Lyr Req: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt |
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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt From: GUEST Date: 21 Mar 18 - 01:31 PM theres a patch or two taken from that gown of blue that momma wore when she and dad were sweathearts |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt From: Crowhugger Date: 24 Jan 11 - 11:06 PM Quilting on the decline? Like singingquilter I wouldn't think so. It goes through a so-called revival during every economic downturn and every time "nesting" becomes fashionable again. Lots of people quilt bed coverings, clothing and other household articles. Some use traditional patterns, some follow their own creative designs (that's what I tend to do). Some putter on their own, others belong to a guild; some make them by hand, others by machine and yet others do both. Some buy new cloth, some collect old cloth and/or garments, some exclusively use clothing scraps and only use yard goods for the backings, but most of us are textile whores, we'll get a piece anywhere we can! Most of our spouses suffer from our constant battle with cloth acquisition syndrome. In whatever form, the art and craft is alive and flourishing. While regular fabric stores are (at best) consolidating their locations, quilt fabric specialists are holding their own. They were the first fabric folks to market and sell online and still seem to have a better internet presence than mainstream fabric stores. |
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt From: singingquilter Date: 24 Jan 11 - 06:19 PM These are all great suggestions! I've recorded "The Patchwork Quilt" by Natalie Whitted Price on one of my 5 cds on the subject of quilting. I can assure you, quilting is alive and well, and if it is on the decline, it is declining from its very recent Golden Years. It's estimated there are about 22 million quilters in the USA alone! |
Subject: Lyr Add: ON MY GRANDMA'S PATCHWORK QUILT From: Jim Dixon Date: 07 Apr 09 - 09:38 PM David H. B. Drake sings Larry Penn's song ON MY GRANDMA'S PATCHWORK QUILT on his album "Pot Luck," and the following lyrics and chords come from his web site. ON MY GRANDMA'S PATCHWORK QUILT (Larry Penn) 1. On my grandma's patchwork quilt, Squares of corduroy and silk, Red and green and blue, and yellow too, On my grandma's patchwork quilt. 2. It was a patchwork quilt so fine, Just an art of her design, A piece of sister's dress next to grandpa's vest, On my grandma's patchwork quilt. CHORUS 3. Got a pillow for my head, And it wants to be my friend, But nothing keeps me warm in a big snowstorm Like my grandma's patchwork quilt. CHORUS 4. Around the world people wait For a day when there's no hate, And we treat each one like my grandma done On her crazy patchwork quilt. CHORUS 5. Now my grandma's gone to rest, And her quilt is all that's left, But her love, I swear, it's in every square Of my grandma's patchwork quilt. CHORUS [Larry Penn sings ON GRANDMA'S PATCHWORK QUILT on the various-artists album "Grandma's Patchwork Quilt: A Children's Sampler" (American Melody CD 4103, 2003). [When my son was little, I had a cassette of this album, and the above lyrics are pretty close to what I remember, but I think it was "thunderstorm" instead of "big snowstorm." I think "thunderstorm" scans better.--JD] D A7 |
Subject: RE: lyr req: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt From: JennieG Date: 03 Apr 09 - 11:28 PM Laurel, that's lovely, I had forgotten it! Jim, quilting is still alive and well, at least in the circles I move in - my son's girlfriend has recently taken it up too. She came to a couple of quilt shops with me when we visited (they live in Toronto, Canada) and was gobsmacked by the fabrics; she has been sewing since she was a child but hadn't seen quilts. It's lovely that you still have some of your mother's quilts, treasure them as family heirlooms. In the late 19-early 20th centuries, as ordinary people became a little more affluent (before the 1920s-30s depression) anything "home made" was looked down upon....clothing, quilts, furniture. Now things have come in a circle and hand-made is becoming more valued, as people appreciate the time taken and the skills used. I have made many quilts for friends as their babies are born. You should see my fabric stash....repeat after me, I have an obscene amount of fabric and I don't need any more.......I have an obscene amount of fabric etc....... Cheers JennieG |
Subject: RE: lyr req: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt From: open mike Date: 03 Apr 09 - 11:20 PM also Dolly PARTON has a song called coat of many colors... also there is a story about how certain quilts were a symbol of the underground rail road helping slaves find safe haven. http://www.womenfolk.com/quilting_history/abolitionist.htm |
