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'Who's comin' down old 95?' - what song?

Mark Cohen 31 Aug 01 - 01:51 AM
GUEST,.gargoyle 31 Aug 01 - 02:08 AM
Mark Cohen 31 Aug 01 - 05:00 AM
jaze 31 Aug 01 - 09:15 AM
Marymac90 31 Aug 01 - 09:59 AM
Willie-O 31 Aug 01 - 11:23 AM
Mark Cohen 31 Aug 01 - 02:14 PM
GUEST,.gargoyle 31 Aug 01 - 11:48 PM
BillR 01 Sep 01 - 12:05 AM
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Subject: 'Who's comin' down old 95?' - what song?
From: Mark Cohen
Date: 31 Aug 01 - 01:51 AM

This has been bugging me off and on for about 30 years now. I remember hearing a song on WMMR, one of Philadelphia's "underground" music stations in the late 60s, that had the line, "Who's comin' down old 95?" (A reference to Interstate Highway 95, which runs along the Eastern seabord of the US.) But that's all I remember. Does it ring any bells with anybody?

(Speaking of interstate highways, I think it's fascinating that the freeways on Oahu, the H-1, H-2, and H-3, are posted with the red and blue Interstate highway signs. Think about it. They were also probably named by the same Anglophile who put the Union Jack on the state flag. But I digress....)


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Subject: RE: 'Who's comin' down old 95?' - what song?
From: GUEST,.gargoyle
Date: 31 Aug 01 - 02:08 AM

How about the 1969 Carpenter's song from the Offering album? It was written by Neil Young. It would have been on the airwaves at that time.

Who's that stompin' all over my face
Where's that sillouhette I'm tryin' to trace
Who's puttin' sponge in the bells I once rung
and takin' my gypsy before she's begun

Just singin' and dreamin' of what's in my mind
Before I can take home what's rightfully mine
Joinin' and a listenin' and talkin' in rhyme
To stop at the feelin' to wait for the time

Who's sayin' "Baby, they don't mean a thing"
'cause nowadays Clancy can't even sing

And who's all hung up on that happiness thing
Who's tryin' to tune all the bells that he rings
Who's in the corner and down on the floor
With pencil and paper just countin' the score

Who's tryin' to act like he's just in between
The night isn't black if you know that it's green
Don't bother lookin', you're too blind to see
Who's comin' on like he wanted to be

Who's sayin' "Baby, they don't mean a thing"
'cause nowadays Clancy can't even sing

And who's comin' home on old 95
who's got the feelin' you're here to keep him alive
Though havin' and sharin' it ain't quite the same,
Paint a gold nugget you can't lay a claim

Who's seein' eyes through the crack in the floor
There it is baby don't you worry no more
who should be sleepin', but 's writin' this song
Wishin' and hopin' he works so damn long

Who's sayin', "Baby they don't mean a thing"
'cause nowadays Clancy can't even sing


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Subject: RE: 'Who's comin' down old 95?' - what song?
From: Mark Cohen
Date: 31 Aug 01 - 05:00 AM

Thanks, Gargoyle, that could be it. I'll see if I can find a way of listening to that song; my memory is so vague that even seeing those words doesn't jog it. I don't think Dave Herman would have played the Carpenters on his show The Marconi Experiment...but I could have heard the song on a different station.


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Subject: RE: 'Who's comin' down old 95?' - what song?
From: jaze
Date: 31 Aug 01 - 09:15 AM

But he may well have played Neil Young's version. He was very popular at that time-just coming off Buffalo Springfield, solo recording and the then popular CSN&Y.

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Subject: RE: 'Who's comin' down old 95?' - what song?
From: Marymac90
Date: 31 Aug 01 - 09:59 AM

I'm not sure how long you've been (far) away from Philly, Mark, but it might interest you to know that 95 has been connected, so that it runs all the way through the city, for quite a few years now. The Blue Route, which connects the Northeast Extension with 95, has also been completed for quite a while now, too. I know at one time, both these things seemed like impossible dreams!


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Subject: RE: 'Who's comin' down old 95?' - what song?
From: Willie-O
Date: 31 Aug 01 - 11:23 AM

Nowadays Clancy Can't Even Sing was definitely recorded by Buffalo Springfield. I had no idea The Carpenters covered it--they dabbled in the psychedelic side?


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Subject: RE: 'Who's comin' down old 95?' - what song?
From: Mark Cohen
Date: 31 Aug 01 - 02:14 PM

Buffalo Springfield sounds more like it....when I reach back in my memory it could well have been Neil's voice. Thanks, all, I will check that one out. Once again, the 'Cat comes through. But, oh no, does that mean I'm headed for the NYCFTTS???

And Marymac, I stayed in or around Philly till 1982, so I've driven 95 many many times, but the Blue Route was still as vague as the Blue Laws when I left. I hope it hasn't done too many bad things to Delaware and Chester counties.

Aloha and mahalo,

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Subject: RE: 'Who's comin' down old 95?' - what song?
From: GUEST,.gargoyle
Date: 31 Aug 01 - 11:48 PM

Well, now that it is in a general direction....and the question perhaps resolved....Blue Laws....could make an interesting interesting thread unto itself....given the back-roads stands of many a folk musician.

However, there ALREADY numerous sites dedicated to "Bring Your Own Booze a brown paper bag...and pour it beneath the level of the table"....OR>>Ducks cannot be shot while riding in a steetcar.

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Subject: RE: 'Who's comin' down old 95?' - what song?
From: BillR
Date: 01 Sep 01 - 12:05 AM

RE: Nowadays Clancy ... I wasn't aware before now that that was a Neil Young song. The version I remember (from ca. 1968) was by a group called Fever Tree. So you might want to lool for that too. Their first album was self titled, I'm not sure if they ever made another.


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