iona and Peter The Singing Game OUP, Oxford 1985 Britain ?
Ord, John The Bothy Songs and Ballads Alexander Gardner, Paisley 1930 Scotland sc
Ord, John The Ballads and Songs of Scotland. Articles published in the Glasgow Weekly Herald, 22 Nov 1879 - 10 July 1880 self-published, Glasgow 1880 (1879) Scotland
Ord, John The Bothy Songs of Aberdeen, Banff and Moray Brown, Son & Ferguson, Glasgow 1927 Scotland sc
Orlin, Glenn Hell-bound Train ?, ? ? ?
Otto, Uli / König, Eginhard Ich hatt’ einen Kameraden ?, ? ? Germany
Owen, Trefor M. Welsh Folk Customs National Museum of Wales, Cardiff 1959 Wales
Owens, William A. Texas Folk Songs ?, ? 1950 USA sc
Oxner, Diane Folksongs of Nova Scotia ?, ? 1973 Canada sc, see http://www.thecanadianenc
Page, Martin For Gawd's Sake Don't Take Me Rupert Hart-Davis, London 1976 ?
Page, Martin Kiss Me Goodnight, Sergeant Major: The Songs and Ballads of World War II Panther, London 1973 Various sc
Palmer, Roy Strike the Bell Cambridge UP, Cambridge 1978 ? sc?
Palmer, Roy (Ed) A Ballad History of England From 1588 to the Present Day Batsford, London 1979 England sc
Palmer, Roy (Ed) A Book of British Ballads Llanerch Publ., Felinfach 1998 (1980) Britain sc
Palmer, Roy (Ed) A Taste of Ale Green Branch Press, Kencot, Glos. 2000 England sc?
Palmer, Roy (Ed) A Touch on the Times. Songs of social change 1770 - 1914 Penguin, Harmondsworth 1974 Britain sc
Palmer, Roy (Ed) Boxing the Compass. Sea songs and shanties Herron Publ., Todmorden 2001 (1986) Britain sc
Palmer, Roy (Ed) Britain's Living Folklore David & Charles, London? 1991 Britain sc?
Palmer, Roy (Ed) Bushes and Briars. Folksongs collected by Ralph Vaughan Williams Llanerch Publ., Felinfach 1999 (1983) England sc
Palmer, Roy (Ed) Everyman's Book of English Country Songs Dent & Sons, London? 1979 Britain sc
Palmer, Roy (Ed) Folk songs collected by Ralph Vaughan Williams Dent, London 1983 England sc, ISBN No 0-460-04558-x
Palmer, Roy (Ed) Poverty Knock. A picture of industrial life in the nineteenth century through songs, ballads and contemporary accounts Cambridge UP, Cambridge 1974 Britain sc
Palmer, Roy (Ed) Room For Company Cambridge UP, Cambridge 1972 Britain sc
Palmer, Roy (Ed) Songs of the Midlands EP Publ. Ltd, East Ardsley, Wakefield, Yorks. 1972 England sc
Palmer, Roy (Ed) The Oxford Book of Sea Songs Oxford UP, London 1988 (1980) Britain sc
Palmer, Roy (Ed) The Painful Plough Cambridge UP, Cambridge 1973 Britain sc
Palmer, Roy (Ed) The Rambling Soldier. Life in the lower ranks 1750-1900 Peacock / Penguin, Harmondsworth 1977 Britain sc
Palmer, Roy (Ed) The Sound of History. Songs and social comment Oxford UP, London 1988 Britain sc
Palmer, Roy (Ed) The Valiant Sailor. Sea Songs and Ballads and Prose Passages Illustrating Life on the Lower Deck in Nelson's Navy ?, ? 1979 (1973) England sc
Palmer, Roy (Ed) What A Lovely War. British Soldiers' Songs From The Boer War To The Present Day Michael Joseph, London 1990 Britain sc
Palmer, Roy / Leach, Robert Folk Music in School Cambridge UP, Cambridge 1978 Britain
Palmer, Roy / Raven, Jon (Eds) The Rigs of the Fair: A collection of sporting ballads, wakes songs, etc. with contemporary extracts and historical background Cambridge UP, Cambridge 1976 Britain ? sc?
