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Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song

bradfordian 08 May 02 - 07:16 AM
greg stephens 09 May 02 - 05:51 AM
GUEST,999 06 Sep 12 - 09:58 PM
Dave Hanson 07 Sep 12 - 04:17 AM
r.padgett 08 Sep 12 - 03:11 AM
Mick Pearce (MCP) 28 Dec 12 - 01:46 PM
Matthew Edwards 28 Dec 12 - 02:45 PM
r.padgett 29 Dec 12 - 04:16 AM
bradfordian 29 Dec 12 - 05:13 AM
Jim Dixon 29 Dec 12 - 09:10 AM
bradfordian 29 Dec 12 - 10:26 AM
Mick Pearce (MCP) 29 Dec 12 - 12:43 PM
Jim Dixon 29 Dec 12 - 02:39 PM
Mick Pearce (MCP) 29 Dec 12 - 03:05 PM
GUEST,Ebor_Fiddler 29 Dec 12 - 08:00 PM
Mick Pearce (MCP) 29 Dec 12 - 08:22 PM
Matthew Edwards 31 Dec 12 - 11:36 AM
GUEST,Ebor_Fiddler 31 Dec 12 - 12:38 PM
bradfordian 01 Jan 13 - 10:57 AM
GUEST 26 Oct 13 - 09:55 AM
GUEST,# 13 Mar 21 - 02:28 PM
GUEST 24 Jan 25 - 01:20 PM
GUEST 31 Jan 25 - 06:07 AM
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Subject: Another 'Swaledale' song
From: bradfordian
Date: 08 May 02 - 07:16 AM

I recently got the words and music for the Swaledale Song mentioned in the Gunnerside Gill thread, thanks to Greg Stephens and Martin Cummings. There is another Swaledale song that I would like the lyrics for, so I am appealing to Yorkshire 'Catters & others to see if they recognise this chorus and can provide the verses:-

Beautiful Swaledale, land of rest
Of all places in England I love the best
The land it is set in a cultivate style
The extension of Swaledale is twenty long mile

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
From: greg stephens
Date: 09 May 02 - 05:51 AM

Very glad to hear Martin Cummins came up with the tune for you. he's a wonderful singer and his way of singing that song 40 years ago sticksin my head. Meeting Martin and hearing that song and getting to know him took me into the Yorkshire Dales for the first time and started a lifelong love of the area. I got toknow Jackie Beresford and Banjo Willie, two ofthe oldtime musicians inthe Wharfedale region.I've a lot of good times there.As Mike Harding said, the most beautiful county, far too good to be wasted on Yorkshire folk. I lived twenty years looking at Ingleborough, but from the Lancashire side!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
From: GUEST,999
Date: 06 Sep 12 - 09:58 PM


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
From: Dave Hanson
Date: 07 Sep 12 - 04:17 AM

Yeah, Mike Harding lives in Yorkshire but he'll allus be an offcumden.

Dave H

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
From: r.padgett
Date: 08 Sep 12 - 03:11 AM

If anyone has any Yorkshire songs from this part of the county of Yorkshire I would be pleased to know and would love to record them for the Yorkshire Garland web site ( )

as has been said Yorkshire is a very big county and I am sure songs are still out there


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
From: Mick Pearce (MCP)
Date: 28 Dec 12 - 01:46 PM

I don't know why I didn't notice this earlier. The song is in the Huddlestons' Songs of The Ridings as Beautiful Swaledale #1.

The notes say that the tune was given for the chorus only (the lines above) and that the verses come from The Dalesman, 29 March 1954. (And, Ray, Steve refers to the song in the YG notes for Beautiful Dale, though he doesn't quote any of it).

Interestingly, in English Folk Poetry, Structure and Meaning, Roger deV.Renwick, there's a footnote that refers to a Beautiful Swaledale song from The Dalesman, vol 15, 1953, p102, but I can't tell from the snippets at google which song that refers to. Perhaps someone with access can tell us.

Anyway, back to Bradfordian's lyrics request, here they are.



  Beautiful Swaledale the land of rest,
  Beautiful Swaledale I love thee best,
  The land it is set in a cultivate style
  And the extent of Swaledale is twenty long mile.

There's Law Raw and Feetham stands near to the Swale,
They're two of the best place we have in the Dale,
For owt ye can mention, it doesn't matter what,
There isn't yan in 'em that cares for the cat.

There's twa or three misers, that I'll allow,
Who is studying to save money to as low as me shoe.
They keep all their brass in aud stocking leg,
The next thing you'll hear 'em starting to beg.

There's Ivelet and Satrin and Coverdy house,
There isn't yan in 'em that worth a louse,
For their shepherds' feast nobbut comes yance a year,
And they tak' good care to get their share of beer.

There's Muker and Waite, twa ancient toons,
For seeing auld wommin wearing bedgowns,
They're nearly all farmers and live on their own grounds,
And in Hawes bank they've got plenty of pounds.

There's Angram and Thorns a bit farther up,
And all that they are good for is getting out muck,
They're sitting in t'nuke and smoking all t'time,
While the aud benty pastures is wanting some lime.

Away further up on Blackmoor Fell,
Some jolly auld farmers here do dwell,
Who never sees nowt, but their own house riggin'
And live five miles from their own middin.

Source: Mary & Nigel Huddleston, Songs of the Ridings, verses from The Dalesman, 29 March 1954.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
From: Matthew Edwards
Date: 28 Dec 12 - 02:45 PM

Well done, Mick. Looks like an interesting song.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
From: r.padgett
Date: 29 Dec 12 - 04:16 AM

I have copies of SOTR (Songs of the Ridings) for sale

pm me anyone interested!