Subject: Lyr Add: WATER FROM ANOTHER TIME (John McCutcheon) From: open mike Date: 03 Apr 09 - 10:55 PM Here is John McCutcheon's take on quilts: WATER FROM ANOTHER TIME words and music by John McCutcheon New mown hay on a July morn Grandkids running through the knee-high corn Sunburned nose and a scabbed-up knee From a rope on the white oak tree Just another summer's day at Grandpa's farm With Grandma's bucket hanging off my arm You know, the old pump's rusty but it work fine Primed with water from another time CHORUS: It don't take much, but you gotta have some The old ways help the new ways come Just leave a little extra for the next in line They're gonna need a little water from another time Tattered quilt on the goose-down bed "Every stitch tells a story," my Grandma said Her mama's nightgown, her grandpa's pants And the dress she wore to her high school dance Now wrapped at night in its patchwork scenes I waltz with Grandma in my dreams My arms, my heart, my life entwined With water from another time Chorus Newborn cry in the morning air The past & future are wedded there This wellspring of my sons and daughters: The bone and blood of living waters And, though Grandpa's hand have gone to dust, Like Grandma's pump: reduced to rust, Their stories quench my soul and mind Like water from another time Chorus |
Subject: RE: lyr req: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt From: Jim Dixon Date: 03 Apr 09 - 08:47 PM JennieG: Thanks for your comments about quilts. I didn't know there had been a revival; I assumed the tradition was fairly continuous, although obviously in decline now. My mother used to make quilts. I don't know when she began, but she was born in 1913. She grew up in a large farm family, and different kids developed different skills, depending on what was needed. Some of the girls were taught to cook; my mother was taught to sew. I remember one of my aunts complaining that she had been given the task of taking care of the animals, and consequently didn't learn anything that was useful in her later life! (She moved to the city when she was old enough to leave home.) My mother made several shirts for me when I was a kid. She also made dresses for herself and her sisters who lived nearby. Quilt-making was a way of using up scraps of fabric that were left over from other projects. Also, shirts that I had outgrown were recycled into quilt material—if they weren't given away as hand-me-downs to my cousins. I have several quilts that my mother made, and I can recognize some material in them from some shirts that I wore as a kid. |
Subject: Lyr Add: THE PRETTY LITTLE PATCHWORK QUILT From: JennieG Date: 03 Apr 09 - 06:48 PM Jim, the National Library obviously has the same sheet music that I have. THE PRETTY LITTLE PATCHWORK QUILT by Box, Cox, Roberts and Butler Published by J. Albert & Son Pty Ltd, King Street Sydney, And The World Wide Music Co. Ltd., London. Authorised for sale only in Australia and New Zealand. 1938 Many years ago when Grandma was a girl of sweet sixteen She began to make the sweetest patchwork quilt you've ever seen All the years that followed after saw her pretty pattern grow Ev'ry piece of silk and lace recalling days of long ago. CHORUS: In the patchwork quilt that Grandma made There's velvet, silk, and rich brocade Ev'ry night on the bed it's laid The pretty little patchwork quilt There's a patch of red, a patch of blue, A touch of black for Grandpa too Souvenirs of a love so true In the pretty little patchwork quilt When twilight is falling how tenderly her hands caress A fragment of satin that was taken from her wedding dress Now the patchwork quilt is old and frayed But ev'ry patch that Grandma made Brings a dream that will never fade From the pretty little patchwork quilt. In the 1930s there was a 'quilt revival', and the quilts that had previously been regarded as old-fashioned became popular again, as did quilt making - this might explain the copyright dates on several of the songs. The depression of the 1920s-30s also had a lot to do with the revival as many people couldn't afford store-bought blankets. I have several books on quilt history and they are unanimous on this. Cheers JennieG |
Subject: RE: lyr req: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt From: Jim Dixon Date: 03 Apr 09 - 09:56 AM Here are descriptions of a few more songs. I don't have any further information about them: From the National Library of Australia: THE PRETTY LITTLE PATCHWORK QUILT Words and music by E[lton] Box, D[esmond] Cox, Roberts & [Ralph] Butler "Featured by Jim Davidson's Dandies with Alice Smith" Sydney: J. Albert & Son, 1938. From the Center for Popular Music at Middle Tennessee State University: MOTHER'S CRAZY QUILT. Words and music by Con Conrad, Ben Oakland, Milton Drake. New York: M. Witmark & Sons, 1934 Ruth Etting, performer. FIRST LINE: "Go to sleep my baby, Dry your baby tears," That's how mother sang her lullaby. PATCHES (IN AN OLD FASHIONED QUILT) Words and music by Bobbie Kuhn, Sylvia Clark, Ruth Frank. Chicago: M. M. Cole Publishing Co., 1941. FIRST LINE: Of all the relics I've acquired the one I love the best, nestles in the attic in an old family chest. From WorldCat.org: THE PATCHWORK QUILT Words & music by Natalie Whitted Price Chicago: Clayton F. Summy Co., 1913. QUAINT OLD QUILT Words, Greta Young. Music, Henrietta Bodycombe. New York: M. Keane, 1938. |