Palmer, Roy Warwickshire Folklore Batsford, London 1977 England
Parades, Americo / Baumann, Richard Toward New Perspectives in Folklore American Folklore Society, Univ. of Texas Press, Austin and London 1972 Various
Parrish, Lydia Slave Songs of the Georgia Sea Islands Univ. of Georgia Press, Athens (GA) 1942/1992 USA sc
Patterson, James The Songs of Ayrshire John Dick, ? 1846 Scotland sc; 2 Vols in 1
Paterson, Wilma (Ed) The Songs of Scotland Mainstream, London 1996 Scotland sc
Paulin, Don Das Folk-Music-Lexikon Fischer, Frankfurt/M. 1980 Various
Paxton, Tom Ramblin' Boy and other songs Oak Publ., New York ? USA sc
Paxton, Tom The Honor of Your Company ?, ? ? USA sc
Peacock, Kenneth (Ed) Songs of the Newfoundland Outports, Vols. 1 - 3 National Museum of Canada, Ottawa 1965 Canada sc
Peere, Isabelle / Top, Stefaan (Eds) Ballads and Diversity: Perspectives on Gender, Ethos, Power and Play Wiss. Verlag, Trier 2004 Various DVA
Pegg, Bob Folk: A Portrait of English Traditional Musicians and Customs Wildwood House, London 1976 England
Pegg, Bob Rites and Riots Blandford Press, Poole, Dorset 1981 England ?
Percy, Bishop Reliques of Ancient Poetry see Wikipedia ? ? sc
Pescatello, Ann M. Charles Seeger: A Life in American Music Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, ? 1992 USA
Peters, Harry Folk Songs Out of Wisconsin State Historical Society of Wisconsin, ? ? USA sc
Petley, Julian Smashed Hits. Index on Censorship, ? 1998 Various
Phillips, Bruce ‘Utah’ Starlight on the Rails [Utah Phillips songbook] ?, ? ? USA sc
Phillips, Duncan Folk Music of the British Isles Retail Entertainment Data Publishing, London 1994 Britain
Pickering, Michael Village Song and Culture Croom Helm, London/Canberra 1982 Britain?
Pickering, Michael / Green, Tony Everyday Culture: Popular song and the Vernacular Milieu Open UP, Milton Keynes 1987 Britain
Piepe, Judith (Ed) The Paul Simon Songbook Pattern, London 1965 USA sc
Piggot, H. E. Songs That Made History ?, ? ? Various
Pinto, Vivian de Sola / Rodway, Allan Edwin The Common Muse. Popular British ballad poetry from the 15th to the 20th century Penguin, Harmondsworth 1965 (1957) Britain sc
Pohle, Horst The Folk Record Source Book self-published, Berlin 1987 (1984) Britain / Ireland
Pollard, Michael Ballads and Broadsides Pergamon Press, London 1969 Britain
Pollard, Michael Discovering English Folksong Shire Publications, Princes Risborough 1982 England
Polwarth, Gwen & Mary (Gwen Marchant?) North Country Songs Graham, ? 1969 England sc
Polwarth, Gwen Marchant (Coll.) Folk Songs of Northumberland ?, ? 1967 England sc; 2nd edn
Potter, Harry Blood Feud: The Stewarts & Gordons At War in the age of Mary Queen of Scots Tempus Publ., ? 2002 Scotland
Pottie, Kaye / Ellis, Vernon (Eds) Folksongs of the Maritimes ?, ? ? Canada sc
Poulson, Joan North Country Traditions (Part One) Hendon Publ. Co, ? 1977 England
Pound, Louise American Ballads and Songs ?, ? 1922 USA sc
Purdon, Jock Songs of the Durham Coalfields Pit Lamp Press, ? 1979? England sc
Purser, John A History of the Traditional and Classical Music of Scotland from Early Times to the Present Day Mainstream, Edinburgh 1992 Scotland
Purslow, Frank (Ed) Marrow Bones. English Folk Songs from the Hammond and Gardiner MSS. EFDSS, London 1965 Britain sc
Purslow, Frank (Ed) The Constant Lovers EFDSS, London 1972 Britain sc
Purslow, Frank (Ed) The Foggy Dew EFDSS, London 1974 Britain sc
Purslow, Frank (Ed) The Wanton Seed EFDSS, London 1969 (1968) Britain sc
Randall, Lucian / Welch, Chris Ginger Geezer: The Life of Vivian Stanshall Fourth Estate, London 2002 England ? ISBN 1841156795
Randolph, Vance Ozark Folksongs, volumes 1 - 4 Univ. of Missouri Press, Columbia, Miss. 1946-1950 USA sc
Randolph, Vance Pissing in the Snow and Other Ozark Folktales ?, ? ? USA
Randolph, Vance (ed. & abr. by Norman Cohen) Ozark Folksongs ?, ? 1982 USA sc
Randolph, Vance (ed. Gershon Legman) Roll Me in Your Arms and Blow the Candles Out. Unprintable Ozark folksongs and folklore (4 vols.) Univ. of Arkansas Press, Fayetteville 1992 USA sc
Raph, Theodore ? ?, ? ? USA? sc, OK if song is well known, but otherwise his notes are garbage first class! (Mudcatter)
Raven, Jon Songs of a Changing World Ginn & Co, ? 1973 England ? sc
Raven, Jon Urban and Industrial Songs of the Black Country and Birmingham Broadside, Wolverhampton 1977 England sc
Raven, Jon (ed) Victoria's Inferno (songs of the old mills, mines, manufacturies, canals, and railways) Broadside, Wolverhampton 1978 Britain sc
Raven, Jon Staffordshire Folklore Batsford, London 1978 England sc?
