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Chord Req: Peggy Lettermore

Related threads:
Lyr Req: Peggy Lettermore (56)
Lyr Req: Peggy Lettermore (from Dubliners) (7)
Lyr Req: Peggy Lettermore (3) (closed)

GUEST,O'Huigan 25 Feb 06 - 12:13 PM
GUEST,Philippa 24 Sep 03 - 07:09 AM
GUEST,Mike Kane 24 Sep 03 - 03:52 AM
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Subject: RE: Chord Req: Peggy Lettermore
From: GUEST,O'Huigan
Date: 25 Feb 06 - 12:13 PM

I know it's 8 years late, but maybe you are still looking, or perhaps somebody else might be waiting.



O welcome and acclaimed is she, my love!
Dear to my soul, a thousand told, is Peggy Lettermore

Rise up, dear Peggy and stand up on the height
count all your cattle, and make sure they're all there

I have Brid and I have Kate but Peggy is the best of all
whichever man wins her hand, a lucky man he will be

I sent a message west to her, that I would buy a large boat
She sent a message back to me that a medium sized sailing boat would do

The Galway fishermen are sailing from the eastwith a fair wind
with the light of a bright moon in order to see the "jewel."

The Right one!!!

'S o gairm gaoirm i, is gairim i mo stor
Mile ghra le m' ainm i 'si Peigin Leitir Moir

Ta Brid agam, ta Cait agam, 'si Peig an bhean is fearr
Cibe fear a gheobhfas i, nach air a bheas an t-adh

Chuir me sceala siar aici go ceannoinn di bad mor
'Se an sceal a chuir si aniar agam go ndeanfadh leathbhad seoil

Is ta iascairi na Gaillimhe ag teacht aniar le coir
Le solas gealai gile no go bhfeicfidis an tseoid

Eirigh suas a Pheigin agus seas ar bharr an aird
Comhairigh do chuid bullain agus feach an bhfuil siad ann

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Subject: RE: Chord Req: Peigi Leitir Móir
From: GUEST,Philippa
Date: 24 Sep 03 - 07:09 AM

there's an ABC at this earlier thread. Is that any help?
I suggest anyone who wants to add chord info. do it at that thread, so the chords will be on the thread which contains lyrics and abc

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Subject: Chord Req: Peggy Lettermore
From: GUEST,Mike Kane
Date: 24 Sep 03 - 03:52 AM

Can anyone help, Im trying to find the Guitar Tab for the Dubliners version of this song

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