Subject: Lyr Add: THE QUILT THAT MY GRANDMOTHER MADE From: Jim Dixon Date: 02 Apr 09 - 11:46 PM From the Library of Congress American Memory Collection: THE QUILT THAT MY GRANDMOTHER MADE Words, Arthur W. French. Music, T. B. Kelley. New York: Spear & Dehnhoff, 1879. 1. I've a curious relic of years long ago, And no jewel to me has its worth. 'Tis a quilt that my grandmother made and I know It's the oddest and quaintest on earth. From her children to children it was handed down. 'Neath its warm folds they all have been laid. Now descended to me, I will give it renown As the quilt that my grandmother made. CHORUS: My grandmother's quilt, my grandmother's quilt, All the modern ones casts in the shade. Oh, I think you would smile at the size and the style Of the quilt that my grandmother made. 2. I have heard how the old lady often has said That its patches were work of long years. With the pieces by hundreds, and figures—no head Could count up every one that appears; And no rainbow could equal its colors in hue. It has flowers and vines interlaid. For the girls nowadays 'twould be something to do, Such a quilt as my grandmother made. 3. It's been made many years, yet it does not wear out, And its colors are bright as when new. You may turn and may twist it around and about. It is something that holds fast and true. When I look at the labor on it has been pass'd, Then this lesson to me is portrayed: It is little by little that builds so to last, Like the quilt that my grandmother made. |
Subject: Lyr Add: GRAND-MOTHER'S PATCHWORK QUILT From: Jim Dixon Date: 02 Apr 09 - 11:43 PM From the Library of Congress American Memory Collection: GRAND-MOTHER'S PATCHWORK QUILT "As sung by Thatcher, Primrose & West, Minstrel" by Fred Eversmann, Jr. Baltimore: George Willig & Co., 1883. 1. She sat in the old arm chair and sewed a dainty quilt. An old and checkered beauty was that dear little patchwork quilt. She christened the bright patches. she gave them our surnames. The children gathered around her and felt proudly of their names. CHORUS: We prize with secret pleasure That little dainty checkered quilt, And ever, ever dear as a family treasure Is this grandmother's patchwork quilt. 2. To sew that patchwork quilt was a pleasure, not a duty, For when it was completed, it proved to be a checkered beauty. Though years since then have passed, time has not changed that quilt. Bright are the rainbow colors of our grandmother's patchwork quilt. |
Subject: RE: lyr req: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt From: Joe Offer Date: 01 Apr 09 - 03:45 AM "On My Grandma's Patchwork Quilt" is on the Larry Penn album called Still Feels Like Rollin': Songs About Trucks and Trains, available from Smithsonian Global Sound, Amazon, emusic, and the other usual MP3 download sites. I'd download and transcribe it, but I used up all my emusic downloads until April 7. That may not be the song Les requested back in 2002, but I think we ought to post the Larry Penn song PLUS the one requested. -Joe- |
Subject: RE: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt From: Allen in Oz Date: 01 Apr 09 - 02:58 AM JR Thought I would find you in the Quilt section ! All good stuff AD |
Subject: RE: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt From: Q (Frank Staplin) Date: 31 Mar 09 - 10:48 PM Larry Penn, "Grandma's Patchwork Quilt," has been included in Macmillan/McGraw-Hill's "Reading and Language Arts in 1993." |
Subject: RE: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt From: JennieG Date: 31 Mar 09 - 10:24 PM Found it - copyright date is MCMXXXVIII, or 1938 in new money. |
Subject: RE: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt From: JennieG Date: 31 Mar 09 - 10:11 PM The one I have is "The Pretty Little Patchwork Quilt" - I know it's there - it's in A Very Safe Place. Cheers JennieG |
Subject: RE: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt From: Art Thieme Date: 31 Mar 09 - 08:52 PM This is definitely old friend Larry Penn's song. Song title is the same as the title of this thread. Larry is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin--USA. He's a retired truck/lorry driver, Art Thieme |
Subject: RE: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt From: JennieG Date: 31 Mar 09 - 06:02 PM I have a copy of the sheet music of this song, when I have a chance I will look for it. Guest Les from Oz, if you join Mudcat as a regular member (dead simple - follow the links above) I can send you a PM with the details. Cheers JennieG |
Subject: RE: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt From: GUEST Date: 31 Mar 09 - 12:10 PM I know this is a very old thread, but I happened to be looking for this song and came across it. The title is The Pretty Little Patchwork Quilt Author: Words and music - Box, Cox, Roberts and Butler Publisher: Chappell & Co. Ltd. London |
Subject: RE: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt From: GUEST,Guest Les from Oz Date: 02 Feb 02 - 02:22 AM Some of the words I remember are: There's a patch of red, a patch of blue, a patch black for grandpa too, they had woven dreams of a love so true in the pretty little patchwork quilt. Now the patchwork quilt is old and frayed, but every night on the bed it's laid, the pretty little patchwork quilt. A patch of silk that was taken from a wedding dress. Les from Oz |
Subject: RE: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt From: Dicho (Frank Staplin) Date: 02 Feb 02 - 12:48 AM "Grandma's Patchwork Quilt is a children's song by Larry Penn. (First iten I hit on Google) He has another? version, On My Grandma's Patchwork Quilt. It is in current copyrighted cds, and the lyrics may not yet be on Google. |
Subject: RE: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt From: Sorcha Date: 02 Feb 02 - 12:04 AM Les, you have offered two possible titles. "Grandma's Patchwork Quilt" and "The Patchwork Quilt that Grandma Made". Which is correct, and do you have any lyric snippets at all? That would help a lot. |
Subject: Grandma's Patchwork Quilt From: GUEST,Les from Oz Date: 01 Feb 02 - 11:36 PM Lyrics please - "The Patchwork Quilt That Grandma Made" |
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