Raven, Jon Turpin Hero: A collection of folk songs and contemporary songs OUP, Oxford ? England ? sc
Raven, Jon & Michael Folklore and Songs of the Black Country, vols 1, 2, 3 ?, ? 1965 - 1967 England sc
Raven, Jon / Totten, Malcolm The Nailmakers Black Country Society, ? 1975 England
Raven, J & K Canal Songs Broadside, Wolverhampton 1974 Britain sc
Reed Smith, ? [Song collection] ?, ? ? USA sc
Reed, James The Border Ballads (The River and the Rocks ???) Athlone Press, London 1973 Scotland sc
Reeves, James The Everlasting Circle Heinemann, London 1960 Britain
Reeves, James The Idiom of the People. Traditional English verse Heinemann, London 1958 England
Reynolds, Malvina Little Boxes and Other Handmade Songs ?, ? ? USA sc
Reynolds, Malvina Song In My Pocket California Labor School, San Francisco 1954 USA sc
Richards, Sam / Stubbs, Tish The English Folksinger. 159 modern and traditional folksongs Collins, Glasgow / London 1979 England sc
Richardson, Michael / Stamp, Tom Flint Jack Caedmon, ? 1985 ?
Rickaby, Franz Ballads and Songs of the Shanty-Boy Harvard UP, Harvard 1926 Various sc
Ridley, Geordie Gateshead Poet and Vocalist, Sings The Blaydon Races ?, ? 1973 England Introduction by David Harker
Ritchie, Jean From Fair To Fair Henry Z. Walk, ? 1966 USA sc?
Ritchie, Jean Singing Family of the Cumberlands Geordie Music, o. O. (Oak Publ./OUP) 1980 (1955) USA sc
Ritson, Joseph (ed. by J. Carew Hazlitt) Ancient Ballads Reeves & Turner, ? 1877 England 3rd edn. of Ritson's collection
Robbin, Ed Woody Guthrie and Me: An Intimate Reminiscence AAA, ? 1979 USA
Roberts, John S. The Legendary Ballads of England and Scotland Chandos Classics, ? nd (1880s?) Britain
Roberts, John Storm Black Music of Two Worlds: African, Caribbean, Latin, and African-American Traditions Simon & Shuster Macmillan, New York 1998 Various
Rogan, Johnny Starmakers & Svengalis: The History of British Pop Management Macdonald/Queen Anne Pr., London 1988 England
Rogers, Charles The Scottish Minstrel: The Songs of Scotland Subsequent to Burns William P. Nimmo, Edinburgh 1872 Scotland
Rogers, Stan Songs from Fogerty’s Cove (?) ?, ? ? Canada sc
Rogers, Stan Unfinished Conversation ?, ? ? Canada Autobiography
Rollins, Hyder Edward (Ed) The Pack Of Autolycus Or Strange and Terrible News Of Ghosts, Apparitions, Monstrous Births, Showers of Wheat, Judgments of God, and other Prodigious and Fearful Happenings as told in Broadside Ballads of the Years 1624-1693 ?, ? 1969 (1927) Britain sc
Rosenburg, Neil V. (Ed) Transforming Tradition: Folk Music Revivals Examined Univ. of Illinois Press, Chicago / London ? USA
Ross, Peter Songs of Scotland Alison (Albion?) and Ross, ? 1872 Scotland sc
Roud, Steve / Upton, Eddie / Taylor, Malcolm (Eds) Still Growing: English Traditional Songs and Singers from the Cecil Sharp Collection EFDSS, London 2003 England
Rudland, E. M. Ballads of Old Birmingham E. F. Hudson, ? nd England sc
Russell, Dave Popular Music in England, 1840-1914. A Social History Manchester UP, Manchester 1987 England
Russell, Ian (Ed) Singer, Song and Scholar Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield 1986 England with articles on A. L. Lloyd
Russell, Ian / Atkinson, David (Eds) Folk Song: Tradition, Revival and Re-Creation Elphinstone Institute, Univ of Aberdeen 2004 Scotland with article on Peter Kennedy
Sandberg, Larry / Weissman, Dick The Folk Music Sourcebook Da Capo Press (orig. Knopf), New York 1989 (1976) USA sc
Sandburg, Carl American Songbag Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, ? ? USA sc
Sands, Colum Between the Earth and the Sky Cottage Publ., Donaghadee 2000 N. Ireland sc, ISBN 1 900935 19 8
Sands, Tommy Songbook ?, ? ? N. Ireland sc
Sands, Tommy The Songman. A Journey in Irish Music Lilliput Press, Dublin 2005 N. Ireland autobiography
Sapoznik, Henry [Book about Klezmer music] ?, ? ? ?
