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BS: Rush Limbaugh

Steve in Idaho 10 Oct 01 - 03:18 PM
DougR 10 Oct 01 - 03:26 PM
Jack the Sailor 10 Oct 01 - 03:40 PM
Steve in Idaho 10 Oct 01 - 03:45 PM
DougR 10 Oct 01 - 07:45 PM
Donuel 10 Oct 01 - 08:37 PM
Troll 10 Oct 01 - 09:24 PM
DougR 11 Oct 01 - 03:01 PM
Lepus Rex 11 Oct 01 - 08:37 PM
Troll 12 Oct 01 - 12:33 AM
DougR 12 Oct 01 - 01:13 AM
SharonA 22 Jan 02 - 10:58 AM
SharonA 22 Jan 02 - 11:17 AM

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Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh
From: Steve in Idaho
Date: 10 Oct 01 - 03:18 PM

I'm going to do my best with this.
What, for example, is the moderate's view on the federal budget?

Hmmm - you pose some interesting questions DougR.

The fed's budget really doesn't come into an area that I am able to have much of an impact on. So as a moderate, and this is a stretch as I am not so sure my assertion was correct about there being a moderate, I'd say that in moderation it is OK. There are aspects of it that I oppose (liberal or conservative?) and some of it I like. I don't like the salaries of our elected leaders - I think they get paid too much at times - but I like the budget for the Dept. of Veteran's Affairs where I receive my health care. So in summation on the first I would have all three views. Or maybe semi oppositional views?

On the defense budget?

We probably spend too much on defense. But my other hypothesis is that we don't spend it in the right places. So in the latter's sense we don't spend enough. Actually maybe enough in the right places would be better. So again I find myself stuck in all three spots.

On universal health care?

I believe that all people should have the right to a certain level of health care. But then it is like where I live. There are differing standards of care. My veterinarian is pretty good at what he does, but if you want the super duper experts you need to go about 60 miles to the Equine Center where they can eat up $1000 in a day just on testing. Then 75 miles South of me on the Indian Reservation they'd just shoot the horse. They'd shoot it not because they aren't sensitive to the animals needs - just that there aren't any veterinarians there and unless the problem is simple it is more humane to kill the animal. And the secondary aspect of shooting the animal is that one could shoot coyotes off the carcass and sell the coyote hides for enough to buy another horse.

So universal health care is in the eye of the beholder. I am betting that the doctor I see at the VA, and he is a very good doctor, would not draw the same fees as one in private practice in a large city. But then Dr. Kilfoyle, my Doc, loves the population he serves and has a heart bigger than any I know of. And he is quite skilled at getting me to do what I need to do to stay healthy. Again on all aspects of this I waffle depending on my perspective and circumstance.

After reading the above - maybe that is the definition of a moderate. One who sees the differing sides of issues and attempts to put them in a non-volotile perspective that makes sense to oneself. And, I would hope, is able to hear other's opinions and not personalize them for the most part. And here I fall back on the right of any human to take a side when it is called for from their perspective. The right to dissent or assent?

Makes me almost an extremist moderate - if there is such a thing. Quite a stimulating question you posited Doug! But from where I sit it makes sense to me *BG*


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Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh
From: DougR
Date: 10 Oct 01 - 03:26 PM

Hey, Steve! Interesting! Thanks for replying.


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Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh
From: Jack the Sailor
Date: 10 Oct 01 - 03:40 PM

102 Posts, conversation has drifted way off topic. Are we done or should someone do the clicky thing.

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Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh
From: Steve in Idaho
Date: 10 Oct 01 - 03:45 PM

I'd say we done Jack. I almost PMd Doug with the last one. I should have - Thanks for dinging me :-)


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Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh
From: DougR
Date: 10 Oct 01 - 07:45 PM

Yes, Norton, I'd say it went off and on the subject from time to time almost since it was posted.


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Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh
From: Donuel
Date: 10 Oct 01 - 08:37 PM

BS Rush Limbaugh says it all.

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Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh
From: Troll
Date: 10 Oct 01 - 09:24 PM

Update on here


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Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh
From: DougR
Date: 11 Oct 01 - 03:01 PM

Thanks for the update, troll. I hope the doctors are right.


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Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh
From: Lepus Rex
Date: 11 Oct 01 - 08:37 PM

Damn, so it's NOT syphilis? :( Glad I didn't make that bet, now...

---Lepus Rex

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Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh
From: Troll
Date: 12 Oct 01 - 12:33 AM

No, Lepus. Apparently not. The Doctors feel that they can save at least enough of his hearing to allow him to continue his show. Good news, of course, for his millions of listeners and fans.


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Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh
From: DougR
Date: 12 Oct 01 - 01:13 AM

And bad news for his detractors and all liberals in general. :>) DougR

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Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh
From: SharonA
Date: 22 Jan 02 - 10:58 AM


I see on the news that Rush Limbaugh announced on his program yesterday that his cocclear (sp?) implant is in, and working, and that he has about 80% hearing in one ear (still none in the other).

Saw a "Good Morning America" segment this morning in which it was said that the cause of his deafness is an autoimmune disease, treated with steroids such as prednisone where possible but still able to render a person profoundly deaf in a matter of a couple of months.

His doctor was interviewed about the implant procedure; apparently it involves having a sort of microphone apparatus attached to one's head behind the ear, which in turn connects to the implant inside the head. What I want to know is: what happens when the implantee showers, or washes his hair? When you detach the microphone from the head, is there a hole?

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Subject: RE: BS: Rush Limbaugh
From: SharonA
Date: 22 Jan 02 - 11:17 AM

Whoops! I didn't realize this thread was so long. Let's take this discussion over to the "part 2" thread: BS: Rush Limbaugh cochlear implant PART2

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Mudcat time: 28 December 5:21 AM EST

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