Help: how do you figure out a tune from a boo
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Subject: RE: Help: how do you figure out a tune from a boo From: M. Ted (inactive) Date: 09 Mar 00 - 12:20 PM Gypsy, Only two hundred songs? That means after only about ten hours of continuous playing, you will have run out of material!! Only slightly more seriously, it seems like if you know how to play two hundred songs, you pretty much know how to play all most of the other ones too-- As to your know it all friend--since you don't really know what she is talking about, she knows she can get away with rolling off any pedantic sounding mush, whether it is really appropriate or not--next time she mentions "modes", ask her if it is an authentic mode or a plagal mode--and if she falters at all, point out people often misuse the term "Modal" to apply to music that only has one particular elemnt of modal music which would be a modified diatonic scale--but that doesn't satisfy all of the other rules that apply to modal compositions--
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