Sawyers, June The Complete Guide to Celtic Music Aurum Press, ? 2000 Various ?
Scarborough, Dorothy On the Trail of Negro Folk-Songs Harvard UP, ? 1963 (1925) USA sc
Scheips, Paul About one song: "Hold the Fort! The Story of a Song from the Sawdust Trail to the Picket Line" Smithsonian Studies in History & Technology #9, Washington 1971 USA
Scherf, Wilhelm Raeuber- und Landsknechtslieder Fischer, Frankfurt/M. 1981 Various sc
Scheurer, Timothy E. Born in the U.S.A: the myth of America in popular music from Colonia Univ. Press of Mississippi, ? 1991 USA Stabi HH
Schilling, K. / König, H. Der Turm Voggenreiter, Göttingen 1952 Germany sc
Schmidt, H. W. Uns geht die Sonne nicht unter. Lieder der Hitlerjugend ?, ? 1934 Germany sc, out of print and no reprints allowed because of nazi content
Scholes, Es The Oxford Companion To Music Oxford UP, London 1970 Various ?
Schuberth, Richard CrossRoots. Das Lexikon der irischen, schottischen, englischen, walisischen und bretonischen Folk-, Traditional- und Roots-Musik Christian Ludwig / Lamuv Verlag, Moers / Goettingen 2002 Various
Scott, John The Ballad of America. The History of the United States In Song and Story ?, ? 1983 (1966) USA sc
Scott, Sir Walter Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border ?, ? 1802/03 (?) Scotland sc
Sebastian, John Welcome Back. A songbook ?, ? 1976 ? sc
Sedley, Stephen (Ed) The Seeds of Love EFDSS / Essex Music, London 1967 USA ? sc
Seeger, Peggy Folk Songs of Peggy Seeger. 88 Traditional Ballads And Songs ?, ? 1964 USA sc
Seeger, Peggy Songs for the Sixties Workers' Music Association, London 1961 ? sc
Seeger, Peggy The Peggy Seeger Songbook. Forty years of songmaking. 154 songs Oak Publ., New York ? USA sc
Seeger, Peggy (ed) The Essential Ewan MacColl ?, ? 2001 England
Seeger, Pete American Favorite Ballads Oak Publ., New York 1978 (1961) USA sc
Seeger, Pete The Bells of Rhymney and other songs and stories Oak Publ., New York 1964 Various ? sc
Seeger, Pete The Incompleat Folksinger ?, ? ? USA sc
Seeger, Pete Where Have All the Flowers Gone? A Singer's Stories, Songs, Seeds, Robberies Sing Out Corp., Bethlehem, NY 1993 Various sc
Seeger, Pete (Ed) Woody Guthrie Folk Songs Ludlow, New York / Essex, London 1963 USA
Seeger, Pete / Reiser, Bob Carry It On! A history in song and picture of America's working men and women Simon & Schuster, New York 1985 USA sc
Seeger, Ruth Crawford American Songs for Children? ?, ? ? USA sc
Seeger, Ruth Crawford Animal Songs for Children? ?, ? ? USA sc
Seeger, Ruth Crawford Christmas Songs for Children? ?, ? ? USA sc
Sharp, Cecil English Folk Song: Some Conclusions Charles River Books, London 1972? (1907) England
Sharp, Cecil One Hundred English Folk-Songs Dover Publ., New York 1975 (1916) England sc
Sharp, Cecil Pulling Shanties Novello, London 1919 Various sc
Sharp, Cecil (ed. Maud Karpeles) Collection of English Folk Songs Oxford UP, Oxford 1974 England sc, many texts finally unexpurgated
Sharp, Cecil J. (ed. Maud Karpeles) English Folk Songs from the Southern Appalachians Oxford UP, London 1973 (1917) Eng / USA sc
Sharp, Cecil J. / Karpeles, Maud The Crystal Spring. English Folk Songs Oxford UP, London 1987 England sc
Sharp, Cecil / Marson, Charles L. Folk Songs from Somerset ?, ? 1904-05 England sc
Sharp, Sir Cuthbert The Bishoprick Garland Graham, ? 1969? Britain sc
Shaw, Margaret Fay Folksongs and Folklore of South Uist Birlinn, Edinburgh ? Scotland sc
Shay, Frank An American Sailor's Treasury. Sea Songs, Chanteys, Legends, and Lore, Two Volumes In One ?, ? 1991 (1948-51) USA sc
Shay, Frank (Coll.) My Pious Friends And Drunken Companions ?, ? 1961 (1927) USA sc
Shay, Frank (Coll.) More Pious Friends And Drunken Companions, Songs And Ballads Of Conviviality ?, ? 1961 (1928) USA sc
Shepard, Leslie The Broadside Ballad. The development of the street ballad from traditional song to popular newspaper Legacy Books, Hatboro (PA) 1978 (1962) Britain
Shepard, Leslie A History of Street Literature David & Charles, ? 1973 Various?
