Subject: Two Sisters, a' Bhean Eudach, Horpa From: Philippa Date: 19 Apr 99 - 06:19 PM The three songs in the subject heading all feature one woman drowning another because of jealousy. There are several versions of the Two Sisters (also called Binnorie) in the DT database which you can access at Mudcat. You'll find an Irish version of a' Bhean Eudach (the jealous woman)at an Bhean Udaí Thall thread. REQUEST 1) Horta is a Norwegian song in the same vein. I'm requesting lyrics and translation (at least a summary)and information on available recordings (the internet lists at least one by Ingevorg Liestol on Heilo records; does anyone import Heilo to the UK. Pádraigín Ní Ullacháin says she heard the song from Agnes Buen Garnos, but doesn't mention any recording) REQUEST 2) How related are these songs? In The Two Sisters, told in the third person, one sister is jealous of the other who is betrothed to wed. The jealous sister pushes the other sister into a river and refuses her pleas for help. In some versions, a miller finds the body and makes a harp of it. The harp than sings the story of the murder. In the Gaelic song (a' bhean ud thall, a' bhean eudach, a' bhean iadach, bean mhic a' mhaoir, bean mhic a' tsaoir, thig am bàta), the two women are not sisters, one woman is married with children, and the jealous woman drowns her in the sea by knotting her hair to the seaweed. Sometimes the method of drowning is only made explicit in the accompanying story. the song is in the first person, and the accompanying story explains that the jealous woman's guilt is discovered when she sings the song as a lullaby to the dead woman's child. Does anyone know of examples in which the English and (Scottish/Irish) Gaelic songs are closer in detail? For instance a Gaelic version in which the two women are clearly sisters or with the harp motif? 3) Haven't heard from BobbyBob in Ellen Vannin for a while. Any Manx versions of this song? |
Subject: RE: Two Sisters, a' Bhean Eudach, Horpa From: Bruce O. Date: 19 Apr 99 - 06:30 PM F. J. Child in 'The English and Scottish Popular Ballads', I, p. 119, 1882, noted 9 Danish, 2 Icelandic, 12 Norwegian, 4 Faroe, as well as Swedish and Finnish versions of "The Twa Sisters" (The Miller and the King's Daughter). |
Subject: RE: Two Sisters, a' Bhean Eudach, Horpa From: Philippa Date: 20 Apr 99 - 11:38 AM thanks, Bruce O. Details on any of the related songs from anyone would be welcome. Even if you don't have lyrics, you can summarise the story, to show how the details resemble or differ from the English and Gaelic songs. The tunes probably vary a lot; I've heard 4 tunes for Gaelic versions. Calling Skarpi-Iceland.... |
Subject: RE: Two Sisters, a' Bhean Eudach, Horpa From: Philippa Date: 27 Apr 99 - 07:35 AM still calling.... |
Subject: RE: Two Sisters, a' Bhean Eudach, Horpa From: Håvard Date: 27 Apr 99 - 09:30 AM Brian McNeill has a song (Wind and Rain, I believe) on the same theme - except the deceased is made into a fiddle.. I think I've heard a Norwegian analogy as well, let me check and think some more.... Håvard |
Subject: RE: Two Sisters, a' Bhean Eudach, Horpa From: bassen Date: 27 Apr 99 - 09:42 AM Horpa or dei tvo systar - the two sisters - is one of the most well known of the traditional folk songs in Norway, collected in variants and fragments all over the country. This is definitely not my field, but if there aren't any norwegian folklorists or traditional folksingers lurking around in the 'cat, I'll be happy to get you the 50 verses that can be found in the standard anthology! My source books indicate roots as far back a an egyptian folk tale from the 14. century BC. bassen |
Subject: RE: Two Sisters, a' Bhean Eudach, Horpa From: Philippa Date: 27 Apr 99 - 05:45 PM keep the information flowing I didn't know anybody knew any songs from 14th century BCE!? |
Subject: Lyr Add: HORPA (Norwegian 'Two Sisters') From: bassen Date: 28 Apr 99 - 04:46 AM Hi The traditional forms of the old norwegian ballads and "viser" often have recurring refrains of one or two lines, almost like a verbal drone, the content never changing no matter what the content of the verse. Horpa has a common form, a quatrain with the second and fourth lines in the form of a refrain with the same wording, in this case: "ved sande" and "Båra ber'e så vent eit viv frå lande." Approximate translation: "by the sands" "The sea swells carry the fair young maiden from shore". This is a fascinating technique as one's understanding of the refrains changes with the content of the individual verse. All the verses are sung as indicated in verse one and fifty, but to save space it is common to only write the first and third line of each verse as below. These are the verses as given in the book "Norsk folkediktning VI - Folkeviser I" from 1967. I'm working on an english summary, but am sending the original verses now just to keep the thread fresh. bassen
2. Den yngre kunna spinne lin,
3. Den yngre kunna spinne gull,
4. Den yngre kunna skipa mat,
6. "Hot sko me 'kon til Sjoar-å?"