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
From: bradfordian
Date: 29 Dec 12 - 05:13 AM

and thanks to Mick from me too.
Interestingly, most queries are resolved within hours of a post.
OK, so this one took a little longer, but we got there in the end eh?
Well done Mudcat.


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Subject: Lyr Add: SWALEDALE (from Will Noble)
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 29 Dec 12 - 09:10 AM

It looks like this song hasn't been posted at Mudcat before, although its chorus was quoted a couple of times. I heard this on Spotify; it comes from a various-artists album called "Stepping It Out!" (Veteran, 1993). The singer is Will Noble, with a crowd joining in on the chorus. The track sounds like a field recording of a pub sing-along. Here's a description of the album:

As sung by Will Noble on "Stepping It Out!"

1. I will sing of a place that is dear to my heart,
A place where I always will dwell,
And if you will kindly lend me an ear,
A few of its beauties I'll tell.

CHORUS: In that beautiful dale, home of the Swale,
How well do I love thee, how well do I love thee!
Beautiful dale, home of the Swale,
Beautiful, beautiful dale.

2. It's far, far away from the noise and the din
Of colliery and fact'ry and mill,
From the bustle and stir of town life shut in
By verdant and radiant hills.

3. And how often as boys have we wandered along
Beside of the river so clear,
The birds never failing to sing their sweet song
And lend a charm to your ear.

4. And if fate e'er compels me to leave this dear spot,
In other lands far away roam,
My earnest wish, whate'er be my lot,
Is to end my days here at home.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
From: bradfordian
Date: 29 Dec 12 - 10:26 AM

The song quoted by Jim is of course the other well known and well documented song referred to in the other Swaledale song thread

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
From: Mick Pearce (MCP)
Date: 29 Dec 12 - 12:43 PM

You should be able to find all you want to know about that one at the Yorkshire Garland Site: Beautiful Dale (when the server's back online - the site's down at the moment).


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
From: Jim Dixon
Date: 29 Dec 12 - 02:39 PM

Bradfordian: I read the other thread, and even wondered if I should post those lyrics there, but I couldn't be sure it was the same song everyone was talking about, because nobody quoted any lyrics!

Maybe the song was "familiar" to everyone who posted in that thread, but it certainly wasn't familiar to me!

Also, I was confused by the fact that the thread title referred to it as a "carol". The song doesn't fit any definition of "carol" that I am aware of. I realize there can be secular (non-religious) carols, but I thought, at the very least, a carol had to be seasonal, and this song makes no mention of seasons.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
From: Mick Pearce (MCP)
Date: 29 Dec 12 - 03:05 PM

That was the point of the other thread Jim. Although not a carol, it was being sung at the Sheffield carol sessions and the OP was querying the origin of that practice.


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
From: GUEST,Ebor_Fiddler
Date: 29 Dec 12 - 08:00 PM

I have sometimes wondered whether "Home on The Swale" ought to be "Holme on The Swale", the name of a village further downstream. Certainly the topography seems to fit better. Any thoughts (polite ones please)?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
From: Mick Pearce (MCP)
Date: 29 Dec 12 - 08:22 PM

Ebor - I think it's always beautiful dale, home of the Swale, so not likely to be a mistake for Holme on...


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
From: Matthew Edwards
Date: 31 Dec 12 - 11:36 AM

Thanks to Jim anyway for posting the words to 'Swaledale' here; I just assumed they were already here somewhere. So now we've got both Swaledale songs in one thread, which is very handy as well as a very interesting discussion on the other thread of how the song has been passed on; it really is great when the Mudcat works like this, and also solves a 10 year-old query.

'Swaledale' (the one with the chorus beginning "In that beautiful dale, home of the Swale") isn't as widely known outside Yorkshire as it deserves to be, but it really is such a lovely song to sing with a grand swelling chorus that it brings tears to the eyes of even those who, like me, have the misfortune not to have been born in Yorkshire!


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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
From: GUEST,Ebor_Fiddler
Date: 31 Dec 12 - 12:38 PM

But Mick - I've got it as "on" in "The Joy of Christmas" (Worral Male Voinve Choir book), hence my (tentative) query. Ah well, "folk process" I suppose ... Thanks and Happy New Year from here!

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
From: bradfordian
Date: 01 Jan 13 - 10:57 AM

Well, if we have both songs on this thread (through thread creep---though the original intention was to keep them seperate)we might as well merge both threads. Joe?

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
Date: 26 Oct 13 - 09:55 AM

Much is being said about Swaledale songs but they go back much earlier than the dates mentioned. I remember a song, part of which read `Beautiful dale home of the Swale` as far back as 1936 or 1937 when it was sung by the pupils of of Reeth village school. I suspect there may be some plaguiarism in those versions that followed. After all, Dale does rhyme with Swale.
Peter McLoughlin

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
From: GUEST,#
Date: 13 Mar 21 - 02:28 PM

(Just parking it here.)

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
Date: 24 Jan 25 - 01:20 PM

Does anyone have the chords for Fourum song 'I worked at the Old Gang'?

Many thanks Swaleman.

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Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Another 'Swaledale' song
Date: 31 Jan 25 - 06:07 AM

Back in 1970s I worked for NFU. I remember Bill Alderson lived at Angram in a house set back from road up a flight of steps. He was known throughout the Dale as Bill Up Steps.
He was a North Yorkshire County Councillor. I was told a story of him attending conference in Llandudno during which he asked conductor of hotel orchestra “Du’st tha kna “”Beautiful Swadle”.

I do not know if this is truth but I have heard stories of him dancing the Swaledale dance and singing “Beautiful Swadle”.

Richard Wood

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