Shields, Hugh Narrative Singing in Ireland Irish Academic Press, ? 1993 Ireland
Shields, Hugh Shamrock, Rose and Thistle: Folksinging in North Derry Blackstaff Press, Belfast 1981 Ireland
Shuker, Roy Understanding Popular Music Routledge, London 1994 Various
Silber, Fred & Irwin (Eds) The Folksinger's Wordbook Oak Publ., New York 1973 Various sc
Silber, Irvin Hard-Hitting Songs for Hard-Hit People. Foreword by John Steinbeck ?, ? ? USA sc
Silber, Irwin Lift Every Voice. Foreword by Paul Robeson ?, ? ? USA sc
Silber, Irwin Songs America Voted By, from George Washington to Richard Nixon, with the words and music that won and lost elections and influenced the democratic process, compiled and edited with historical notes Stackpile Books, ? 1971 USA sc
Silber, Irwin Songs of Independence ?, ? ? USA sc
Silber, Irwin Songs of the Civil War Columbia UP, ? 1960/1960 USA sc
Silberman, A. The Sociology of Music Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1963 Various?
Silverman, Jerry The Folk Song Encyclopedia, Volumes One and Two ?, ? ? Various sc, DVA
Silverman, Jerry (Comp.) Outrageous Songs ?, ? 1966 ? sc
Silverman, Jerry The Dirty Song Book Stein and Day Publishers, ? 1982 ? sc
Simpson, Claude The British Broadside Ballad and its Music Rutgers UP, New Brunswick, N.J. 1966 Britain
Siniveer, Kaarel Folk-Lexikon Rowohlt, Reinbek 1981 Various
Small, Judy The Judy Small Songbook Orlando, Sydney 1986 Australia sc
Smethurst, J. B. Ballads of the Coalfields Eccles and District Historical Society, ? ? Britain? sc?
Smith, C. Fox A Book of Shanties Houghton Mifflin, Boston/New York / Methuen, London 1927 USA sc, Mudcat 85881
Smith, Julia Fairs Feasts and Frolics Smith Settle, ? 1989 ? sc?
Smith, Paul / Spalding, David / Sutton, Frank Cum All Yo Cutlin Heroes: Songs from Sheffield and District Sheffield City Museum, Sheffield 1967 England sc
Somers, Robert Letters from the Highlands on The Famine of 1846 The Melven Press, o. O., 1985 (1848) Scotland
Soodlum's Soodlum's Irish Ballad Book Soodlum Music Co, Dublin 1982 Ireland sc
Spaeth, ? A History of Popular Music in America Random House, New York 1948 USA “a notoriously poor researcher” (Q, Mudcat thread 63785)
Spaeth, ? Weep Some More My Lady ?, ? ? ?
Sparling, H. H. (Ed) Irish Minstrelsy ?, London 1887 Ireland sc
Speaight, George Bawdy Songs of the Early Music Hall ?, ? 1975 Britain sc
Spicer, Doris / Richardson, Dick The Life of a Man: Ron Spicer 1929 - 1996 Country Books, Little Longstone, Bakewell 1997 England
Spinners, The Songbook Tro Essex Music, London 1973 (1964) Britain sc
St Clair, Isla The Song and the Story ?, ? ? Scotland ?
Stanford, C. V. The National Song Book ?, London 1906 Britain sc
Steinbiss, Florian Deutsch-Folk: Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Tradition Fischer, Frankfurt/M. 1984 Germany
Steinitz, Wolfgang Der grosse Steinitz. Deutsche Volkslieder demokratischen Charakters aus sechs Jahrhunderten Institut für deutsche Volkskunde der DAW, Berlin (Ost) 1955 Germany sc
Stephenson, Pamela [Biog of Billy Connolly] Scotland
Stern, A. Lieder gegen den Tritt. Politische Lieder aus fünf Jahrhunderten asso, ? undated Germany sc
Stewart, Andy M. [Songbook2] Strathmore Music, Stow 1999 Scotland sc
Stewart, Andy M. Songbook Strathmore Music, Stow 1988 Scotland sc
Stewart, Bob Where Is St George? Pagan imagery in English folksong Blandford, London 1988 (1977) England
Stewart, Douglas / Keesing, Nancy Old Bush Songs And Rhymes Of Colonial Times, Enlarged And Revised From The Collection Of A. B. Paterson ?, ? 1964 (1957) Australia sc
Stewart, Sheila Queen Amang the Heather: The Life of Belle Stewart Birlinn, Edinburgh 2006 Scotland
Stokes, M. Ethnicity, Identity and Music Berg, ? 1994 ?
