Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: Ella who is Sooze Date: 22 Feb 01 - 09:02 AM damn... though I admit to dsylexia - blast done it again! Great stuff Philipa, I'm joining Chomhaltas this year - finally getting round to joining... lol
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: Ella who is Sooze Date: 22 Feb 01 - 09:00 AM Jon...oops...Sean.... I know already about all that already!!!!!!! grandma and suck! With a my family who are over there.. Catholics, and us lot who are protestants (though not practising, and don't give a fig about religion personally!!) I think I know about all that already! E (not as green as she is grass looking - ermm or something like that - and very up to the minute on current affairs!!!! - past politics, religion and genearl history. HONEST... |
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: Seany Date: 22 Feb 01 - 08:48 AM Ella, it is well worth knowing the politics/history of this city especially as Derry is divided into catholic and protestant regions in a similar way to Belfast.
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: GUEST,Philippa Date: 22 Feb 01 - 08:35 AM also Monday nights from after 10 pm at minor hall, St Columb's Hall, Orchard ST (near bus station), Comhaltas session. Not such great music but a good chance to get up and dance. and all are welcome even one-off to set dance classes at Pilot's Row Community Centre, Bogside, Tues nights 8-10 pm. |
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: Ella who is Sooze Date: 22 Feb 01 - 04:49 AM S'okay.... I guess it is hard to know exactly how much people, know... when you have never met them... But best still not to presume.. lol I hopefully will have a good time - though reason for going is to see sick uncle - Primarily... if I get time for a session, it will be a bit of a stress reliever and a bit of a bonus. Dim Problem Tim.... Ta ta ton toc.! |
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: Big Tim Date: 21 Feb 01 - 01:23 PM Ella , v sorry, enjoy you visit. |
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: Ella who is Sooze Date: 21 Feb 01 - 11:55 AM Tim Dear.... I know!!! Please don't be patronising.... I was just saying that.... it was a bit out of the blue - when all I was asking was about sessions... Oh never mind.... E |
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: Ella who is Sooze Date: 21 Feb 01 - 11:55 AM Tiim Dear.... I know!!! Please don't be patronising.... I was just saying that.... it was a bit out of the blue - when all I was asking was about sessions... Oh never mind.... E |
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: Big Tim Date: 20 Feb 01 - 02:08 PM It came from Irish history and politics. |
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: Ella who is Sooze Date: 20 Feb 01 - 12:08 PM sigh... Tim... where did that come from... all I wanted to know was about sessions... lol (and it's just what I have been used to calling Derry by, as Derry.. .simply that... nothing else....) coooo the complexities! |
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: Big Tim Date: 20 Feb 01 - 11:40 AM The name Derry ("oak grove") is interesting. Officially the name of the City is Londonderry (since 1609 to recognise the input of London merchants during the Plantation period) but is always called Derry by Catholics and Londonderry( at least in public) by Protestants (even Ian Paisley calls it Derry in private). The name of the City Council has been officially changed to "Derry" but not the City itself, this was vetoed by the British Government. Then there is County Derry, officially County Londonderry. The name is often written Derry/Londonderry OR Londonderry/Derry, "Stroke City". Obviously a compromise is needed, one that recognises both traditions (republicans, remember the Protestant have been there since 1609). Any advances on "Derry" (for the City) and "Londonderry" (for the County)? The name Derry features in 229 Townland names in NI alone, and many more in the republic, Ireland must have had a lot of oak trees at one time. The City now has a Sinn Fein Mayor (Cathal Crumley) and ex-IRA blanket protest man and this has complicated the cross cultural bridges that have been tentatively built in recent years. |
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: Ella who is Sooze Date: 20 Feb 01 - 05:48 AM Phillipa Are you in Derry yourself (N.Ireland)? Ella |
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: Ella who is Sooze Date: 20 Feb 01 - 04:40 AM Philippa, That is great, yes as I said above, it is THIS Derry, in N Ireland... Thanks for the info, I will look some of them up. Sounds pretty good. Ta Ella |
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: GUEST,Philippa Date: 19 Feb 01 - 05:35 PM If you mean Derry, New Hampshire ask Barry Finn If you mean Derry, N Ireland try Sandinos (esp Sun afternoons), Peadar O'Donnells (very crowded), the Castle Bar (Tues and Thurs?), Thran Maggies at Craft Village(Thurs only), Dungloe Bar. Last Sun of each month Folk Club 8ish pm at the Verbal Arts Centre near the courthouse on Bishop Street (not a "session"). This Thurs. Anna Mhartain (Gaelic song), Ingrid Henderson (clarsach, keybords, Gaelic song) and Marchus O Murchú (flute) concert at Foyle Arts Centre 8 pm If you don't mean this Derry, please let us know! |
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: Ella who is Sooze Date: 19 Feb 01 - 12:03 PM thanks... will look it up E |
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: Big Tim Date: 19 Feb 01 - 11:50 AM Had a good night in Peadar O'Donnell's a couple of years ago. It's within the Walls. Or just ask around the various pubs when you get there. In Derry even the buskers are great! |
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: Ella who is Sooze Date: 19 Feb 01 - 10:58 AM lol... Sorry... Yes... Derry - Ireland OOPS! for me too! |
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: SINSULL Date: 19 Feb 01 - 10:45 AM OOOPPSSS And in the immortal words of Homer Simpson - DOH! |
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: Jeri Date: 19 Feb 01 - 10:36 AM Methinks Ella is asking about Derry UK. |
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: SINSULL Date: 19 Feb 01 - 10:29 AM Derry folk??? Barry??? Jeri???? Have you seen this? |
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: Ella who is Sooze Date: 19 Feb 01 - 08:54 AM refresh |
Subject: RE: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: Ella who is Sooze Date: 19 Feb 01 - 05:54 AM oooo where'd the rest of my message go? Thanks Ella |
Subject: Any Sessions in Derry at all? From: Ella who is Sooze Date: 19 Feb 01 - 05:51 AM Will be going to Derry soon, to visit family - and am looking for something to get up to in the evenings.... Does anyone know of any sessions in and around Derry, that they can recommend? Or have been to? Please could you let me know, where, what day etc. Though - whether I will get out of the house and the family let me out is another thing - I have not seen them for ages... lol
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