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Lyr/Tune Add: Logan Water / Logan Braes

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Lyr Req: Logan Water (6)

Joe Offer 25 Jul 00 - 02:37 AM
Sorcha 25 Jul 00 - 01:42 AM
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Subject: RE: LyrTune Add: Logan Water
From: Joe Offer
Date: 25 Jul 00 - 02:37 AM

Thanks, Sorcha - I think your "Q" line should read:
I sent a personal message and a link to my ABC Guru, John in Brisbane, and we'll await his opinion.
-Joe Offer-

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Subject: Lyr/Tune Add: LOGAN BRAES^^
From: Sorcha
Date: 25 Jul 00 - 01:42 AM


O Logan, sweetly didst thou glide,
That day I was my Willie's bride,
And years sin syne hae o'er us run,
Like Logan to the simmer sun,
But now thy flowery banks appear,
Like drumlie Winter,dark and drear,
While my dear lad maun face his faes,
Far far frae me and Logan braes.

Again the merry month of May
Has made our hills and valleys gay,
The birds rejoice in leafy bowers,
The bees hum round the breathing flowers,
Blythe Morning lifts his rosy eye,
And Evening's tears are tears o'joy,
My soul, delightless a' surveys,
While Willie's far frae Logan braes.

Within yon milk-white hawthorn bush,
Amang her nestlings sits the thrush,
Her faithfu' mate will share her toil,
Or wi' his song her cares beguile,
But I wi' my sweet nurslings here,
Nae mate to help, nae mate to cheer,
Pass widow'd nights and joyless days,
While Willie's far frae Logan braes.

O wae be to you, Men o' State,
That brethren rouse in deadly hate,
As ye make mony a fond heart mourn,
Sae may it on your heads return!
How can your flinty hearts enjoy
The widow's tear, the orphan's cry?
But soon may peace bring happy days,
And Willie hame to Logan braes!

Words by Robert Burns


T:Logan Water,melody
K:E minor
(BA) G2 "Em" E2 E2| (GE) (DE) (GE) "D" D2| "Em" (BA) G2 E2 (EG)| (DE) (GF) (GA) B2| (AB) "Am" c2 (BA) "Em" B2| (AG) (AG) (FE) "D" D2| "Em" (GF) (EF) (GA) (Bd) | (AB) "Em" G2 E2 E2 :||: "Em" Bd B2 E2 E2| (G E) (DE) (GE) "D" D2 | "Em" (Bd) B2 E2 (EG) | (DE) (GF) (GA) B2 | (AB) "Am" c2 (BA) B2| (AG) (AG) "D" (FE) D2| "Em" (GF) (EF) (GA) (Bd) (AB) G2 "Em" E2 E2 :|

Traditional Scottish tune from the playing of John Cunningham on Fair Warning, Green Linnet # 1047

T:Logan Water, harmony
K:E minor
(GF) E2 B,2 B,2 | (BA,) (BA,) (EB) B,2| (GF) E2 B,2 (B,E)| B,2 (ED) (EF) G2| (FG) A2 (GF) G2| (FE) (FE) (DB,) F2| (ED) (BD) (EF) (GB) | (FG) E2 B,2 B,2:||: (EG) E2 B,2 B,2| (B,G,) (B,G,) (EB,) | (EG) E2 B,2 (GE) | (B,G,) (ED) (EF) G2| (FG) A2 (GF) E2 | (FE) (FE) (DB,) B,2| (ED) (GA) (EF) (GB)| (FG) E2 B,2 B,2 :||

by Mary Wise, 1997 not copyrighted, feel free to use or change.

I posted it this way so that only one part could be copied if desired, rather than having to separate parts. "simmer" for "summer" is not a typo. ^^

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