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Tech: Anybody want an old graphics card?

Dave the Gnome 17 Nov 24 - 03:29 PM
Dave the Gnome 18 Nov 24 - 06:34 AM
Stilly River Sage 23 Nov 24 - 01:14 PM
Dave the Gnome 23 Nov 24 - 01:22 PM
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Subject: Tech: Anybody want an old graphics card?
From: Dave the Gnome
Date: 17 Nov 24 - 03:29 PM

Asus GTX 560 Ti - Superfluous to requirements. Was a good one in it's day but outdated now. Runs hot (they all did!) and needs a lot of power. You can have it for the cost of postage (Probably about £5 in the UK - Probably prohibitive to the US!)

I have advertised it on eBay but got no offers so it will go in the recycle bin soon unless anyone can use it.

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Subject: RE: Tech: Anybody want an old graphics card?
From: Dave the Gnome
Date: 18 Nov 24 - 06:34 AM

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Subject: RE: Tech: Anybody want an old graphics card?
From: Stilly River Sage
Date: 23 Nov 24 - 01:14 PM

I let my e-waste accumulate in a corner of the pantry and once a year I take the box over to the university where I worked. They do an Earth Day event and collect all of the stuff that has bits and pieces (metals, chips, wire) that can be recycled. In that box go any retired HDD and such. Printers, radios, various devices all go there. My old UPS is going there (it's still in the driveway after exploding and briefly burning earlier this week, when it was rapidly disconnected and hustled out of the house. I ran the "self-test" and the battery was too old and not up to it.) That's a lead acid battery but there are other electronics in the thing (CyberPower 1350). That battery was way too old and I'd lost track of it until I realized it wasn't working right. The test was the end.

I only mention this because you said that graphics card "runs hot."

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Subject: RE: Tech: Anybody want an old graphics card?
From: Dave the Gnome
Date: 23 Nov 24 - 01:22 PM

Thanks Stilly. We are lucky enough to have a recycling centre about 4 miles away so it can go there if no-one wants it.

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