7. "Me wil två 'kon kvite,
8. "Du må två deg nott og dag,
9. Om du tvær deg kvit som krit,
10. Du må två så kvit som du kan,
11. Om du tvær deg kvit som bein
12. Den yngre gjekk fyre som ei sol,
13. Den yngre gjekk fyre med utslegje hår,
14. Då dei kom åt Sjoar-å
15. Den yngre sette seg på ein stein,
16. Ho rette opp si kvite hånd:
17. "Ligg du der, og få du skam,
18. "Eg sko gjeva deg gull og jord,
19. "Ligg der du der, og hav du mein,
20. "Eg sko gjeva deg meire:
21. Eg sko gjeva deg be're:
22. "Inkje eg hjelper deg i land,
23. "Fyrr du sko få min festarmann,
24. Den eldre blei kledd i brurehus,
25. "De tek inkje av dei sløri små,
26. "Vel du toler soli skin,
27. Der kom vind av norde,
28. Der kom vind av austre
29. Der kom vind av are land,
30. Der gjekk tvo pilgrimar ut med å,
31. Dei toke hennar kvite kropp,
32. Dei toke hennar gule hår,
33. Dei toke hennar festar-ring
34. "Der sko vera bryllaup i neste by,
35. Dei tok den horpa unde skinn,
36. Dei sette seg i duragått:
37. Til svara strengjen fysste:
38. Til svara strengjen are:
39. Til svara strengjen tre'e:
40. Mælte no bruri raud som blod
41. Svara det brudgommen, bleik som bast:
42. Til svara strengjen fjorde:
43. Til svara strengjen femte:
44. Til svara strengjen sette:
45. Bruri tro på spilemanns fot,
46. Bruri tro på spilemanns tå:
47. Dei toke horpa slo imot jord,
48. Brudgomen heitar på sveinar två:
49. Hogge no older og eikje V.
50. Sundag sat bruri i høgsete boll,
Subject: Lyr Add: THE HARP or THE TWO SISTERS From: bassen Date: 28 Apr 99 - 02:11 PM Hi The following is pretty much a literal translation, if not word for word. I've tried to give the sense of the norwegian lines without adding too much explanatory english. Some of the verses really demand a complete rewrite; since I take it you're interested in what the norwegian version actually says, some of the verses ended up being poor english, but are close in structure to the original norwegian. Verses 24 - 26 are fragments of a larger segment which is lost: the gist of this part is the older sister is pretending to be her dead younger sister at the wedding, but the servants are aware that something is wrong. Hope this helps. I have an old vinyl from the 60's with Ingebjørg Liestøl singing among other things about 10 verses or so of "Horpa". If you can't find any other version I could try to tape that for you?