Stokoe, J. / Reay, S. Songs and Ballads of Northern England ?, ? 1899 England sc
Stradling, Robert (Rod?) / Hughes, Meirion The English Musical Renaissance 1860-1940. Construction and Deconstruction Routledge, London 1993 England
Stuart, Forbes (Ed) Stories of Britain in Song Longman, London 1972 Britain sc
Stuckey, David The Spinners - Fried Bread and Brandy-O!, Robson Books, London 1983 England
Student fuer Europa (Ed) Liederbuch Verlag Student fuer Europa, Bad Soden/Ts. 1974 Various sc
Student fuer Europa (Ed) Liederkiste Verlag Student fuer Europa, Bad Soden/Ts. 1977 Various sc
Student fuer Europa (Ed) Liederkarren Verlag Student fuer Europa, Bad Soden/Ts. 1979 Various sc
Student fuer Europa (Ed) Liedercirkus BUND-Verlag, Koeln 1982 Various sc
Student fuer Europa (Ed) Liederkorb BUND-Verlag, Koeln 1983 Various sc
Student fuer Europa (Ed) Liederbaum BUND-Verlag, Koeln 1984 Various sc
Sullivan, Maireid Celtic Women in Music Quarry Music, Ontario 1999 Various ?
Sumner, Heywood The Besom Maker ?, ? 1973 (1888) Britain sc

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Subject: RE: Susanne (SKW) Bibliography
From: Joe Offer
Date: 04 Jul 07 - 05:28 AM

Tagg, Philip Ten Little Tunes. A Musicology of the Mass Media Institute of Popular Music, Liverpool 1993 Various
Tawney, Cyril Grey Funnel Lines: traditional song & verse of the Royal Navy, 1900-1970 Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1987 Britain sc
Taylor, Allan We must journey on. The Songs of Allan Taylor self-published, Leeds 1997 England sc
Terry, ? Salt Sea Ballads ?, ? ? Various sc
Terry, Richard R. The Shanty Book Part I J. Curwen, London 1921 Various sc
Thatcher, Charles Thatcher’s Colonial Minstrel Cole’s Book Arcade, ? 1964 (?) Australia sc; facsimile edition
Thomas, Edward The Pocket Book of Poems and Songs for the Open Air Jonathan Cape, London 1950 (1928) ? sc
Thomas, Philip J. Songs of the Pacific Northwest Hancock House, Saanichton & North Vancouver 2007 (1979) Canada sc
Thompson, David The People of the Sea ?, ? ? ?
Thomson, William Orpheus Caledonius. A collection of Scots songs The Mercat Press at James Thin, Edinburgh 1972 (1733) Scotland sc
Thorp, N. Howard (Jack) Songs of the Cowboys Univ. of Nebraska Press, ? 1984 (1921) USA sc, repr. of 1921 edn.
Thorp, N. Howard (Jack) Songs of the Cowboys (with "Variants, Commentary, Notes and Lexicon" by Austin E. and Alta S. Fife) Bramhall House, ? 1966 (1908) USA sc, repr. of 1908 edn.
Tick, Judith Ruth Crawford Seeger. A Biography Oxford UP, Oxford/London 1997 USA
Toelken, Barre Morning Dew and Roses: Nuance, Metaphor, and Meaning in Folksongs Univ. of Illinois Press, Urbana 1995 USA
Tomlinson, William Songs and Ballads of Sport and Pastimes Walter Scott, ? nd ? sc
Tønder Festival Fond Tønder Festival - gennem 25 aar: 1975 - 1999 Tønder Festival Fond, Tønder 1999 Denmark
Tongue, Ruth L. Forgotten Folk Tales of the English Counties Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1970 England
Tosche, Nick Country ?, ? ? USA
Tunney, Paddy The Stone Fiddle: My Way to Traditional Song Appletree Press, Belfast (Gilbert Dalton, Dublin) 1991 (1979) Ireland
Turner, Michael Just a Song at Twilight Michael Joseph, London 1975 ? sc?
Uí Ógáin, Ríonach An Rí Gan Choróin - Dónall Ó Conaill sa Bhéaloideas" (The King Without a Crown - Daniel O'Connell in Folklore) An Clóchomhar, Baile Átha Cliath [Dublin] 1984 Ireland
Umbleby, Arthur White Rose Garland Dent & Sons, London? 1949 ? sc?
