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Lyr Add: The No-Tell Hotel (Cathy Fink)


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Jim Dixon 21 Jun 13 - 02:00 PM
Q (Frank Staplin) 20 Jun 13 - 03:14 PM
Jack Campin 20 Jun 13 - 12:46 PM
Q (Frank Staplin) 20 Jun 13 - 12:25 PM
GUEST,jd888 20 Jun 13 - 10:58 AM
GUEST,Landlady's Daughter 12 Apr 01 - 11:58 AM
GUEST,Landlady's Daughter 11 Apr 01 - 04:23 PM
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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The No-Tell Hotel (Cathy Fink)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 21 Jun 13 - 02:00 PM

You can hear the song--in fact, the whole album--on Spotify.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The No-Tell Hotel
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 20 Jun 13 - 03:14 PM

"Doggone My Time" is available as a cd from Amazon and, I am sure, other retailers. It has 3 more songs not on the original lp.

Bios say her career started in Montreal- Canadians please note.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The No-Tell Hotel
From: Jack Campin
Date: 20 Jun 13 - 12:46 PM

Cathy Fink is still very much alive and singing.

It's up to her what happens to her old recordings. Don't redistribute without asking.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The No-Tell Hotel
From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 20 Jun 13 - 12:25 PM

Many thanks for the lyrics. An excellent addition to mudcat.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The No-Tell Hotel
From: GUEST,jd888
Date: 20 Jun 13 - 10:58 AM

This is a great song! I don't know the protocol here, but if anyone wants the song - long unavailable - I can send it to them. If it's OK, I'll post my email. Does this site have PM?
I understand artists may not like their songs posted or shared, for free, but these songs just die off if they are not available. Plus, it keeps the artist in mind, so we may seek out their current work.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The No-Tell Hotel
From: GUEST,Landlady's Daughter
Date: 12 Apr 01 - 11:58 AM

Refreshing! Any more No-Tell Hotels in your state? What do they call these places in England? I suppose one approrpiate name would be "Cat House."

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Subject: Lyr Add: THE NO-TELL HOTEL (Cathy Fink)
From: GUEST,Landlady's Daughter
Date: 11 Apr 01 - 04:23 PM

Here's a great song I just came across, while nearing the end of my great housing songbook. Just the kind of place I'm sure you traveling people have run across in the Twilight Zone landscape of our modern age. Once again, I'm convinced reality is far more bizarre than anything we can imagine, even the fertile imagination of a Cathy Fink:

(Words and music by Cathy Fink © 1981 Recorded on Doggone My Time, Rooster 120)

CHORUS: At the No-Tell (No-Tell), Hotel (Hotel)
At the No-Tell (No-Tell), Hotel (two for ten dollars, three for twelve)
It's a motel (motel), not a hotel but a motel.
You'll find all the excitement that you like,
At the No-Tell Hotel tonight.

We've got a businessman's special every Monday night;
On Tuesday there's a deal on purple strobe lights;
Wednesday from noon to two,
Messages with Betty Lou;
Since Thursday is the maid's day off,
The room is free if you clean it yourself;
No obligation, you pay in advance;
You've got nothin' to lose but your pants. (CHORUS)

Now some folks say a hotel's not right,
To bring your date to stay the night;
For those folks we've got something new,
For an extra two dollars we'll monitor the view;
The newlyweds get the bridal suite,
With one less cockroach at their feet;
We've got something for everyone, if you like these kinds of things,
Drive in and give us a ring. (CHORUS)

On Friday we suggest you reserve in advance;
Saturday's special is a raffle-ticket chance
To win a free Sunday evening with Betty Lou
But the Hotel is extra when she's finished with you;
Flowers in the room and a bottle of wine,
A Greek sauna bath that works on a dime,
No obligation to return but we bet
You'll be back in a flash for the rest. (CHORUS)

There's one more service that we provide,
For the incognito customer who likes to hide;
Before you check in, use our courtesy phone
To dial a costume, dress like Al Capone;
You can rent them by the hour or by the day;
You can mix and match costumes and by the way
We've got blind dates in costumes or not;
Sign up on the line with the dots! (CHORUS)

Enjoy the song!

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