The Harp or The Two Sisters
1. There were two sisters in a castle
24. The older one was dressed in the bridal house
27. The wind came from the north
*("bast" is actually the fibrous layer between the bark and wood, used in preindustrial times in Norway for making rope among other things) bassen
Subject: RE: Two Sisters, a' Bhean Eudach, Horpa From: Philippa Date: 28 Apr 99 - 02:34 PM Bassen! How is your RSI? Of course you can send me a Basssen's Best tape (and send me your e-mail address with it)- this means I have to broadcast an address, but it's not my home address anyway: Philippa c/o Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Slèite, an t-Eilean Sgitheanach IV44 8RQ, Scotland Any other tapes from anyone with versions of this song are welcome. I would like to visit Norway again sometime and see your museum, Bassen. |
Subject: RE: Two Sisters, a' Bhean Eudach, Horpa From: Bobby Bob, Ellan Vannin Date: 16 May 99 - 10:06 AM No version in Manx, that I'm aware of, I'm afraid. Sorry not to have spotted your query earlier, and thanks for the nudge from the Tarry Flynn thread. Shoh slaynt, Bobby Bob |
Subject: RE: Two Sisters, a' Bhean Eudach, Horpa From: Susanne (skw) Date: 16 May 99 - 05:53 PM The version Havard mentioned is in the DT. Iain MacKintosh sings it on his and Brian McNeill's album 'Stage By Stage', with Brian playing the fiddle. Spine-chilling! It is an Appalachian version and, as they say in the notes, 'pared to the bone'. The DT gives the source. - Susanne |
Subject: RE: Two Sisters, a' Bhean Eudach, Horpa From: GUEST,Philippa Date: 27 Sep 00 - 05:15 PM at another thread, Malcolm Douglas provided a link to a Norwegian site with lyrics for over 100 versions of Dei to søstre |
Subject: RE: Two Sisters, a' Bhean Eudach, Horpa From: skarpi Date: 27 Sep 00 - 05:29 PM Hallo all , Philippa I am sorry I was not around when you called. Can anyone tell how is the melody of this song? I have never heard this nor did i know anything about it. I will however go to the Nationalbook center here in Iceland tomorrow and ask about this song, but first I need those Info. All the best skarpi Iceland. |
Subject: RE: Two Sisters, a' Bhean Eudach, Horpa From: skarpi Date: 27 Sep 00 - 05:53 PM Okei I have been listen to a media player at the DT base and i find this familiar song but, i cant remember it. I will ask around. All the best skarpi Iceland. Slán ljátt agus gora reif míla mahagat. I hope I did this right. |
Subject: RE: Two Sisters, a' Bhean Eudach, Horpa From: GUEST,Philippa Date: 28 Sep 00 - 05:04 PM slán leatsa agus go raibh mile maith agat! Did you use Icelandic phonetics? There are loads of different melodies and the one Norwegian tune I heard wasn't the same as any of the English language versions I've heard. The Scottish and Irish Gaelic song also has lots of different melodies. |
Subject: RE: Two Sisters, a' Bhean Eudach, Horpa From: Branwen23 Date: 28 Sep 00 - 05:18 PM Not really an answer to your question, but it's related... I know another version of the same story, a song written by Jennifer Mansfield, I believe... I don't have a recording, but someone else might. This one is from the perspective of the "bad" sister... The lyrics are posted in this Hearme thread: 'click' ...hope i did that correctly... -Branwen- |
Subject: RE: Two Sisters, a' Bhean Eudach, Horpa From: skarpi Date: 28 Sep 00 - 05:23 PM Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,...... Dear Philippa I just wrote it like a good Irish lady friend told me to do, just like you say it.It is easier for me to learn. I know I wrote it wrong. I have asked around for the lyrics, still no luck. I calling a friend who might help me. I listen to the midi files last night and I have to say that It rang bell but I a have to ask. All the best skarpi Iceland. Slán. |
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