Vallely, Fintan (Ed) The Companion to Irish Traditional Music Cork UP, Cork 1999 Ireland
Van der Merve, Peter Origins of the Popular Style: The Antecedents of Twentieth-Century Popular Music Clarendon Press, Oxford 1989 Various
Van Ronk, Dave Mayor of MacDougal Street ?, ? ? USA
Van Ronk, Dave / Ellington, Richard (Eds) The Bosses' Songbook. Songs To Stifle The Flames Of Discontent. A collection of modern political songs of satire ?, ? 1959 USA? sc
Various A Bundle of Old Ballads Reeves and Turner, ? 1871 ? sc
Various Folklore Spring 1962 Folklore Society, ? 1962 ?
Various Hunters' Songs Holme Valley Beagles, ? 1948 ? sc
Various If You Feel Like Singing Do Sing. An Irish Song Book vols 1 - 4 Walton's, Dublin nd Ireland sc
Various In Dublin's Fair City. A Ballad Selection Walton's, Dublin 1968 Ireland sc
Various Songs and Recitations of Ireland, vols 1 - 4 CFN, ? 1961-64 Ireland sc
Various Songs of the Irish Republic CFN, ? 1965 Ireland sc
Various The British Heritage Odhams Press, ? 1948 Britain
Various The Folksinger's Passport to Canada BMI Canada, ? 1964 Canada sc?
Vasmer, Theo Ballads and Broadsides ?, ? ? ?
Vaughan Williams, Ralph National Music and Other Essays Oxford UP, London 1987 (1934) Britain
Vaughan Williams, Ralph / Lloyd, A. L. (Eds) The Penguin Book of English Folk Songs Penguin, Harmondsworth 1959 England sc
Vess, Charles Ballads Green Man Press, ? ? USA? comic book
Vicinius, Martha The Industrial Muse Croome Helm, ? 1974 Britain?
von Arnim, Achim / Brentano, C. Der Knaben Wunderhorn ?, ? 1806/08 Germany sc
Wade, Carole The Death Throes and Demise of the Banjo
Wald, Elijah [Biography of Josh White] ?, ? ? USA
Wald, Elijah [Biography of Robert Johnson] ?, ? ? USA
Wales, Tony Field and Furrow EFDSS, London nd Britain? sc
Wales, Tony Songs of Soldiers, Sailors and Labouring Lads EFDSS, London nd Various ? sc
Walker, ? Songs of the Jacobite Uprisings Strathclyde Dept. of Education, Edinburgh 1987 Scotland sc
Walls / Wilson The Rough Guide to Irish Music ?, ? ? Ireland
Walton, Jake Keltische Folksongs Fischer, Frankfurt/M. 1983 Ire / Sco / Wales sc
Walton Walton's 132 Best Irish Songs and Ballads ?, ? nd Ireland sc
Walton, Martin A. Walton's Treasury of Irish Songs and Ballads Walton's Musical Instrument Galleries, Dublin 1947 Ireland sc
Wardlow, Gayle, Dean Chasin' That Devil Music: Searching for the Blues Miller Freeman Books, San Francisco 1998 USA
Warner, Anne Traditional American Folk Songs Syracuse UP, Syracuse, NY 1984 USA sc, with background
Watkins A Few Old Favorites The J. R. Watkins Co., Montreal 1939 Canada sc
Weatherley, Denis (Ed) Songs of Northumbria Frank Graham, ? 1973 England sc
Weissman, Dick Which Side Are You On? ?, ? ? USA
Wells, Evelyn K The Ballad Tree ?, New York 1950? Various ? sc?
Wenner, Hilda / Freilicher, Elizabeth Women: Here's to the Women. 100 Songs for and about American Women Feminist Press, ? 1991 (1987) USA sc
Whall, Capt. W. B. Ships, Sea Songs and Shanties James Brown & Son, Glasgow 1912 Various sc
Whiting, Bartlett Jere (Ed) Traditional British Ballads ?, ? 1955 Britain sc
Whitman, Wanda Willson Songs that Changed The World ?, ? 1969 England sc
Whittier, ? [New England song collection] ?, ? ? USA sc
Whyte, Betsy Red Rowans and Wild Honey Birlinn, Edinburgh 2000 (1990) Scotland Autobiography; ISBN 1841580708
Whyte, Betsy The Yellow on the Broom Birlinn, Edinburgh 2001 (1986) Scotland Autobiography; ISBN 1841581356
Wilder, Alec American popular song : the great innovators, 1900-1950 OUP, Oxford 1990 USA
Wilgus, D. K. Anglo-American Folksong Scholarship Since 1898 Rutgers Univ. Press, ? 1959 Bri / USA
Wilgus, D. K. / Toelken, Barre The Ballad and the Scholars: Approaches to Ballad Study William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, Univ. of California, Los Angeles 1986 Various DVA
Willens, Doris Lonesome Traveller. The Life of Lee Hays Norton, New York / London 1988 USA
Williams, Alfred Folk-Songs of the Upper Thames ?, ? ? (before '52) England sc
Williams, Dr. ? 'Twas only an Irishman's dream ?, ? ? Ireland sc
Williams, Iola A. English Folk-Song and Dance ?, London 1935? England
Williams, Martin Jazz In Its Time ?, ? ? Various
Williamson, Duncan and Linda The Thorn in the King's Foot. Stories of the Scottish Travelling People ?, ? ? Scotland
Wilson, Barbara Ker Scottish Folk Tales and Legends Lang Syne Publ., ? 1984 Scotland
Wilson, Joe Tyneside Songs and Drolleries EP Publ., East Ardsley, Wakefield, Yorks. 1970 England sc
Wilson, Joe Joe Wilson Sings Graham, Newcastle 1971 England sc?
