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George Winston sheet music?

Wesley S 10 Jul 00 - 02:47 PM
Mary in Kentucky 10 Jul 00 - 01:41 PM
Wesley S 10 Jul 00 - 12:56 PM
GUEST,guitarist 09 Jul 00 - 06:09 PM
Mary in Kentucky 09 Jul 00 - 05:52 PM
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Subject: RE: George Winston sheet music?
From: Wesley S
Date: 10 Jul 00 - 02:47 PM

I think he started a little earlier than that. When I met him in 1970 he had a little Farfisa combo organ and a big Leslie speaker cabnet. Plus a stand up piano at his apartment.

What you might point out to your student is that a lot of the music that George plays is not from the piano tradtion. Yes, he has listened to and incorporated a lot of Professor Longhair { New Orleans style } , Teddy Wilson, Art Tatum, ect. But he also listens to a lot of Hawaiian guitar, celtic harp, asian koto, and other forms of music. I would think that any student or musician would be well advised to keep their ears open to a lot of different styles of music to see how they can use them to shape their own unique style. If you check out Georges website you'll get some more info. One thing I admire about George is at his concerts they pass out a program that has an extensive discography of artists that he suggests that people listen to. He also donates a portion of every nights proceeds to a local food bank or similar organisation.

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Subject: RE: George Winston sheet music?
From: Mary in Kentucky
Date: 10 Jul 00 - 01:41 PM

Thanks Wesley! I'll show this to my student. Actually, I suspect that the arrangement is a little too difficult for him, but I sure don't want to discourage him.

I've taught him piano (really just showed him stuff to play) off and on for about eight years. He approached me wanting to just play stuff he liked as opposed to learning the fundamentals. As it evolved, he just copies what I show him. I never dreamed he would stick with it this long. He's one of those kids that has tremendous natural abilities in all things kinesthetic (?) but just never sees the need to work at fundamentals. As it's turned out, he has such a love for making music on the piano and a wonderful support system with lots of the right encouragement, so has really enjoyed making music. He leaves for college in the fall, and I hope he will continue to experience all kinds of music.

He told me that George Winston started playing piano at age 18. Is this true?

Thanks again,

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Subject: RE: George Winston sheet music?
From: Wesley S
Date: 10 Jul 00 - 12:56 PM

Mary - George is an old college friend. He told me one time that after a concert someone came backstage and asked him if he were going to publish a book of sheet music. This fan was looking forward to having their child learn some of Georges arrangements. George said that the idea of some child being forced to sit down and practice the piano using his music was more than he could bear. That killed the idea of a book of arrangements right there. True story.

I disagree with guitarist's views of Georges music but I agree that finding the sheet music to "Canon in D" would be worthwhile.

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Subject: RE: George Winston sheet music?
From: GUEST,guitarist
Date: 09 Jul 00 - 06:09 PM

I can't believe you can't find sheet music for the Pachelbel Canon in D (or, as we jaded smartasses like to call it, the Taco Bell Canon).

Try a web search on "pachelbel canon midi", I'd bet you'll find a midi pretty quickly.

good god amighty I loathe George Winston, honestly I don't think you're doing any "young friend" a favor by feeding them that drivel. But at least Pachelbel might lead a kid to something worthwhile...

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Subject: George Winston sheet music?
From: Mary in Kentucky
Date: 09 Jul 00 - 05:52 PM

Does anyone know anything that would help me find the sheet music to George Winston's piano arrangements? What I've read on the web (so it must be true) is that his arrangements have not been published in the US, possibly a book of unauthorized music in Japan. I specifically want Canon in D for a young friend. I found a RealAudio clip but no midi. The only sheet music I found was two other songs. Thanks in advance for any help.


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