Wilson, John The Songs of Joseph Mather ?, ? 1862 England sc
Wimberly, Lowry C. Folklore in the English and Scottish Ballads Frederick Ungar, New York 1959 (1928) Eng / Sco
Windows, J G Album of Tyneside Songs ?, ? ? England sc
Winstock, Lewis Songs and Music of the Redcoats. A History of the War Music of the British Army 1642-1902 Leo Cooper, ? 1970 Britain
Winter, Eric The Dubliners Songbook Music Sales, London 1974 Ireland sc
Winter, Eric / Joseph, Nathan New English Broadsides. Songs of our Time from the English Folk Scene Oak Publ., New York 1967 England sc
Wolfe, Charles / Lornell, Kip The Life and Legend of Leadbelly ?, ? 1994 (1992) USA
Woliver, Robbie Hoot!: A 25 year History of the Greenwich Village Music Scene St Martin's Press, New York 1986 USA
Woodgate, Leslie The Penguin Song Book Penguin, Harmondsworth 1951 Britain sc
Woods, Fred Folk Revival. The rediscovery of a national music Blandford Press, Poole, Dorset 1979 Britain
Woods, Fred The Observer's Book of Folk Song in Britain Warne, London 1980 Britain sc
Woods, Fred (Ed) The Oxford Book of English Traditional Verse Oxford UP, Oxford 1983 Britain sc
Worrall, Dan M The Anglo-Concertina Music of William Kimber EFDSS, London 2005 England
Wositsky, Jan The Bushwhacker's Australian Song Book Sphere, London 1978 Australia sc
Wright, Robert L. Irish Emigrant Ballads and Songs Bowling Green UP, Bowling Green, Ohio 1975 Irel. / USA sc
Würzbach, Natascha The Rise of the English Street Ballad 1550-1650 Cambridge UP, Cambridge 1990 England (European Studies in Eng. Lit.)
Yates, Jenelle Woody Guthrie: American Balladeer Ward Hill Press, ? 1995 USA
Yates, Mike (Comp.) Traveller's Joy: Songs of English and Scottish Travellers and Gypsies 1965-2005 EFDSS, London 2006 Eng / Sco sc
Yeo, Else Eduard Baumstark und die Brueder von Zuccalmaglio : drei Volksliedsammler Dohr, ? 1993 Germany Stabi HH
Zimmermann, George-Denis Irish Political Street Ballads and Rebel Songs, 1780-1900 ?, Geneva 1966 Ireland sc
Zimmermann, George-Denis Songs of Irish Rebellion: Political Street Ballads and Rebel Songs 1780-1900 Allan Figgis?, Dublin? 2002 (1967) Ireland sc
? Elbourne, D.A. Brewer and Totowa, Cambridge / Newman and Littlefield, N. J. 1980 Stabi HH

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Subject: RE: Susanne (SKW) Bibliography
From: Joe Offer
Date: 04 Jul 07 - 05:28 AM

For more see
Dirty Linen. bi-monthly magazine of folk and world music.
EFDSS, Folk Music Journal
?, Journal of the Irish Folk Song Society', defunct , whose contents are listed on my website.(see thread below)
?, Irish Folk Music Studies
?, English Dance and Song
?, Sing
Sing Out! magazine. is also the home of the Sing Out! Resource Center in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. It houses a collection of folk music recordings, photos, books, periodicals and much more collected over the last 50 years.
No Depression - bimonthly magazine on American music. launched in September 1995 as a quarterly became bimonthly in September 1996. see:
See Open World Cat(alogue?) -
See Karlsruhe Virtueller Katalog -

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Subject: RE: Susanne (SKW) Folk Music Bibliography
From: Joe Offer
Date: 04 Jul 07 - 05:38 AM

Susanne and I are working on this. We may open the thread later.
I don't have details yet on where Susanne wants to go with this bibliography. For now, post any suggestions in the Basic Folk Library thread so both Susanne and Ian can draw from the information. The Basic Folk Library has fewer books, but a more detailed description of the books listed.
You can contact Susanne(SKW) by Personal Message (click).

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